Is that healthy to do HARD MODE for years ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by XosamaX, Dec 25, 2018.

  1. XosamaX

    XosamaX Fapstronaut

    and is that really possible ????
    Hank Pym likes this.
  2. md70

    md70 Fapstronaut

    why would someone do hard mode for years??!
    IMO abstinence from sexual activities for long time is against our nature and i don't see any benefits doing this, we and our ancestors had sex for thousand years, it's a natural thing, i think most Fapstronauts have two main problems, porn addiction and virginity which both lead to frequent masturbation, what is the ultimate solution?? quit pornography, wait a couple of months and then start dating and have sex with real people. hard mode for years is just running from your problem which is lack of courage/confidence to have sexual relation with real people.
  3. Skyfall1125

    Skyfall1125 Fapstronaut

    Sexual release is not a need in life. It is a want/desire. So to answer your question, yes you will survive and can have a very fulfilling life without sex. It is here to enrich our lives and seal the physical bond of love between man and woman. And out of love, comes life. Just be careful with what you listen to on this topic, especially on this website, and including from myself. A lot of folks will tell you what they think. I encourage you to search for truth yourself.
    SirErnest, Dagger323, u376 and 4 others like this.
  4. XosamaX

    XosamaX Fapstronaut

    because the semen is liquid of life that we should not waste it , there is no Convincing reason to [ ejaculate ] you will lose alot of energy
    chubiwu likes this.
  5. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    I agree completely with @md70

    It could also be between 2 women or 2 men or multiple people.

    Really? Procreation?
  6. XosamaX

    XosamaX Fapstronaut

    only for procreation
  7. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    You should really answer questions more carefully...How about for providing a semen sample for medical diagnosis of infertility? How about for treatment of insomnia? How about treating certain sexual disorders? How about if your partner is unable to have sex with you?
  8. bloomz

    bloomz Fapstronaut

    I agree with this guy, people are already being attacked for their responses. Find your own truth! What will work for you, what you want.
    Hank Pym and captainteemo like this.
  9. captainteemo

    captainteemo Fapstronaut

    I don't agree with anything here look for semen retention on youtube and you will understand that sex is not neccesary in life.

    Sex is made for to have childeren and not to do it because you like the dophamine rush it gives you.
  10. Fabian7

    Fabian7 Fapstronaut

  11. md70

    md70 Fapstronaut

    God bless youtube! :D when youtubers say something they are absolutely right!

    i'm not gonna argue with anyone and hard mode for rest of your life is your choice but that doesn't seem right nor necessary to me, porn is against our nature but sex is not, even most of religions approve sex (not for making baby of course!!).
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  12. I've done hard mode for a year now and definitely feel more human than I did last year. I feel much more dignified and free and know that even the smallest glimpse would cause massive anxiety. I had a serious addiction. Also I'm much more talkative which can only be positive. Porn made me very introverted.
  13. Mr Sitter

    Mr Sitter Fapstronaut

    As someone who's on hard mode, I believe that intimate sexual relationships are a part of innate human nature. It is possibly the best way to connect with your partner on an emotional level. It is one of many ways which differentiate humans with other animals. They have sex to procreate, while for us it's a lot more meaningful than that. BUT, because I've left my sex addiction unchecked for so many years, I'm undergoing this self-cleansing process before committing myself to a romantic relationship. My addiction has left be broken in so many ways, and I don't believe it's fair for my partner to pick up the pieces.

    That's why I'm doing the hard mode. I don't know how long it's going to take; maybe a year, maybe two, but all I know is that when I eventually commit myself to another person, I'm still going to stay away from porn and masturbation and hopefully connect with her in the best way possible.
  14. chubiwu

    chubiwu Fapstronaut

    There are two kinds of sexual activities. The legitimate ones and evil ones. Make love to your loved one that married to the law or the eyes of God is the righteous sexual activities and others are evil sex. I totally agree no sex before marriage and refrained sex in marriage. Look at the Chinese monks they are healthy and strong and live a long life and they don’t have sex, and think of sex is a sin to them too.
  15. Hank Pym

    Hank Pym Fapstronaut

    yes its possible! I read in some book that sexual attraction was not as strong as today in stone age or something.Their Life and survival had more meaning than S. Then Humans gets stable in farms with small family. Still the population was too tiny. Then of course a man or a woman underwent genetic mutation (mostly it was a man I think because today's men lust more than women) and went rough. He spread his gene to have more S, to find more no. of mates, a lot different people, to have constant search for new partner. The Coolidge effect. Its just part of evolution.
    But that doesn't mean it is unhealthy to not masturbate forever. Few websites share m can avoid prostate cancer or m is healthy in the name of experts only for porn industry business. There is no chance of cancer is you are healthy human( or I don't know, but I never heard of any non-addicted, radioactive environment free or healthy person to have cancer.)
    As @chubiwu said, monk are really cool. They can do a lot things but have to follow their rules. I also thought to never ejaculate, live near immortal life. but I can't totally be like monks, lol. I do want to enjoy the world, enjoy the movies. So I'll wait to find perfect partner. Till then, I'll continue hardmode and transform my life to as awesome as possible.
    chubiwu likes this.
  16. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Why would you want to be in hard mode for years? It's goal is to rewire your brains quicker, not being a monk the rest of your life. If I speak from personal experience, I always started to develop physical problems in groin area around 120-180 days into "hard mode" (when also going without sex). My solution is to find some middle ground. I realized I'm too f...ed up to MB (with or without P) ever again, as it always pulls me back into vicious compulsive PMO circle. More than a decade of intensive compulsive behavior can't be erased, at least not in my case. So I decided to stay in hard mode, but visit e massage salon once every 3 months until I stop being single. I think it's an OK compromise to make.
  17. bloomz

    bloomz Fapstronaut

    You’re saying you go to a massage parlor for a happy ending? How is that acceptable & porn isn’t? & they say America is messed up...
  18. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I'm not into no PMO thing because of my moral or religious views. I'm not even saying porn is bad for everyone. I know couple that has no problems watching it together occasionally. I'm into nofap only because PMO is hurting my physical and psychological well being. I look at porn as my drug of choice to get a dopamine fix to "ease" my general/social anxiety and chronic depression disorders, that is my problem (it could have been alcohol, drugs or some other dopamine release trigger). If I could go without release for more than half a year, I would, but I can't. Maybe some or most can without any medical problems, I simply don't know. For me physical groin tension and pain on right side becomes unbearable. I even visited a friend urologist about this problem. He made scrotal ultrasound and told me that I need to get a release because my vas deferens has been blocked. I have this problem reoccurring every time after I'm in hard mode for 3-4 months. Since I don't want to MB and I'm single, I don't see any way around it.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
  19. chubiwu

    chubiwu Fapstronaut

    Yes yes yes. Semen is absolutely liquid of life. Can’t agree more. I have some good ways to avoid having wet dreams if you’re interested.
  20. ClaritySeeker

    ClaritySeeker Fapstronaut

    They are also vegans, are you?