NES- Nutrition, Exercise, Supplementation

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by pankeas, May 17, 2018.

  1. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    I am very passionate about working out and eating healthy. I wanted to start a forum about this topic as I feel exercise is a great way to stop fapping. I have been working out for years and I have a deep knowledge about nutrition, exercise, and supplements. Do not be afraid to ask any questions or add any comments to this post. I will try to best to answer your question to the best of my ability. If you have any private information, do not be afraid to message me personally. If we start leading healthy lives physically, then we can start leading better lives mentally and emotionally. If anyone has knowledge about exercising they would like to add that is welcome too! What may work for me way not work for you, but something else may. So I encourage conversation!
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  2. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    I noticed a lot of people on here struggle with confidence issues. I suffer from the same issues, but ever since I began working out again, which was a couple months ago, I feel much more confident! Combine working out with no PMO, and your confidence levels will soar. But just like stopping PMO, exercise and dieting takes patience and time.
  3. You’re awesome for offering this.

    So, I try to go the gym 2 days and rest 1 day, but each session is 45minutes to an hour, depending how I am feeling (I usually go at like 4am then go to work after so I’m tired). But I usually do 6 back workouts with 5 sets each or for chest it’s upper, mid and lower chest and butter flies, 5 sets each.

    Do you think that is enough? How should I feel? How tired should I be? I don’t know how I am suppose to feel but I do feel it in my chest the day after. I workout my entire body don’t worry, but if you let me know if I am doing enough then illl know where I stand.

    Also, I am taking tongkat ali, maca, horny goat weed, zma, copper once or twice a week, magnesium and eat fruits and vegetables almost everyday.

    How’s my profile?
    pankeas likes this.
  4. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    Well first I would suggest you go to the gym at least 3 days a week. 45 minutes to an hour is a great workout so the timing of your workouts is good. Heres a good workout regime you can follow:
    Day 1: Cable Crossovers 4 sets 8,8,6,6 reps
    Bench Press- 4 sets 8,8,6,6 reps
    Incline Bench- 4 sets 8,8,6,6 reps
    Close grip bench- 3 sets 8 reps
    Triceps extensions 3 sets 8 reps
    Dips-3 sets 8 reps

    Day 2: Pullups- 4 sets 8 reps
    Rows-4 sets 8 reps
    Lat pulldown- 4 sets 8,8,6,6
    Curls- 3 sets 8,8,6 reps
    Concentration Curls- 3 sets 8 reps
    Preacher Curls- 3 sets 8 reps

    Day 3: Squats- 4 sets 8 reps
    Deadlifts- 3 sets 8 reps
    Leg curls-3 sets 8,8,6 reps
    Leg extensions-3 sets 8,8,6 reps
    Calf raises- 4 sets 15,12,10,8 reps
    Shoulder Press- 4 sets 8,8,6,6 reps
    Lateral raises- 3 sets 8 reps
    Flyes- 3 sets 8 reps

    After your workouts you should feel sore. After a few weeks your body will adjust to your workout so you wont feel as sore, and youll start seeing less progress. Just switch up your workout so that you keep your body on the edge. You're supplements seem pretty good, I would just add in a multi-vitamin, and if you keep eating clean you should start seeing some great progress!
  5. expressyourself

    expressyourself Fapstronaut

    Have you tried fasting before and did it give you any benefits?
    I am planning on doing a 2-day fast to cultivate mental toughness & mental discipline.

    Also are you only exercising in gym? I am planning on running a marathon this year, and I have a few questions abou that :).
    pankeas likes this.
  6. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    Fasting is a great way to clean the body of toxins and it definitely helps cultivate mental toughness and discipline. Some advice about running a marathon is to take the training one day at a time and run a few miles a day and keep increasing the mileage every week.
    expressyourself likes this.
  7. Thanks for the advice!! I’m just scared I don’t do enough to make my muscles grow or do anything to my muscles for that matter. I always feel like I am resting too much, apparently you can rest a 1-2 minutes? Or I don’t do enough.

    I’m not new to the gym btw I understand the basics completely. Now I want to know more and to see if what I am doing is enough and if not, why isn’t it enough.
  8. expressyourself

    expressyourself Fapstronaut

    Are you ever fasting yourself? - And if so, how long is your longest fast?
    I have scheduled out to run 4 times pr. week - Starting monday the 4th of June.
    I think I'll start out like this:
    • Monday: 3 KM+
    • Wednesday: 4 KM+
    • Thursday: 4 KM+
    • Sunday: 6 KM+
    And then just build my way up.

    I was running alot last year, and I was able to run 20 KM at some point.
    But this year I haven't been running at all, so it's time to get started.
    My goal is to run the Marathon in December 2018, maybe before.
  9. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    Everybody's body is different and grows at different rates, but if feel you're not making progress don't give up! I recommend resting at least a minute between sets. If your goal is bulking then eat a lot of food that is high in carbs and protein.
  10. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    I use to do intermittent fasting where you eat for 8 hours of the day, but the remaining 16 you fast. I saw some decent results, but I honestly wasn't eating as cleanly as I should have been. I like your running regimen you posted, that's a great start to the beginning of running a marathon and building that endurance.
  11. expressyourself

    expressyourself Fapstronaut

    Ah okay I see, maybe you should give a try again? :p
    I'm glad you think my schedule looks good, went out for a 3.2 KM run today :)!
    pankeas likes this.
  12. Phoenix1

    Phoenix1 Fapstronaut

    Thank you @pankeas for offering this.I have been working out since 3 months now,the results are visible though very slow.To gain kuscle fast what do you suggest-low weights with more reps or heavy weights with less reps.I do considerably heavy weight with 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
    pankeas likes this.
  13. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    High weight with less reps is the way to go if you want to gain muscle. If you're having trouble seeing results it might be because you're not eating enough. I find that most people who want to gain muscle do not eat enough to give their body the fuel it needs to pack on that muscle.
  14. Scaffolding

    Scaffolding Fapstronaut

    I tried real fasting two years ago, and since that moment I'm used to do a 3-day fast every 6 months. Only water no broth or juices. It is really good to detoxify your body and it trains your brain to resist the temptation (but as a fapstronaut, you're already trained for this ;) ). I never go through the milestone of 3 days to preserve my muscular mass, but you can do it for more if you want, really positive effects on your mind appear usually after the third day.

    True, progression in bodybuilding is due to 3 key factors : training, rest and nutrition. To build muscle you need all of these.
    train enough and not too much, sleep 8 hours per night, and eat enough for your morphotype. If you want more advices about it, you can tell us your height and weight, and describe your body progression since you started.
    pankeas likes this.
  15. TheNewPat

    TheNewPat Fapstronaut

    I agree with increased confidence from working out.

    I also found a healthy diet helped immensely with anxiety, depression, social awkwardness... and much more.

    When i reduced meat and dairy i noticed the difference in a few weeks. I didnt realise how fucked up meat is until i did a cleanse.
    pankeas likes this.
  16. EndZone

    EndZone Fapstronaut

    Thoughts on hard gainers?

    I'm about 70kg and eat 3 big meals per day + 3TPW calisthenics training, but can't seem to put on any weight.

    I DONT macro - so you could say it's possible I'm underestimating how much i eat, though i really load the plate and also have weight gainer shakes. This metabolism really does suck and i hate this, will start macroing regardless but looking for some honest insights.
    pankeas likes this.
  17. Scaffolding

    Scaffolding Fapstronaut


    I know a few guys like you, as you said, it really sucks. What I suggest you to do :

    • Calculate your daily calorie intake (which is probably around 2800kcal), count your calories for a few days in order to reach your daily calorie needs + 500, and compare this with a normal day. This would help you realize if you're overestimating or not.
    • Organize your meals so that you eat complex carbs ~4 hours before exercising, simple carbs + protein ~ 1 hour before exercising (half a weight gainer shake is fine), proteins in the hour that follows your training (the other half of your shake), and lots of proteins and complex carbs in your post-workout meal. You should also try to do more than 3 meals (5-6 small meals are better than 3 big).
    • If the two other points are fine but you still don't gain bulk, you can add ~300kcal of carbs on training days. If after a week or two you're still stagnating, add it also on rest days.
    Hope this helps. Good luck !
    pankeas and EndZone like this.
  18. EndZone

    EndZone Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice! Ill start implementing this immediately.
  19. pankeas

    pankeas Fapstronaut

    Exactly what Scaffolding said! Eat those carbs and keep increasing that carb and calorie intake if you don't see results
    Scaffolding and EndZone like this.