I Feel That There's No Hope for Me and I'm at The End of My Rope

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by dm4chrome, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    Oh God, where do I start. I am going to first start off with my Nofap history. My longest streak was something like 140 or 150 something days and have been struggling to quit for good ever since that one relapse, so I'm back to square one again, starting today. I made another 28 day streak but blew it several days ago. I have been having on and off depression ever since I was 15. I will be turning 20 in a few months by the way, so it has been a very long ride me, seems like decades, and I dread getting any older for the reasons below.

    The main reason why I have been depressed is because of the fact that I am still a virgin and never had a girlfriend, not even a first kiss. I have tried everything: meditation, positive thinking, Nofap, weed, lsd, shrooms, salvia, oxycottin, smoking, to everything else, and NOTHING has made this horrible feeling go away. Before you say that I am covering up my problems with drugs, know that I haven't really done those things in a long while. However, I still smoke weed, but only for recreation, not depression. In fact, when I was completely clean, meaning no weed or anything, I STILL felt this way. Even when I was on like day 140 of Nofap, I STILL fucking had this depression. I fear that I will be alone forever and that I will die feeling like this. Hopefully, when that day does come, I will get answers as to why I had to go through this (obviously I believe in an after life). Keep in mind that I am not suicidal, but I use to be. Now I realize that it won't solve anything. But sometimes I think: Damn, what the hell is the purpose of my life?

    By the way, I am not shy, yet you couldn't really call me a social butterfly at the same time. I have good self-esteem. Don't think I don't just because I have this depression. I live with my grandparents and have no car, so I obviously don't have any sort of social life. I am, however, a self-employed typist that writes articles online, so I have that going for me, plus a great investment company. It just seems that I am not fixable and that I will never get through this depression. Just to let you know, I am extremely against prescription drugs. They do more harm than good. I'm just so worried that I won't ever get over this depression.:confused: Keep in mind though, it isn't and has never been constant depression, just the occasional blues. But man do they suck.

    Thank you for the replies.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    So, you have never had constant depression, just the occasional blues. Why? Apparently, because of the fact that you are a teenager and you are still a virgin, never had a girlfriend, not even a first kiss. You haven't even completed your emotional development and you think there is no hope for you! Ironically, you are extremely against prescription drugs but not recreational drugs. :rolleyes:

    Well, why not look at what you do have. You have reasonable health (I assume) and you have had great success with stopping masturbation and pornography. Five months is a seriously long period of abstinence. So, what benefits did you experience when you rebooted and continued to refrain from your former addiction. The fact that you have returned it a bit, does that suggest to you that these were isolated aberrations or that you are back in the sway of your addiction? Whatever helped you to have such good success in the past will surely help you again. :)
  3. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    As far as the benefits of my five month streak, they were mainly more self-confidence, more energy, and overall better well-being. However, the depression issue was always there. I can't really remember if it was better or worse during my streak. After about three months the benefits seemed to seize, but I think that the fact that I relapsed signals that I still had a problem, as far as what caused the addiction in the first place. I am trying to get to the bottom of this. Hopefully I will find out much later in my new, permanent streak.
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    That sounds good and you will experience that again soon, no doubt. :)

    But if the benefits seized after 3 months, that would suggest to me that you did not complete the reboot. Perhaps you started to fantasise about naked girls, sex and/or indulged in edging. If so, these actions would have exacerbated your inclination to relapse.

    As far as what caused the addiction in the first place, it was likely exposure to porn and opportunity to access it freely without supervision for long periods of time. Do you recall what age you started looking at porn? Because addiction can kick in pretty quickly.
  5. Phibz

    Phibz Fapstronaut

    Do you put yourself out there? Do you approach women (assuming you are straight)? Just curious. How do you deal with rejection? Are you under pressure to "get laid?" You're really young. It takes some of us a while to get it. I'm 45 and I'm just now getting it. I only wish I could go back. Some of us need some major reprogramming. We can get so wrapped up in seeking what society has made us to believe is what we want for ourselves. Be yourself and go after what you want, regardless of the consequences. Rejection is irrelevant. You need to get rejected. You'll eventually laugh at yourself. You're a virgin. So what. Don't let that keep you from being yourself. Be honest about what you want and convey that to who you want it from. Just my two cents. I could be totally off base. And weed is great. Just don't smoke all the time and sit around and play video games and eat doritos all day. You need to be out there and be focused on what you're trying to do.
  6. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    If you read the post, you would see that I am in fact straight. I use to socialize with friends and girls, but that is out of the equation, due my current situation.
  7. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    I sometimes wonder if there's a dramatic difference between a person who is on a half-year streak and a person on a six year streak. One could theorize that the longer a person has been fapping, the longer full recovery will take. For instance, I have been fapping for about six years. According to this theory, it would take a streak as long as six years, more or less, to fully recover. Again this is just a theory. What's your guys' input? Sorry, I got a little off topic.
  8. HelioHelix

    HelioHelix Fapstronaut

    I'd recommend talking to a doctor about it dude, just say you're feeling really depressed (you are) and have been abusing drugs to mask your suffering. I understand what you're feeling since I felt that way basically my whole life (the drug abuse part too) before I got on anti-depresssants and started nofap. There's no shame in using pharmaceuticals to get better.
  9. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    Like I said, I don't believe in using prescription drugs and never will. They actually do cause brain damage, unlike weed and a few others. Depression is a huge side effect of them. Simple research will prove this. Ever see the commercials? Possible side effects. Rings a bell? I am not here to get in a big debate over this, as I could go on an on. This wasn't the reason I posted this thread. I only mentioned it to let others know where I stand. Sorry for being blunt (no pun intended). :D
  10. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You're right, although research (read yourbrainonporn.com) suggests that it can take a significantly shorter period of time to reboot than the time you were masturbating for. The recommended reboot period in 90 days, although this is only a rough estimate and is directed towards older guys. If you started masturbating and/or using porn in your adolescence/ teens it will most likely take you much longer than 90 days to reboot. An improved estimate would be 6 months to reboot, but bear in mind it could even take up to a year. Yet comparatively, one year is a relatively short period of time (compared to six years).
  11. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Where have you heard that prescription medication causes brain damage? Source please!
  12. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    I have plenty of sources buddy. But as I already said, I am not getting into a debate over this, not worth my time. I already had enough writing today from my job:cool:. Any posts like that will simply be ignored by me, end of story.
  13. TTTM

    TTTM Fapstronaut

    Ok. To be completely honest... sounds like maybe renewed perspective about a few things would be healthy. Secondly... I have been where you sit. I was a virgin until age 27 and today at 49 I wish I had waited. I can share more later... about head to work.
  14. dm4chrome

    dm4chrome Fapstronaut

    Renewed perspective on what? May I ask. Also, you said that you lost your virginity at age 27, yet regret it. Keep in mind that this is just my opinion, and everyone including you has their own and has the right to live it without criticism, but how would you regret it at such a late age? I could see someone regretting it at either my age or even three to four years older, but not 27. You're more than welcome to explain your perspective on it if you'd like.
  15. TTTM

    TTTM Fapstronaut

    I had grown to believe my virginity was a plague and by the the time was 27 P had so polluted my idea of it that it was disasterous. The consumption of P made my want to lose it very badly, but for all the wrong reasons.
  16. bandanana

    bandanana Fapstronaut

    Just turned 20 last month. Virgin and no first kiss. No shame.
    Don't disregard yourself for what you'd be surprise some of us hold great value for. Losing your virginity as a sign of 'manhood' is a Western concept that I find manipulative and degrading for both parties. But to each their own.

    While you're looking for her, focus on whatever else in your life that you can better. Heck, learn a new skill or two. Or go read some philosophy if you want to resolve your existential crisis lols.

    Although being a self-employed typist is a pretty bad-ass stuff dude, good on you for getting that going in your life.
  17. scotey73

    scotey73 Guest

    26 year old virgin here. I can empathize with everything you say about feeling like you need to lose you're virginity, dm4chrome. But, you'd be surprised to find out exactly how many guys not just on these forums, but in western cultures haven't had sex at your age, and even older.

    I felt kinda sad for years that I've never done it, and to this day a small part of me still wonders why. But, I've changed my views on my virginity over the last few years. I've started to gain evidence that guys who have sex regularly, with many different partners, aren't necessarily happy either.

    Society has warped our views into believing that you need to have sex to be accepted. Some guys have sex all the time, in my opinion, because they still truly feel the need to be accepted in society, and having as much sex as they can is a way to achieve acceptance. That, plus the fact that sex just feels great, keeps their belief at that level.

    Here's the thing, though: I've gained acceptance from my peers despite being a virgin. All it takes is to be yourself. I've gotten so much better at just being myself over the years, and now I feel like more and more people gravitate toward me than in the past.

    I believe, deep down, that if I can just keep being myself, and start escaping my comfort zone a bit more, I will meet the love of my life and lose my virginity the way it's meant to be lost: with the person that I feel most connected with in this world. I've embraced this, and I never looked back. I don't yearn for sex nearly as much now than I did when I was your age.

    But, that's my own personal story on this subject. But, I feel it's the perspective you needed that thistimethismoment may have been talking about.

    I wish you luck on your journey, my friend. Never, ever, give up.
  18. HelioHelix

    HelioHelix Fapstronaut

    Simple research also shows that weed reduces grey matter in the brain. I won't continue to argue you but you can't make these assertions against FDA proven drugs while ignoring the negative side-effects of illegal dissociatives, hallucinogens and psychoactive substances (You mentioned using these substances in OP, I've used them as well so I am aware of the negative aspects of these drugs. Guess what, THC is a psychoactive too.). Anti-depressants are designed to correct chemical imbalances in the brain that we have no control over. I'm only on 10mg/day of Paroxetine and my depression is gone; it took me 3 grams (3000mg) of weed/day to accomplish the same thing.

    Not being judgmental, I'm just trying to share my perspective. I hope you find a path that works for you.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2015
  19. ght5

    ght5 Fapstronaut

    Dude, don't rush to kiss and have sex before marriage. My current girlfriend, who I think I may marry, told me that she would dump a guy if she found out he was not a virgin. I couldn't imagine not having this woman in my life.

    Also, women are ATTRACTED to guys with self-control. If you find the right woman and she finds out you are a virgin, this will be a PLUS, not a minus.

    If you have problems with confidence with women, as we all do, check out a guy called DOC LOVE, who wrote a book called "The System". This guy's materials have changed my life and I probably wouldn't be on NOFAP were it not for him. He has a weekly radio show.
  20. ght5

    ght5 Fapstronaut

    Nothing good can come from sex before marriage. My cousin for example got pregnant at age 21, the guy left and is a deadbeat, now 20 years later, she is still single, because she could not find a good guy who would date a woman who already had a kid. In my opinion, if you have sex before marriage you are playing with fire.

    Yes, I am Catholic, but I am approaching this issue just from the practical standpoint.

    Also, be aware that some women stop taking their birth control in order TO get pregnant either in order to have a baby to love or to hook the guy into getting married. Once a Catholic dating site I saw a thread on a forum of a woman who said "I can't find a good guy to marry, so I'm thinking of tricking a guy into having sex with me so I can be pregnant and not be alone." No joke and this from a Christian woman who supposedly theoretically believes in no sex before marriage.

    You think your depression is bad now, imagine how bad your depression would be if you had a pregnant girlfriend.