Weak :(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rocka snape, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. Rocka snape

    Rocka snape Fapstronaut

    Guys I feel that Iam too weak to stop, every time I tell myself I will never watch again I fail
    I really want stop that
    Once upon a time I stopped 45 days and this was months ago
    I cant complete ten days now
    Iam so frustrated. . GIVE ME HOPE :(
    captainteemo likes this.
  2. Keep it easy. If you need different effect, then you need a new approach. Feeling shame and guilty won't help you, but understanding yourself will.

    You can try for instance the book from my signature, describing whole new way to win with addiction.
    Rocka snape likes this.
  3. I've had a problem like this as well. I once got 28 days under my belt, and then a relapse later and it's difficult to get past seven. Although I don't think the 28 days counted, since I saw P but didn't think they were P since they were on "educational" articles.

    But the whole thing of a real relapse is where you go back to where you started. So I guess one thing I could say is to focus on one day at a time. Just focus on not relapsing during the day and the next thing you know you've got a new day clean.

    Also, have you considered starting a journal? It's a great place to put down your thoughts and analyze what kind of things is dangerous for your streak. Plus, people can read it and help you out, too! If you want I can help you get set up.

    Good luck and take care!
    Rocka snape likes this.
  4. Rocka snape

    Rocka snape Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys u helped alot and gave me hope, i'll think of a new approach :)
    Solomon435 and SirErnest like this.
  5. 48 days is great. Longer than I have done.
    Allow yourself to acknowledge some positives, and accept that you have not achieved your aims yet.
    Keep going.
    Rocka snape likes this.
  6. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Exact same as me bro, I'm taking drastic steps and leaving all my technology away from where I live for a month, so I can't actually access anything. It's gonna take drastic steps now as nothing else has worked
    Rocka snape and SirErnest like this.
  7. I did some time in the hills years ago, and all we had was old vinyl records, books, and some board games. None of the crap that we immerse ourselves in now.
  8. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Yea I mean it's hard for me to motivate myself for nofap, but I know I have an addiction. My life is good, I'm doing pretty well for myself and I'm only 21. The only thing this addiction does to me is kill my libido for real interaction. I've tried time and time again to rely on motivation but just being in my room alone gives me way too many urges, so I'm taking a month off technology completely (more if need be) to get back control of myself
  9. Good man. Keep trying new stuff. You have the right mindset.
  10. SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous) or SAA (Sex Addicts Anonymous) might be worth checking out. I mean NoFap is great, and there's tons of support here, but we don't have the kind of solution and recovery that 12 step programs offer. We just don't. I mean look at the recovery. Here on NoFap if someone has six months they're a NoFap hero. I've been to SLAA, and there are people with decades of abstinence. Not slamming NoFap, I mean I'm here aren't I? But I think for many of us, this probably isn't enough. It's a good supplement, but it's not a program the way 12 step programs are. Just a thought.
  11. Rocka snape

    Rocka snape Fapstronaut

    I understand the way Nofap works, Iam happy here as for the first time I can talk about this issue and my thoughts freely , speaking out may help me as for months I just was talking to myself and writing notes.
    There is huge society supporting here in Nofap.
    I really appreciate that :) :")
  12. You are not weak, weak people does not even bother in trying to defeat their addiction. They don't even realise they have an addiction to PMO.
    You admit that you have it, you made 45 days. Still you think you are weak?
    Invest your energy in productive shit and you will see how your urges start to vanish.
  13. Rocka snape

    Rocka snape Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I try to accept my mistakes and think of new plan to quit addiction.
  14. cold showers, gym, work, no social media, no phone on bathroom, no internet when alone, don't be alone, read, watch info videos, learn a new hobby.....
    Rocka snape likes this.
  15. RebootIan

    RebootIan Fapstronaut

    Everyone’s practical advice here is great.
    I do think it is about changing your mindset and approach though.
    Instead of setting yourself a mountain of a challenge to climb and feeling shitty about it....
    Take it one day at a time, when do complete that day, focus on everything that you feel, the hope, the future you might have, how much you want to get out of this, how your life will change for the better.
    Rinse and repeat. Every day.
    The worst thing I have done over the past year is just sit and wait for time to pass to hit this magical 90 days and be cured.
    You need to actively be aware, mindful and work hard to break your habit and change your mindset.
    All the very best of luck!
    Rocka snape likes this.
  16. yyz33

    yyz33 Fapstronaut

    I recommend using the pluckeye extension to start your streak. It will block all images and videos from the internet for however you want.