Can Pied be cured by just quitting M and P

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by ConMan, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. Goingtodothis21

    Goingtodothis21 Fapstronaut

    That is inspiring for a guy like me who’s suffered from PIED for about 10 years and I know that even though I’ve given PM up before that I’ve never had sex as good as when I was around 20-21...that’s a scary thought especially when you’re in your mid 30s. But I’m definitely never going back to porn again. I’ve wasted too much time fucking up my brain to the point where all I can feel before sex is anxiety and worry rather than what it should and excitement
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    Yeah we're in a similar situation. I think for guys like us we seem healed after aprox. 6 months (give or take) but after sex/orgasm dozens of times we fall back into PIED. I believe for guys like you and I we need to reboot for at least a solid 12 months, absolutely no P, M or even O...that means no sex :( Imo that ought to give us a reboot that will have permanent or at least very long lasting effects. The single most important thing we can do though is NEVER go back to P. Going back to P at any level will completely throw us backwards. I learned the hard way now I'm rebooting all over again.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Goingtodothis21

    Goingtodothis21 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely man, it's very naive to think you can go back to P now and again after a successful reboot. It's definitely NOT happening this time!
    overclocked and nofepfepforlife like this.
  4. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

  5. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    Yep, sadly I had to learn the hard way.

    Yeah hardmode is the only way to go.
  6. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    I say yes but if you want to do it the most effective way (I'm not saying the fastest way because that would make you impatient) is to go hard mode until you feel there is no improvement to be made. Then start going out again. Again, you will improve from your experiences up to a certain point. If that plateau is reached, try hard mode again.

    Hard mode, rewiring, hard mode, rewiring... this is how I made progress.
  7. Coffee69

    Coffee69 Fapstronaut

    I am not sure about hardmode for more than 6 months.. in my case, as i am married i need to have sex with my wife.
    This could also be a factor to expedite the healing or rewiring process to our brain as we interact with a real person.

    The most important things is we cannot turn to P and MO because of P. This is a big NO. Because we are addicted to P in the first place.. never ever find P again.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    If I were you I'd go 6 months no porn, no M and no O and then slowly return to O with your wife. No M for at least a good solid year. I worry you could end up like me in a situation where you seem fully healed then have sex a dozen times then suddenly your ED returns because the orgasmic load (lol) caused your dopamine to down-regulate.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I know it is implied and obvious, but I want to add anyway, no porn means not looking at it at all, no matter what you are doing or not doing with your dick. Otherwise your brain will not heal.

    The other thing mentioned in this thread I want to echo, I have experienced a "rebound effect" (not sure I am using the correct term) from having O with my wife. It led to a massive relapse.

    Lastly, I certainly cannot speak from experience of a long time streak, but I will say that I have talked myself into an M session without P in the past, and it also led to looking at P again very quickly. This happened arter a relatively short period of abstinence.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  10. nofepfepforlife

    nofepfepforlife Fapstronaut

    I concur with this tbh.
  11. I love porn 69 69

    I love porn 69 69 New Fapstronaut

    Guys I am currently masturbating 3 times a week mostly at night and for a few hours at a time I find it amazing and don’t know how to stop because honestly I love porn and I love to masturbate it makes my problems go away and tbh this is a joke to me porn addiction isn’t serious your not addicted to heroin or crack that you actually need help it’s porn just don’t watch it it’s simple as that so yea if you haven’t noticed I may have a problem to most of you but to me I don’t if you want to reach out I’ll wntertain it
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Star_king

    Star_king Fapstronaut

    In NoFap season while there is no pmo can we have sex with girl with use of slidnafil or any any other drug.
    PJT likes this.