The Race to 90 - To the victor goes the title

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Jefe Rojo, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. This challenge is to help us reach our goal of 90 days without ____. Your goal must at a minimum include no P and no O (unless the O is with your SO). WDs don’t count as we have no control over if and when they happen. The first person to go 90 days without resetting will be the winner. The award for winning will be that everyone in this group will refer to the winner as Most Honorable ____ on any post you reply to them on or mention them in. This is done out of respect for their being the first to go 90 days. If (or when) they end up resetting they lose that title and become like the rest of us again :). Runners up will also receive the title of Sir____ or Madame ____ once they hit 90, but will likewise lose their title if they reset. Ties are allowed. You can maintain your title indefinitely if you never reset again :) . If, during the challenge, you reset, keep going! You can still win (it's the first person to hit 90 days and that may take a while!). Even after someone wins you can still receive the title of Sir or Madame ____ when you hit 90 (after all, 90 days is quite the accomplishment!)

    A couple of rules:

    Rule #1: Your counter must be under 10 days to join. If it is over 10 days you must take a handicap so that your count starts at 10 days even though your counter may show more days.

    Rule #2
    We encourage each other in this group. We will practice being happy for other people and their accomplishments - aka, we will swallow our pride and give accolades when they are due. No taunting or gloating will be allowed. If you are caught doing this you will be suspended from the group for 10 days and will be penalized 10 days. If it happens a second time you will be suspended indefinitely. If you do this after you earn a title you will be striped of that title (after all, you will not have earned that title by yourself ;) ).

    Rule #3 - this group will be small but in no case will exceed 20 people.

    Rule #4 - No advertising or pushing your beliefs on anyone.

    Rule #5 - Have fun and recover together! Check in every once in a while to see the standings!

    Rule #6 - You must post your goal so we can track it. It must reflect your day counter. It must be a challenging goal for you. If, at any time you feel like your goal is not challenging enough you can always upgrade your goal (without penalty) but you cannot downgrade your goal without restarting your streak.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Game4g, Abhi513 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. My goal is no PMO for 90 days (but one day at a time of course! :) ).
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
    Andy Dufresne likes this.
  3. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    Take each day one at a time! Celebrate the single day victory each day and before you know it you'll have gone 90 days! Hang in there my friend!
    boichy, Andy Dufresne and Jefe Rojo like this.
  4. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Thanks Jefe!
    So my goal is 90 days without P & O (unless with SO or eternal night time emission). I'm allowing myself M without O as I believe this to be more achievable but still VERY challenging! :)

    A big part (by no means all) of my motivation for doing this is to get back the wasted time I spend on 'junk' internet surfing and be a better, more productive person. So I'm going to 'upgrade' the definition of 'porn' I've been using (which during my first 10 days has been avoiding images and videos which are blocked from my phone) to include anything which artificially induces sexual fantasy - including but not limited to;
    * Images or videos (unless whereby by 'accident' and even then I can't use this as an excuse to follow up with more images/videos)
    * Erotic stories (already been 10 days on this one)
    * ASMR - bit of a weird one as this isn't predominantly erotic but I know for me this is a 'risk' trigger which leads me to the wrong type of youtube videos which effectively become a 'porn lite'

    I may upgrade again later but want to walk before I run!

    I'd also encourage us all to share times when we are finding it (or have found) the challenge particularly difficult f - so we can encourage each other to keep going (no dirty tactics lol) and any tips you learn along the way!

    Good luck guys!
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  5. Nice goal Andy! Good luck to you too! I agree, let’s communicate often about our goals and the challenges we face as we try to accomplish them.

    The beauty of the upgrade option is the opportunity to up your game as you get stronger! I agree, let’s first walk before we run.

    Oh, and I edited the rules so that WDs don’t count since we can’t control when and if they happen. Plus you are asleep so your not really experiencing an O.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
  6. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

  7. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    The following is from the book Your Brain On Porn by Gary Wilson:


    Edging is masturbating up to the edge of orgasm, repeatedly, without climaxing (often while browsing porn). This practice is not uncommon on ‘nofap’ forums where people sometimes persuade themselves that avoiding ejaculation is the issue and porn use is not.

    A rebooter explains why edging is unwise:

    Instead of achieving orgasm and ending it, you train your brain to be bathing in arousing neurochemicals for hours. It’s the worst thing you can do, bar none. The worst. I think most of us weren’t addicted to porn, but rather to edging to porn.

    In men, edging stresses the prostate. Also, it does not prepare you well for sex with a real person, as it’s typically tied to prolonged visual stimulation, rapid-fire novelty, clicking from scene to scene, and your own hand (or sex toy).

    Dopamine is at its peak on the verge of orgasm. Therefore edging also keeps dopamine as high as it can naturally go, perhaps for hours. The brain is getting strong signals to strengthen the associations between arousal and whatever the viewer is watching, be it fetish or merely screen. Chronically elevated dopamine also risks causing addiction-related brain changes, such as decreasing sensitivity to pleasure.
    So I would not recommend M without O my friends.
    Proxied and boichy like this.
  8. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Thanks Grandpa61 - yep 'edging' can be even worse so defo avoid this
    On the flip side, by cutting out M altogether (i.e. any 'pleasurable' touching whatsoever) I doubt I'd make it past a couple of days (before willpower even enters the equation - I don't even realise I'm doing it sometimes!).
    Probably something to watch carefully and avoid as much as possible though
    Thanks for the advice
    Jefe Rojo and Grandpa61 like this.
  9. AEC Josh2415

    AEC Josh2415 Fapstronaut

    Okay. I am abstaining from PM, and O is limited to only a certain way with my wife. I started at on 12/20/18.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  10. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    I found a list of resources at the link below. When you get to the profile click information.

    Hope this helps my friends!
  11. Hi Josh2415! Thanks for your interest in joining this group. Did your counter either start or restart on Or before 12/11? If not, please refer to the rules at the top of this thread. We don’t mean to be exclusive but we all have to have started at the same time. Thanks. Nice goal by the way! :)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
    Abhi513 likes this.
  12. One thing at a time for sure! You can always upgrade later but it sounds like your goal is going to be plenty challenging. The beauty of this competition is that you start from where you are, on your specific level. We challenge ourselves, and if we shortchange ourselves by setting our goals to be too easy we are only cheating ourselves. This goal should make us struggle and really reach and once we are on higher ground we can reach even higher!
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  13. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

  14. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Very true! I'm not going to beat myself up about the M or fantasies but going to avoid to the degree I can - hopefully making the whole thing easier!

    So last night, my head hit the pillow about 1am after a couple of xmas drinkies and film with my wife. Have to say the temptation for a bit of (non sexual) ASMR was strong. Managed to resist though - the temptation passed the minute I put my phone down on the floor and shut my eyes/off to sleep. Definitely benefiting from 'no phone in bed' rule!
    Grandpa61 and Jefe Rojo like this.
  15. AEC Josh2415

    AEC Josh2415 Fapstronaut

    I guess I misunderstood the intent of that rule. I read it as meaning to prevent someone already at 89/90 from joining you and claiming the honor on the very next day. Yes, my counter started on 9/20/2002, but I've had some restarts since then :D. Anyway, please PM me if you change your mind. --AEC
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  16. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    This is added to the bookmarks! Some very useful content - there's so much out there, it's useful to have one single place to get a lot of useful help without spending hours searching. Thanks again!
  17. Hey @Andy Dufresne and @HawM , how goes the battle my friends? We are officially 1/9th of the way there :) !
  18. Abhi513

    Abhi513 Fapstronaut

    How do I join mate? Is there any whatsapp group or something?
  19. Hi Abhi513! Please read the 1st post on this thread to see if you qualify. If you have 15 days or more you can join. Take care!
  20. Abhi513

    Abhi513 Fapstronaut

    Okay I do have 20 days but I want to start fresh on the group from 1 day, is that possible? And yes I would love to join, please tell me how to enter