Just saying Hi, new to this -35yo , need to take my life back

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by VulkanLives, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. VulkanLives

    VulkanLives Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,
    Thanks for having me in this community.
    I have tried multiple times throughout the years to stop my addiction to masturbation and porn, but I have failed each time. The furthest I have ever gone is about a month, when I joined the Army and was in the same barracks as 20 other dudes. I did a couple or three months without fapping, to the point my groin hurt and had to release. I do not count it as a success as I definitely do not feel better.
    I am at a tragic point where I cannot finish with my girl due to delayed ejaculation, and when I finish I had to do it myself. I cant feel anything anymore except my hand. My fap sessions last 4+ hours to the point I lose my night sleep and have to go with 2hrs of sleep to work. I am really desperate at this point, and I had to reset 3 times this week already, my willpower is so low, I feel like crap.
    Talking with a friend of mine about this makes me feel stronger and I know you guys are veterans and know exactly how I feel, so I am happy to be here.
  2. Welcome to NoFap bro, this is a good place to start. Look around the forums there is plenty of information u will find useful on your journey. Every reboot is different, u Wil decide how to start. Stick around share your story and ask questions, there is plenty of us in the same road.
  3. VulkanLives

    VulkanLives Fapstronaut

    I appreciate the reply, second day today, and I am already battling my brain, I am happy to find so many resources, thank you for the support!
  4. Good start, mate! On to day 3!
    VulkanLives likes this.
  5. rahuldeo

    rahuldeo Fapstronaut

  6. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

  7. rahuldeo

    rahuldeo Fapstronaut

    Today I watchd porn but did not masturbate...Do I need to reset my counter? Please advice
  8. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    It was just a slip