"Should I stay or should I go ?" (Sex drive edition)

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Jul 9, 2018.

After reading the first post, what do you recommand ?

  1. You should definitely stay with your wife

  2. I think you should stay, but you should wait until you are cured of all PMO

  3. I need more information in order to form an opinion

  4. I think you should leave, but you should wait until you are cured of all PMO

  5. You should not stay with her

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. Thank you very much for your heartfelt answer. I touched me profoundly. I feel a great relieve by reading what you shared, and by learning from our similarities.

    Yes, rejection can be really hurtful. I'm sick of continually experiencing it. Sometime I promise myself to never initiate sex again. To get revenge. It's silly and of course I can't do it. But it's a recurring thought. I also thought communication was the key, but after hundreds and hundreds of deep, long conversation, wether in person on by text or email, I do not see any big change... I'm quite depressed by it.
    She says she cannot commit to any amount of sex, as she has promised me countless times to schedule X or Y times a week/month and could never keep her promise. Never. She always found and excuse after another, said she's sorry, but I don't recall any really and lasting effort from her on the matter, and it drives me more and more depressed.
    Don't think that I believe that she has to do all the work, I know I have my part to work with and it's a big one, but I cannot do it alone if she just isn't able to to her part as well.

    Has Dewey for "Malcolm in the middle" said : I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed. That sums up my feeling pretty well.
    I heard her promises and was disappointed every time. Now, I do not believe her and I'm still disappointed when she failed to keep her promise.

    We talked calmly countless times about what could enhance her sexual mood. She just seems to be uninterested. She enjoys my various massages and cuddles, but it stays non-sexual in her head. She doesn't like sexual foreplay. More romance just lead to non-sexual cuddle. It's hopeless.

    If my porn-induced sex drives were to lessen, it will be a relieve. I'm not expecting anything in that matter. I just want to complete my year long PMO-free challenge. I was able to last a bit more than 4 month. I know I can do it. Fatigue, stress, boredom and anger managements are the culprits and triggers.
  2. Can you share a link to your journal ? I'll be more than happy to read it !

    Everything is exactly how you described it. And what to do with this irritation ? I personally try not to be verbally aggressive, but she can still feel that I'll all bottled up inside. Sports doesn't really help. Just being away from her, at work, seem to be the only thing to lessen the feeling.
  3. I 100% fully agree with all that you wrote !!! I never wanted the kind of "quick brutal sex" that porn displays. I've always been gentle, caring and loving with any of my partners. It's clearly the highest form of sharing, giving love, being one, spiritually and physically connected. A female orgasm, her orgasm, is the most rewarding and beautiful thing I know as well.

    But... But when I want something quick (i.e. ''when I'm unable to cope with the challenges of life and just want my dopamine fix'') I don't know what to turn to, except PMO. And that saddens me.
    Tannhauser likes this.

  4. When I think of leaving my wife the day after I used porn, I indeed am in full fantasy mode, imagining an endless flow of conquests while also retaining full freedom and independence. But all the other days, the choice is rather between "staying and trying again and again to improve my relationship and to quit PMO despite the hopelessness that I feel" and "leaving and having a life alone, without PMO, and eventually discover a new person along the way, a little bit more incline to sex (real, tender, loving sex, not just cuddles)".

    I have already lived alone and I don't mind it. I mind being addict and I want to be free of it.

    Something important that I should stress : she never minded that I watch porn. She never sees it as a betrayal. More like a "thing guys do". And that always bothered me, that she didn't mind. I always thought that she might be horrified or feel betrayed knowing I watched porn, but no. And that bothers a lot still.

    I do not want to act out what I see in porn. I just what to share something with her. I want her to be as active as I am. I want us to share something powerful and deep, emotionally and even spiritually. I do not objectify her. She always said she always felt respected and listened, like never before me. Maybe a bit in the beginning, before I was aware of the damage of porn. But know that I'm fully aware of the effects porn has on the brain and that I'm learning from it, she says she is fully satisfied. She doesn't have a problem with me. I have a problem with her attitude. She is very passive in bed, always has been.

    I know I still have a long way to go to be PMO-free.
  5. That's right that my brain is desensitized. I still enjoy what she gives me, but I believe you, I probably don't enjoy it as much as I should (compared to the future porn-free me).

    Unlike what seems to be common among porn addicts, I never experienced any lasting escalation in taste and intensity. I don't feel like my preference have ever really changed. Even while relapsing, I'm always turn off by extreme porn and such. I've been tempted, by the connected nature of the internet, to explore, but I always returned to my core preferences.

    I never felt that "what is this filth that I just watched?" sensation after PMO, unlike the common feeling shared on the forum. That's quite unsettling.

    But yeah, my porn taste are anyway "more" that what I'm getting with my wife, that's for sure.
    However she's still very passive, expecting me to do everything. She has a very selfish nature, and she is content by letting me do all the work, not realizing I need her to be active too. She knows it, we've talked about it countless times, but nothing has changed.

    She knows I want her to be more participative, she knows how I'd like her to proceed, and it's far from what I can see in porn. She tells me she doesn't like to take the lead, that like likes to relax and let me do all the work, and she feel sorry that I'm not satisfied. Yet she doesn't act any differently...

    Yes, you are absolutely right ! I noticed when I proposed things that I've seen in porn. Clearly it's a big no, and I fully respect that. But what I'm asking is just "normal sex" between married partner. She just isn't interested.

    Her pleasure depends on mine ??? That's a big shocker !!
    I always assume my pleasure depended on hers, so I always focused on her.

    I no longer project porn imagery on her. I was able to stop doing that some 2 or 3 years ago. Now I fully with her, in the moment, focused in the here and now.

    The thing is, I was regularly able to blow her mind. Her own words, there's no need in bragging, just stating a fact. But clearly I disrespected myself in the process. By focusing all my efforts and time on how to please her the most, I achieved just that. But I realize I was expecting her to have the same level of engagement towards me. I realize hurtfully that she was content being pleased, but she is far from having the same level of wanting to please me. I am very, very disappointed.
    I know it's not fair to resent her. She is the same woman I met years ago. I projected my own level on her, and that was clearly a mistake.

    In my experience, it has been : the more I blow her mind, the more she is content, the less often she needed sex (she said she was fulfilled), the more she rejected me (because her sensation of fulfill-ness lasted longer and longer), the less she proposition anything.
    Come to think of it, she really really really rarely propositioned sex.

    The only "logical" conclusion, in my recurring questioning, is that were are just not compatible. We were drawn to each other by love. But love and compatibility are two very different things.

    I'm crying internally... That's exactly what I've been doing for more than a decade now...
    She doesn't want me to do anything special. She says that everything I do is great, that she feels respected and loved, that she is fulfilled and doesn't want anything more or different. She reaches multiple orgasms every time !!!

    She's just selfish... I'm doing my best and she appreciate it, but almost never return the favor.
    I've never done anything with any "a favor for a favor" mindset, but after so much rejection I can't stand it anymore and I've realize how little she tries to please me compare to how much I invest myself into pleasing her.

    That's another thing. There is no betrayal feeling. She always known I watch porn. She told me she thought it was just a "guy's thing" when I try to explain my addiction. She was surprised I suffered from it. She had no idea. She never cared at all until I explained the addiction in details numerous times. She has no anger whatsoever towards me. She never showed any and always told me she felt no just things while discussing and reflecting on it calmly.

    I've been waiting for almost a decade now. I'm pissed off and aimless. I've been waiting and waiting, not asking for any sex, and she just never feels like it on her own. There is no catching up whatsoever...

    I'm waiting to successfully "cure" myself, that's for sure.

    I'm waiting for more appreciation from my part.

    But I've progressively giving up on her all the same. I feel dead inside and all tensed up while I've with her. I feel normal alone and with everyone else...
  6. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    What you say may be true, but your observations are coloured with pessimism and desperation. Through a more objective lens you may realise that your wife is not the passive and selfish lover that you are painting her to be. And even if she is, if that is the way that things have always been, then you have no right to insist that she changes. Looking at your counter, it seems you were either on a downward spiral or in the depths of a post-relapse depressive episode. Get a couple of weeks of sobriety and abstinence under your belt, or better still, the 90 days you are aiming for (and more beyond that) then come back and reread your posts. They come across to me as a desperate self-justification for acting out and relapsing. It is your addiction, not your true wants and desires expressed here.

    If love is what brought you together, then adapting to her appetites to preserve your love is preferable to leaving to scratch the itch of your PMO addiction/urges. The longer you wait between sex, the better it is. If better sex is what you want, then waiting for it is an easy way to achieve this goal. The rest will come in time. Do not expect your partner's behaviour and approach in the bedroom to dramatically change all at once.

    If you can't quit PMO while you have your (however infrequent) sex life with your wife, then how on Earth do you expect to quit when alone? You need to get a handle on this doom-spiralling. You say that your wife is selfish in bed. Are you? Be honest here. You are considering leaving because of a difference between how she behaves in the bedroom versus how you would want her to behave to meet your ideals and preferences fully. She is accepting your own sexual flaws. This is hugely generous. The more you appreciate her and the small gestures she makes to move towards what you want (and don't expect these to happen quickly: this isn't a search term that you can change to see an instant result) the more you will enjoy the sex you are having. The more you will appreciate your relationship (there are NO other aspects of the relationship that you have complained about: your preoccupation with having perfect sex all the time, caused by so much P use, seems to be your one complaint).

    The problem is you. Not your wife. A laptop is THE MOST passive of all 'lovers'. It shows you no affection, there is no emotional connection. It does not want you, it just does what you tell it without enthusiasm or love. Yet you have spent so much of your time in that toxic relationship. Your wife being typically feminine and preferring you to take charge in the bedroom is not a toxic behaviour or characteristic. She does want you. She does love you. She does want you to be happy.

    Change your expectations, and communicate your desires. Get out of this victim mindset you have cornered yourself into. Lots of people never find love. You are frittering it away.

    One of the way porn ensnares us is that is gives us unreasonable expectations about what good sex looks like. No matter how tame or vanilla the porn you prefer is, it is still centred around the man's pleasure. Porn is overwhelmingly created for men, and caters to male preferences. Of course the men in porn have to put in zero effort, have maximum reward, and effortlessly give their partners multiple orgasms without even trying, all while the woman insists and begs for things that really won't enhance the experience for her at all. But it is a lie. Empty, emotionless sex in front of a camera and several other men, where the woman is only there for a paycheck and to potentially feed her own addictions is NOT good sex. No matter how much it seems to focus on the man. It is a lie and a fiction.

    My advice is to stop thinking about this issue for at least a couple of weeks, potentially 90 days. Focus on what you say you would if you lived alone: getting free of your pmo addiction. Wait for your wife to initiate sex. You say it rarely if ever happens. It will eventually. Her appetite may be less than yours but it exists. And when she takes the lead and propositions you, you are getting what you say you want: for her to take the lead. You are also getting another thing that you say you want: an opportunity to recover and free yourself from the pmo addiction. Leaving your wife would be a form of acting out, in my opinion. If you love her, stay. Simple. Stop coming here to whine and to convince yourself that your wife owes you something more. You have accepted that you need to change: make those changes and see what happens.
  7. Susannah

    Susannah Fapstronaut

    Quite right. If you can recover and she can begin to feel safe and connected, she may surprise you.
    Deleted Account and NF4L like this.
  8. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    Standing ovation
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Susannah

    Susannah Fapstronaut

    Yes, very astute - your description of the situation keeps escalating and changing. It's as if you are determined to convince yourself. Excellent suggestion to wait a while, continue the recovery, then come back and read your posts.
    Deleted Account and samnf1990 like this.

  10. You're absolutely right about pessimism and desperation. I'm deeply depressed and desperate. I hope I can one day see through a more positive lens (I'm not sure there is such a thing as objectivity).

    You say I have no right to expect her to change, and I recognize the truth in this. But I can also feel a deep feeling inside me telling me that "if she cannot make me happy, why am I with her". I want to believe that it's the addiction talking. As you said, I was probably in the depths of a post-relapse depression. My whole life feels like an unending circle of depression and momentary joy. It's coherent with the logic of addiction, actually.

    The thing is I've manage to keep from relapsing for more than 4 months, and I still had those aching questions about wether or not we're meant to stay together. But still, I want to believe you, I want to believe that it's the addicting talking, otherwise the future seems darker still... If all my depression and dark questionings are indeed PMO-related, then I can have faith in a brighter future for my marriage after the "end" of the addiction.
    But if, when "cured", the question remains... well I don't want to think about it. I really want those questions to be PMO-related... If they are not, as I fear, then it makes the recovery even more difficult, because getting rid of PMO will then mean loosing my marriage.

    I know how that sounds, and I really wish to be all wrong, here.

    Love is indeed what brought us together, and I want to adapt, I want to learn how to relieve my inner tension without PMO and without sex, in order to really be with her when we'll be making love. I have a few ideas, like journal about the source of inner tension, talking more to friends, pursuing my life goals, making art, etc.

    After 11 years of difficulty, I'm still willing to try and to adapt to her. I'm like that.
    How can anyone know when they have tried enough times to recognize something beyond saving ?
    Another big fear of mine.

    Part of me believe that she's adding so much to my inner tension that she is one of the major source of my difficulty to stop this addiction. I know it sound like I don't take my responsibility on this, and maybe it's true, I don't know. All I know is that she's driving me crazy. You said that I didn't complain about other aspect of my relationship : I consider sex as the tip of the iceberg of a couple's problematic. If sex isn't doing so good, it shows a deeper issue. And yes, PMO is a biiig part of it, no denying. But they are other problems here, and I wasn' too keen on sharing them at first :
    - We have a haaard time communicating. She often doesn't understand me, doesn't remember simple things. It feels like she's nagging and bugging me all the time for no reason. I don't do that to her. It feel unjust and unjustified.
    - I feel like I'm making all the efforts in the couple. It has always been me who point out the issues, who researched the potential solutions, who got in touch with this or this therapeutist, who initiate deep conversation, etc. I feel she's just "going with the flow", not making any effort to stir us in the right direction. I feel exhausted. I sense no will in her. She promises to think about it, to change this and that, to keep this or that in mind, but it has always been empty promises.
    - Like in the Maslow Pyramid, I feel like my esteem needs are not net. I often feel disrespected by her although I'm making a priority to act according to what she ask.

    We have beginning seeing a sexologist a month ago, and I bought the great books "for women only" and "for men only" by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn. Amazing reads ! I deeply recommend them. According to those books, a lot of our problem are "classical problems" in couples, so there is still hope. And the sexologist feels like she'll be able to help us both, so here's another piece of hope for me as well !

    But you're right, maybe I'm expecting too much, or too "in the wrong direction".

    You're also absolutely right about the victim mindset. I know I have it. It's not the first time I'm hearing this. I'm just unable to see it, being so deeply in it. I hope one day I'll be out of it and will be able to see this more clearly.
    I realize that only people outside of me can see clearly this victimism of mine. I'm too deep in this to be able to see really comprehend the ramifications of it. I can only feel that "something feels wrong" in certain on my sentences, but I'm not yet able to put my finger on it. Hope this is also a mindset that will go away with the recovery.

    Lots of people doesn't find love, I hear you. But how many people are stuck in bad relationships ? And how can I know if I'm in one of them or not ? (that's the reason I started this thread)

    "If you love her, stay."
    Yep... I feel so much fog inside me that I'm not even sure I still know what real love is.
    I really hard to say, but sometimes I'm not sure I'm still loving her. This thought is killing me slowly.

    I want to believe all you have generously taken the time to write. I want it to be true, and I will get rid of this addiction. I *AM* getting rid of it. I started this journey on september 2015, and I'm willing to heal myself completely.
    Thank you so very much for all you have written !!!
    samnf1990 and Susannah like this.
  11. Thanks a lot. I want to believe it.
    I'm unable to deeply feel the truth in your words, but I know you're right.
    Thank you.
  12. Yeeeaaaaah... I can be pretting devious with myself, so I wouldn't be surprise if you were 100% right on this. Thanks a lot for your advice and observation ! They are indeed precious !
    Susannah likes this.
  13. samnf1990

    samnf1990 Fapstronaut

    Nothing is ever easy. Nothing is ever sure. Love can burn more brightly at different times. I am willing to bet that your doubts have more to do with your porn difficulties, and the huge positive changes you are making in your life, than they have to do with your wife.

    You are seeing the logical truth in the advice you are being given. That is an excellent step forward. You are making progress.

    You want to feel that the information we are giving you is true. That shows how dearly you want your relationship to be saved. To be preserved. To be upheld, honoured, improved and bolstered. Your NoFap efforts are contributing to your relationship improving and will continue to.

    A bad relationship is not one where you want more of the good stuff because you have an over-active appetite for it. A bad relationship is one where the other person makes you feel unvalued, not respected, not loved. You say you feel like you are the one making all of the effort in the relationship, but every person in every relationship feels that way. We notice the work that we have to do precisely because it is the work that we have to do. You have the good aspects of your relationship. You are willing to change for the better for her. She is also willing to change for the better for you. Just as your journey to improve yourself and rid porn from your life is not immediate, simple or easy, neither will any of the changes that your wife is trying to make for your benefit. She is going to the sexologist with you. You made a request, she is agreeing to your suggestion and following through by joining you in this journey to a better sex life.

    A note on objectivity: No request or complaint is ever, objectively, a nag. Nagging is defined solely by the attitude of the nagged. If you are 'nagged' about the same things repeatedly (ie, your wife makes the same requests of you over and over, or points out the same behaviour of yours that she dislikes, over and over) then rather than feeling frustrated or nagged about it, see it as an opportunity to improve yourself for her benefit. Every time you actually deliver on meeting her requests, or avoid behaviour that irritates her, you are having a successful communication (something that you say you want more of). If she makes a request and you cheerfully oblige (rather than reacting negatively or calling her out for nagging), you are showing that you hear her, you value her wants and desires, and you are willing to do the work to fulfil them, and follow through on that promise. You are never going to have the enthusiastic lover you want if you blow up over being asked to empty the bins or put the toilet seat down (or whatever specific annoyances you cause in your particular relationship).

    For a long time I wanted to receive more of a specific sex act, and I felt like the actual frequency of that sex act translated as an unwillingness to make an effort to meet my wants, desires and needs. Whenever I chose to dwell on the issue, and allow myself to feel bad about not having more of this thing that I liked, THAT I WAS ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING but at intervals my porn-addled mind deemed too infrequent, I felt shitty and hard-done-by. When I shifted my focus on how to model the behaviour that I wanted to see in my life (ie more spontaneous generosity and indulging in the other partner's preferred fantasies) by focusing on her needs rather than mine, I was creating the circumstances where my wife felt compelled to perform this act out of her own impulses, not at my request. Where I made a point of making as many little loving gestures throughout the day, of doing and being the things that I know she likes the most, of making her feel loved, valued and appreciated, that is where the spontaneous generosity came in.

    Obsessing about the negative aspects of your relationship will make them grow, whether objectively or in your own perception of them. You will never be happy if you choose to focus on what makes you sad. Shift your focus on to the positives that are already there, and onto the ways you can improve your wife's experience within your relationship. A happy wife really does result in a happy life. Those areas of your relationship (both sexual and non-sexual) that you wish to improve will stop bothering you so much when you stop worrying about them. They will also improve in their own time.

    You know a lot of this intellectually, and claim not to be able to feel it yet. Follow our advice, and you will be able to feel the positive results. The proof is in the pudding. Do what you can to be the best version of yourself, the best husband, the best lover. Your own experiences will improve as a result. You'll see.

    Congratulations on maintaining your streak. Keep it up.

    An afterthought: It would give me more confidence in your success if you could reply to this message with a list of things you love about your wife. Only positives, without "when she used to..." or "she will rarely...". What do you love about her NOW? And also, a list of things that you are going to do to get out of this emotional slump you have gotten yourself into: a few positive actions that you are going to take to improve your situation. No more negativity (in that response at least). It can sometimes feel good to vent, but focusing exclusively, or even predominantly, on the negative will leave you sour and twisted.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. el10

    el10 Fapstronaut

    In my experience, when you reboot, everything related to sex begins to be less and less important in your life and in your mind. You think that you are a sexual beast and that it is the most important thing in your life. But the more recovered your brain is, the less you "need" that amount of sex. You'll be more attracted for your wife, and probably she will be more attracted by you. And you'll definetely will invest more time in seduce her, which will probably give you more chances to have sex...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Faceplanter

    Faceplanter Fapstronaut

    I agree that a full reboot might be helpful to gain perspective and appreciate the times you do have.. . But I also get having to figure out if you should leave or not.

    First, make sure you separate her actions or lack thereof from your PMO quitting efforts .... Work on both but they cannot be related. Second, work out with the counselor a plan for her "recovery". Third, give the plan some time and forth decide when you need to decide to stay or leave.

    I am in a sexless marriage and have given myself about 13 months to get to step 4, hopefully I never get to step 4. I am hopeful now (a big change from a short time ago) but I also know to have low expectations.

    Step 5 is the decision itself. That depends on kids or no kids, how likely you get along in general with you wife, how attractive she is to you versus who you might meet after dating etc.

    Anyways, since PMO isn't the betrayal issue for her as is often the case, you might be open and honest about your thoughts about leaving, probably best at the counseling session. That might help, might not, but honestly is a big thing in marriage and one that I know I wasn't living up to.... I just think it would be better to be crystal clear that you aren't giving up but you will have to eventually make a decision about leaving.

    Until then, be all in with your marriage and I hope you can turn this around. You sound like you are on the right course, so I hope that it's just a matter of time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Faceplanter

    Faceplanter Fapstronaut

    Everyone's answer will be different to the question of "is Sex overrated?". If everyone felt sex was over rated, these forums would be quite empty. But, you are right that there are a lot of other factors that should be considered and not just sex.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Life is too short

    Life is too short Fapstronaut

    Sounds like your sex drive is an addiction. Try intimacy... keep your underwear and shorts on and just cuddle and rub her body. Get both of you aroused then let her know you don't want sex but want to feel intimate.
    It worked for me.
    Susannah and Deleted Account like this.
  18. First of all, thank you so very much for everything that you wrote. You are a luminous being and your light shine very bright in your writings. I'm feeling very honored that you answered me with so much compassion and detailed advices. I'm deeply grateful.

    I've tried and tried and tried. I'm very patient and passionate, I've tried to focus only on massaging and caressing her in non-sexual ways, the way she likes. But none of it have ever changed her sexual appetite. She just doesn't like sex as much as I do. She told me so herself, many times. It always felt like she told me "you'll never be happy with me".

    I'm so emotional these last few days, I feel like crying all the time. I feel shattered and mad.

    But I've always tried to be the best husband possible for her, and she's very grateful and happy with me (her words). She feels very lucky to have found me. Ho man, I'm so unhappy. I feel a heavy dark mass on my heart.
  19. All right, here's what I love about her, in no particular order :
    - She doesn't want children
    - She likes living in the countryside
    - She is very nature-oriented and very conscious about the urgency of taking care of our environment
    - We like the same music
    - She likes my friend
    - She likes going to concerts, like me
    - She likes medieval stuffs
    - She loves animals and pets and she takes good care of them
    - She loves gardening and growing our own food
    - She doesn't spend the money we don't have
    - She's smart (also she keep saying she's not)
    - We like the same movies
    - She likes staying at home
    - She loves deep conversations late at night
    - She loves... me. That's something I never thought possible, but it's true. She knows everything about me, the best and the worst, and still she loves me.
    - She is very kind
    - She can have the most beautiful eyes and smile
    - She has a beautiful figure
    - She loves me despite all my flaws (I know, I'm repeating myself, but it's very important)
    - She's very honest, straightforward and frank
    - She has a strong mind and a strong will
    - She has a good and gentle heart

    What I'm going to do to kick my own ass out of this emotional slump :
    - Continue my (and our) journey with the sexologist
    - Using the tools the sexologist is giving me (completing emotional charts, for example)
    - Keep working on my professional project
    - Don't dwell too much on this matter, although I don't believe I can do it
    - Keep doing yoga
    - Allowing myself some recreational time : video games and book reading
    - Maybe starting a dairy, although I fear I would be dwelling too much on the dark stuffs
    samnf1990 likes this.
  20. Well I hope you are right. I want you to be right. I'm focusing on my professional project, on keeping my professional and personal schedule, on giving me time to unwind, etc. I'm trying to focus on everything but sex and PMO. It's hard, and I stumble a lot, but I'm still trying my best, giving the circumstances.

    Will I be able to be happy with a small amount of sex, and to hold longer between two intercourse ?