Could masturbation reduce or stunt height growth?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TheRevenant, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Your stupid if your say its "good for you" And it being healthy, I think they got it confused from masturbation MEANS THAT YOUR HEALTHY
  2. HAHAHA..OMG it's like i'm back in the 8th grade. I remember when my "friends" introduced to the concept of masturbation. One of the selling points they made was "It will help you grow taller", a popular myth among teenage guys, you can even google it.

    I'll tell you my experience,for some time i grew normally. But after some time it did effect my height growth,only in a negative manner. I'm 21 now and have been the same height as i was when i was 16,when i started feeling other side effects of masturbation(porn wasn't even i the picture till i was 18). I'm the tallest in my family(which is still comparably less to other guys my age) and i have no doubt that i wasn't wanking i would be a LOT more taller.

    It's entirely up to you what you make of this.

    All i would say is, if you feel that masturbation is stopping your height growth,then believe it and do something about it. Don't make the same mistake i did.

    As for all those "studies" on the internet..they won't be much helpful to your if they someday suddenly turn around and then say "Oops!We were wrong all along,masturation is not healthy" just like they said about the universe shrinking,particles interacting with each other regardless of distance,cholestrol etc..


    Would like to share an article on
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2017
  3. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    Yea thats right cant always follow those studies
    TheRevenant likes this.
  4. tendency14

    tendency14 Fapstronaut

    The worst thing is that it could be confusing to a person that just started mo because almost all of web health pages and people say its ok, i tought it was for sure ok wen i was 13 then after time and information i now its not as good as i tought
    Shin Iu likes this.
  5. IMO pmo addiction does eventually lead to nutritional deficiencies and therefore poor bone health. It probably won't affect your height that much but it will however impact your bone density sooner or later. I don't care what some will tell you, especially those obsessed with science on here always asking for evidence and calling what I'm about to say pseudoscience, but PMO will drain your zinc and vitamin D levels and eventually suck the calcium out of your bones to make up for the loss. Think of it what you will.
    TheRevenant likes this.
  6. theeperienced

    theeperienced New Fapstronaut

    In the internet you can find some literature on this from hundreds or thousands of years ago. People even back then knew that it is not good for your energy levels.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. naitoo

    naitoo New Fapstronaut

    I am 17 and I am 5'11.75" (182cm) tall. During the last year I masturbated once or twice per day with pauses (1-2 days) and I still managed to grow 4 cm. But I think I could grow even more if I didn't masturbate that often (my dad is 6'1" but he grew 3-4 inches when he was 18 so maybe I will grow more in the next period). I don't know if masturbation affects growth, but anyway from now on I will try to masturbate less often.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  8. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

  9. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    From what I have researched, masturbation doesn't necessarily stunt your growth well certainly not as much as smoking, drinking, drugs all these unhealthy habits.
    Height is around 90% determined by genetics, if both your parents are tall there is a 10/10 chance you will be tall like them majority of the time taller than your parents.
    Both my parents are 5ft 6 and I am 5ft 10, I'm average for a male and i'm 4 inches taller than my dad. Even though I have been masturbating and releasing that precious semen since I was 13 pretty much when I hit puberty and was capable of releasing sperm. I don't think it has stunted my growth at all, if it has it's barely anything probably less than 1 cm.
  10. Human Lab-Rat

    Human Lab-Rat Fapstronaut

    I'd like to qote Gary willson from yourbrainonporn: "there could be a lot going on that we just not know about yet" who the heck knows? I'm sceptical but the wise thing to do is to keep an open mind.
    TheRevenant likes this.
  11. B0bTh3Bu1ld3r

    B0bTh3Bu1ld3r Fapstronaut

    Seen this thread on the net. Yes, you don't grow to your full potential, it reduces your final height by five fking inches, not only it reduces your height, but also gets you fat like hell. You get the hunger feeling after you do it, it's a great mess.
    TheRevenant and Jones6787 like this.
  12. Zaynmalik

    Zaynmalik New Fapstronaut

    A big hi to you all....!!!!I ruined my life .... in above articles I read tht most people started their masturbation at 14 but I started at 12...a bit early..i was just a kid,i sid know any signs and symptoms of masturbation. I started early and things became worst EARLY.i was abused and treated badly by my classmates,teachers and also by students who were younger than me. REASON:I was short in height and I had very very less muscular growth. I thought it was just that it wasn't my growth spurt ,but at the age of 14 I was still the both in height and body.HOWEVER I one day read thus article from a doctor he made me aware of this situation,IT had a catastrophe impact on me I now realized tht it was all my fault I had done so much harm to my body but now came the most difficult part HOW TO STOP MASTURBATING .. well we all are different .PERSONALLY I always thought that I am in lords team so used my cultural music to get this bad habit away from me... you might be like WTH is wrongbwith this dude,but no you should also try it..GET RID OF THIS DISEASE✔✔✔❗❗❗❗
  13. N M

    N M Fapstronaut

    Totally agree with this.. Those who dont agree on this are those not really experienced it... Whoever masturbated at the start of main growth stage (start at 13 to 20) everyday 2 to 3 times will experience growth issues, digestion issues and poor eye sight issues.
    TheRevenant likes this.
  14. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    I have started the kind of masturbation you talk about at the age you mention, and I'm close to 2m (6'6"), have perfect eyesight and the classic chronic digestive issues our processed food industry imposes on us as soon an we're not able to eat 100% organic/fresh.
    Any activity maintained over the course of decades will somewhat alter a metabolism and the psyche behind it. There's no denying it indeed. But maybe, just maybe, the effects described here as "direct consequences of PMO" could be linked to a myriad other factors that are parallel to the occurrence of heavy PMO, such as terrible social environment, low self-esteem, etc. Those are hard "causes" to isolate when it comes to incriminating a behavior.
    "This causes that" almost never happens in real life - all you get is contributing factors, each pondered by the vulnerability/resilience of said individual

    Please refrain from generalizing for the sake of validating your views (which are resectable nonetheless) :)
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
    TheRevenant and thorswrath32 like this.
  15. Gohanprince

    Gohanprince Fapstronaut

    Yes its true ! I started it at 14 and now i am soon 16 . I had type of horone imbalance started having beard on right sude and hairfall anf wakness and many more..but please tell me if i stoped masturbation all sideeffct will be solved of not i am 5'8 and my father is 6'2..uf i quit fapping should it be good like before
  16. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Filipino's believe it makes you very tall. lol
  17. Spartan91

    Spartan91 Fapstronaut

    Just something everyone should keep in mind regarding research on this type of topic. When posting articles claiming one thing or another, make sure it is a peer reviewed study from a reputable journal. As a scientist, there's nothing I loathe more than people posting non-peer reveiwed studies, or worse, peer reviewed studies by journals with a clear agenda (the worst examples include studies such as "why women are discriminated against" by journals such as feminist cultural studies). My point being, if the article is new-age in source, or related to products, think twice before accepting their conclusions, and before posting it in forums and potentially influencing people.
  18. Gohanprince

    Gohanprince Fapstronaut

    Yes its true ! I started it at 14 and now i am soon 16 . I had type of horone imbalance started having beard on right sude and hairfall anf wakness and many more..but please tell me if i stoped masturbation all sideeffct will be solved of not i am 5'8 and my father is 6'2..uf i quit fapping should it be good like before
  19. Gohanprince

    Gohanprince Fapstronaut

    Yes its true but if i stoped faping will it be like before??
  20. Hey bro so i’m 19 now. When i went 5 months no M, i grew like an inch. You think if i go hard mode the next few years, combined with healthy life style and 9 hours sleep i can increase my height. i think i may be around 5 8.5 ish and i think i’m still growing. I’m going to reach 6 ft by age 23 or 24 hopefully. you think i can?:)