Ex-abortionist and Planned Parenthood Employee Speak Out

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. I agree on the education-part.. but cost, I have to disagree on the impact of it, it's huge.

    If you make things more expensive, it'll be bought less, that's a fact, a practical and simple solution immediately realizable. Also, some people are hard to educate, I think everyone has had experience on that.
    I'm not sold on the making it illegal solution, it seems like too much of a 180 at this point and you wouldn't get enough votes on it. Maybe in the future. I'd rather prefer a step-by-step strategy now.
    I get that it's an emotion-driven topic and that it's heartbreaking to see, but I see little to no chance that you'd get through with such a proposal easily, you have lot's of politics opposing you, a big economy and peoples ignorance.
  2. I agree that it could make a big immediate impact, but I disagree that it would be any easier to achieve than making abortion illegal. People arent going to go for making abortions outrageously expensive so that nobody will get them. The woman in the second video said she paid about 400 dollars for one of hers, which is not cheap in my opinion. But she still did it.

    I agree. Barring a miracle from God, I have very very little hope that abortion will ever be illegal. But I don't really think jacking up the prices is much more likely to happen, because everyone will know that's why they're doing it. I'm all for doing anything that will reduce the amount of abortions happening, including making them more expensive and less easy to get. But I dont think that's going to happen.

    Also, one interesting moral dilemma that the doctor in the first video made me think about, is that if abortions are such an easy procedure and they cost so much, doctors would probably want to try to sell them even harder. And especially abortion clinics that don't do anything else but abortions. That's extra incentive for them. The doctor mentioned making 800 bucks in 15 minutes from doing an abortion. That's not cheap for the woman, and that is an insanely high paycheck for the doctor. So I'm not entirely convinced that raising prices would have as big of a result as you think.
  3. Also, the thing is, I'm not necessarily even talking about laws in this thread. Or at least that's not why I made this thread. I made this thread to share some videos that people might be able to use to educate people to change their minds about abortion and see the truth. There are a lot of good quotes in those videos that refute popular pro-choice arguments, and they come from a very valid source.

    If we ever DO have any hope of making abortion illegal, I think the way to do it is to start talking about it more and show people the truth instead of just screaming at them that they're baby-killers. Have actual conversations with actual facts. Show them reality, and maybe they will start to change their minds. And if enough people change their minds, then we would have a better chance in a vote. That seems to be the only way, in my opinion, to ever have this insanity abolished once and for all.
    Christian Fox likes this.
  4. From my point of view, 400$ is a bargain. I'm a student, have low income and can easily save that in 2 months, plus, I have 400$ available at all times anyways, so do lots of people. Abortion would be easily accessible for me at least.

    "doctors would probably want to try to sell them even harder"

    Try selling a 10K operation that once was 1/20th of that. They won't succeed in doing that. I'd do the following: Given the low hygiene standards, abortion-clinics need to step up their game, that would increase the price. They need to inform the potential mother as it would be stated in a law. Rising Tax on 2nd, 3rd and following abortions. And the list of options continues. My point is, immediate action acts as a catalyst for change, starting with small adjustments like increased hygiene, that nobody could say no to, up to the point of taxing repeated abortions. To hopefully making them illegal in the end, but the latter I wouldn't even mention if I'd campaign.
    I guess we just have different approaches on how to solve the problem, at least we can agree that it is one that needs to be solved.
  5. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  6. Well... statistically, most people are not in that position.

    Yeah, I'm not gonna argue about it or anything. That's not really the point of this thread in my opinion.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Honestly, looking at 100 cases, I have more thumbs than the number of abortions that would be anywhere near “qualified” that most pro-choicers cry over. The remaining cases should be banned, imo. Even medical reasons I’m shaky on because misdiagnoses occur all the time.

    But there are so many alternatives to abortion. Birth control, protection, emergency contraceptives, adoption, raising the kid on your own...

    The problem with abortion is it’s used by people who don’t want responsibility. It’s the lazy, cowardly way out of a tough situation. Sorry, I know the truth hurts.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah. Many people do not realise that just because they could, doesn't mean they should. Even if something is lawful (according to human laws) does not mean it is right according to God's laws.
  9. So are you Jesus aka AJ?
  10. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  11. 40:10

  12. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Am I a tit? No.
  13. Absolutely. There are so many examples of people who are alive and well today, perfectly healthy, whose parents were told, when they were in the womb, that they wouldnt be viable or they would have tons of health problems or whatever.

    Also, when it comes to like... removing a fetus who has died in the womb, or literally saving a woman's life where there is no other choice, that's different. But as the doctor in the first video said, there is never a reason to perform a late term abortion rather than simply inducing labor or doing a c-section. And doing an abortion at that stage could even be more dangerous for the woman than just giving birth.
    Christian Fox and MLMVSS like this.
  14. Celibi

    Celibi Fapstronaut

    I've read many opinions here but I don't agree to all of them. First of all if a family doesn't have enough money to raise up a lot of children what should they do? Let all the children to get born and then die because of starvation. What's the point here? And I'm not talking about America, but other poor countries for example those from the eastern Europe. And let's not forget the overpopulated countries like China and India. In the next decades how do you think they are going to feed all that population who is growing and growing? I don't say that abortion is a good thing, but unfortunatelly sometimes is necessary.
  15. Well, you were saying the same thing as he was saying.
  16. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    I feel the topic of making abortion legal or illegal is the distraction conversation. Whether there is an abortion law or not people are still going to find a way to get the job done. I wouldn't even call abortion necessary. It's more a symptom of another problem. For example, all the time and resources spent on porn and fighting off a porn addiction could have been put toward helping a lady bring her child to term or to better educate people on being responsible with sex. We're all just as lost as the people getting the abortions and those doing the procedure.
  17. And anyway who's to say he's not Jesus? Jesus did say he would return and so much of what is believed about Christ's return is from popular imagination anyway. He may be a tit but the gospel writers may be tits as well. He's just claiming what the gospel writers claimed themselves.
  18. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

  19. Regardless of what people think about whether abortion should be legal, about when it might be morally justifiable etc, it would surely be better if a lot of people took it a damn sight more seriously. Then maybe we could have the compassion not to go round manically busting nuts in random vaginas / having random nuts bust in our vaginas. For example, among my peers the meaningless slogans such as MY BODY MY CHOICE are hammered so much into the consciousness that abortion is seen as barely any big deal, just a late form of birth control really- and this is taken as self evident truth. If you question it get ready for a barrage of outrage (you know, the antifa kind of barrage- from people who are terrified of learning something they don't want to know).

    Man I met a woman who preferred oral etc to conventional penetrative sex once...really wish it could work out between us- would be so easy from a moral standpoint.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. As an aside Celibi, in a lot of the kind of places you mentioned, they actually deliberately have as many kids as possible. Basically because there's a big chance a lot of the kids won't survive, and they want to have some kids to look after them when they are old and can't work the field or whatever. Reality is brutal.

    keep fighting