100+ Days, benefits and honest opinion

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Incendiary_Apple, Nov 10, 2018.

  1. Incendiary_Apple

    Incendiary_Apple Fapstronaut

    I'm 16 years old and have been doing nofap on/off for about a year, I've recently achieved my second 100+ day streak.

    This is what has changed:
    • Slightly more confidence, not superpower level but noticeable
    • More motivation to workout, and better results
    • Brain fog basically completely gone
    • Perception of porn completely changed, I almost laugh at the thought of it now
    • Little to no urges to fap
    • Got first girlfriend at around day 70, have discovered a real life person is 100x better than some pixels on a screen
    • Slightly less procrastination, I think...
    • In terms of girls in general, I no longer see them purely as sex objects, slightly more interest from them
    I honestly don't think the benefits are all they are hyped up to be, but they are definitely there, and will change your life for the better even if it's only minimally.

    I'm going to keep powering on, don't fap everyone, sure it's kinda fun, but in the long term you'll definitely thank yourself.
  2. Have you faced any withdrawal symptoms?
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  3. theends

    theends Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I'm lead to think the benefits that can be noticed from NoFap seems to affect different people in varying levels. The changes noticed by people in the duration of the abstaining period might be slightly different depending on a diverse range of factors. For example, I seem to notice all of the so-called "superpowers" within days of starting a streak. Improved memory, academic performance, gym performance, overall energy, motivation levels, positive thinking, and especially social situations seem to flow very naturally without effort.
    A very prominent and reliable physical thing that always seems to be noticeable instantly is the improvement in eye contact, from strangers to friends and family. With this being said, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows all the time, you'll always get good days and bad days but that's just life in general.

    Keep up your hard work :)
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  4. That's always great to hear congrats on your 100+day streak
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  5. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Honestly it depends on how bad your addiction was and how long.
    For me a 10 year non stop PMO heavy addict.

    Just reaching 30 days I felt like freaking Superman!.
    Simply because I have never gone that far before and my brain has never recovered to that level in such a long time!
    It is an amazing feeling.

    People that are not heavy addicts and only been addicted say 1 year or less don't get much 'superpowers' for obvious reasons.
    Incendiary_Apple and Travcat like this.
  6. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    Well done !! i'm happy you found someone and it did give you the benefits to make you feel better and stronger !
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  7. Incendiary_Apple

    Incendiary_Apple Fapstronaut

    Occasional blue balls here and there, especially after being with the girlfriend. And when the flatlines hit, they hit fucking hard, I'd have periods when my libado was 0, and I felt like absolute shit, but once that passed it was pretty smooth riding.
  8. Incendiary_Apple

    Incendiary_Apple Fapstronaut

    Thank you both for your replies.
    I completely agree, everyone is different, my addiction was a 1 year ordeal, but for others who may have been hooked for a lot longer I'm sure the change will be significantly more noticeable as they have a lot more that needs to be healed.
    I wish you both the best of luck
    theends likes this.
  9. h64803427

    h64803427 Fapstronaut

    Firstly congrats buddy on your success! Very inspiring. Just had a question about your "brain fog"... how bad was it before? Day to day were you having problems with memory/ concentration? Were you seeing consequences in school? Keep up the amazing work.
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  10. Incendiary_Apple

    Incendiary_Apple Fapstronaut

    Thanks and good question. Before nofap the brain fog was intense, I was performing badly in exams throughout school. A little bit into a streak you notice the brain fog starts to disappear, by around day 50 I'd say its almost completely gone. I was on a decent streak during exam season (about 40 days), I flew through exams and came out with top grades. I'm almost certain my streak played a massive part in this. I found it was slightly easier to revise and remember my notes, and the actual exams seemed like lightwork.
    Best of luck to you
    SirErnest, bigboibez and h64803427 like this.
  11. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    You guys are right on. I'm starting today and have been trying properly since about March this year.
    I manage to do well in school and college because I'm hard working, but my attention span is pretty awful as of right now.
    I have the symptoms of rather watching porn than having sex with my girl. Which obviously is stupid and wrong. The issue for me is being home alone. I think to succeed I'll simply force myself to stay out until someone's in the house on days I have urges, but when I'm flatlining it'll be fine.
    Thanks for the advice and this time I'm gonna do it. Whatever it takes. I just need to stop the urges then I won't bother coming back to PMO.

    as you were
    Incendiary_Apple and h64803427 like this.
  12. h64803427

    h64803427 Fapstronaut

    @bigboibez I couldn't agree more... I was just sitting here thinking... I have the morning off... I work midnights on weekends so it already throws my body off and makes Monday/ Tuesday a little hard to flip back to regular routine... so I can lay around... and allow temptation to creep in or I can get moving.... even if it's just going for a walk or meeting a friend for coffee... anything besides being in a situation where I am more likely to slip up. Keep strong!
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  13. h64803427

    h64803427 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply and I am happy to hear you rocked your exams. Keep up the awesome work!
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  14. Congratulations.
    You are fortunate that you at getting a handle on it while you are young. If you continued for many years, the consequences are much more dire. Keep that in the back of your mind. The real thing is much better. PM can ruin real sex.
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.
  15. With that in your mind continue your journey because nofap lifestyle is a better one :)
    Incendiary_Apple likes this.