Can men cry?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Captain Anurag, Feb 4, 2019.

  1. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    I'm into 4th week, For past few days I am feeling depressed and lonely. It's not like I don't have friends actually I have many caring and loving one but I keep running towards those people who doesn't even care about my existence. I don't feel like hanging out with my friends, they feel like strangers, I can't express myself to them, I can't be real with them. It always feels like I am acting someone else. Sometimes I feel porn and masturbation are not the problem, the real problem is ME. Am I a born loser ? Like some people are destined to succeed I am destined to fail. If I cry I will become a bigger loser. Can I cry I want to.
  2. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    It can be difficult to force yourself to cry. I found talking to a psychologist helped me let it out. It did frustrate me too though as that don't truly get what you're feeling. Don't be surprised too if they tell you what you don't want to hear or make you feel uncomfortable.

    Another good way is to watch a tear jerking movie. Cheaper method.

    Nothing wrong with letting out a bit of emotion brother. Just be sure smile once you have you let go of the pain inside.

    Always surround yourself with positive people as much as you can. Don't do something because you want to fit in. Do it because it makes you feel good because you're doing the right thing
  3. CTRL + DEL

    CTRL + DEL Fapstronaut

    Yes you can cry.

    I recommend you do it just before bed so you sleep really well.
  4. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Yes, you can. Think about all people who cry when they have an emotional moment. Are they losers? No? So why should you be a "loser" if you cry?

    And about the friends... it's all conditional. They will never understand you, nor are they with you to understand you.
  5. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Cry if you want or feel the need to. Let those emotions out, don't hold them in.
  6. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    I cry everytime when i have to. I don't choose it, it just comes out. We're human, thats why we have this ability. Make use of it.

    But don't let this shit get a hold of you. You have to build yourself up, especially when you are in a depression. You have to fight it. The videos i linked were a tremendous help for me personally, and i listen to them on regular bases, to this day. That shit build me up and is really powerful.
    I actually have them on youtube red so i can listen to them offline as well.
    Everytime i feel down, i force myself to listen to something like that.
    Try to write. Write on this forum, let everything out. Trust me, that helps as well.

    And nobody is destined to fall or have a shitty life. Thats fucking bullshit. Some just have a really hard card they have been dealt.

    NEVER fucking EVER compare yourself to others. ONLY EVER compare yourself to how YOU were yesterday...
    There is motivation for everything out there mate.
    Make a list with everything you think is fucked up in your life.
    Then, find EVERYTHING available on the internet to deal with whatever you have on your list. There is a solution for everything.
    But the MOST IMPORTANT THING is that you have to find a reason for yourself why you want that. The reason is what keeps you going.

    And then, whatever you have to do to work on yourself, fucking do it.

    Kick people out of your life that provide no benefits. You want to feel good around your friends, they are supposed to help you through life and be an anchor. I only have 2 people i regularly talk to and see as my close friends. The rest are regular friends and people i know, or family. I could move away and i wouldn't miss them much.

    We humans have the capacity to be dragged in by bad thoughts like a spider who is trapped in quicksand, but we also have the capacity to jump in the depths with a rope and face our fears head-on.

    I am feeling so much better about myself, partly because i have a shitload of motivational speakers on my phone and saved in my "watch later" of my youtube feed.
    Les Brown, Will Smith, Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Alan Watts, Tyrese Gibson, there are so many.

    Just listen to those 3 videos, PLEASE

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
  7. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    Thanks your post was very helpful
    control your life and letter like this.
  8. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I recently wept inside a packed food court. No shame. I didn’t force it, it just happened.

    I think I’ve cried almost every day since:

    It can be easier in private, where the worries of judgement won’t choke your eyes. Just....
    control your life likes this.
  9. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Of course! By all means you can cry. It's hard for men to shed tears and wail but you can try. It helps with healing from what I understand. I cried the first time I learned that I suffered a PIED episode. I slept the rest of the day after that. It's rough but you got to let it out. Let that sadness ebb away!
    Brown Sugar and Coffee Candy like this.
  10. Johnnybgud3

    Johnnybgud3 Fapstronaut

    Feeling depressed and lonely is absolutely normal. The depression is coming from deep inside letting you know that it is time for renewal, to change your mentality, your outlook and therefore your life. I too am going through the loneliness right now and at least in my case what I found through searching for info, talking with others etc is that the answer to the loneliness is you have to learn to be alone and that is done by loving yourself, love all your ugly parts, acknowledge and remind yourself of your best parts, your strengths. This goes to the part of feeling like you cannot open to your friends, there is something that will be hard to accept but once you do it is so freeing that you'll cry from joy when it hits you, you are NOT responsible for anyone else's feelings, when you express yourself, yes some may leave, some may not care and some may even outright reject you and it will hurt but it is an important step because not only will this help you grow but those who are truly your friends who really care about you will be revealed and they will flock to you. As far as destiny my friend, destiny is what you make it, if you believe you are loser it is your destiny, if you believe you will succeed it is also true. I know it sounds cliche but it true. As far as crying, cry when you need to brother, there is no shame in crying, just make sure once the pain has left for the moment you're able to wipe your tears and keep going, never give up. I found journaling to be immensely helpful in those moments when you want to cry, just getting it out on a computer screen or notebook is extraordinarily helpful. I tell you all these based on what I have seen and learned from my own scars, I hope it helps, never give up.
  11. ImpureHuman

    ImpureHuman Fapstronaut

    In a depressed state nothing else work, crying is the best way to release the pain. It works well for me. There is no shame in that since emotions are same for all. In that state of mind, we accept the situation is real and look for solutions other than looping the same question in mind.
    Captain Anurag likes this.
  12. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  13. ProtagonistOfMyLife

    ProtagonistOfMyLife Fapstronaut

    Nah bro, you are overthinking it. You seem like you are brooding a lot and that will make you unhappy. Just because you feel like a loser right now doesn't mean you will always feel like a loser. Just because you are addicted right now, doesn't mean you will always be addicted.
    Take it slowly, step by step, one at a time, but never stop going forward. Be consistent, never stop moving forward, never stop believing.

  14. "Raindrops are falling on my head, but that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red, crying's not for me - I'm never going to stop the rain by complaining"
    Captain Anurag likes this.
  15. Irator

    Irator Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel
    Captain Anurag likes this.
  16. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    Went through the same phase ?? How did you weather it ??
  17. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Seek positive people. You have to share with someone even if it's only for one time. You cannot do this alone. It's simply too hard. We all are here for each other but only an online chatting forum. Get on the phone with someone or go to a library where just sitting besides other people makes a difference. Trust me it does. Go to your neighborhood bar for dinner rather than eat alone. Small things will make a big difference.
    fire.bird and Irator like this.
  18. Irator

    Irator Fapstronaut

    Sort of. I feel like i dnt want to be around friends. Talk to certain ppl that i just need to stay away for. Im always feeling lonely and depressed. I feel like a loser most of the time.
    Captain Anurag likes this.
  19. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    What helped you get over it ?
  20. Irator

    Irator Fapstronaut

    I'm still dealing with it.
    Captain Anurag likes this.