Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Aug 28, 2017.

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  1. Martinus

    Martinus Fapstronaut

    Day 1 out of Day 7

    Had sort of a wet dream this morning. Now that I can't see some visually stimulating things online, I think my mind is conjuring some wild graphic things on its own. Been tempted several times today but I gotta keep reminding myself what is real and what are lies conjured up by my brain.
  2. newday123

    newday123 Fapstronaut

  3. _overcomer_

    _overcomer_ Fapstronaut

    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  4. Zephil

    Zephil Fapstronaut

  5. Unjustfailure

    Unjustfailure Fapstronaut

    Challenge achieved and on the 8th day back from the start...
    But even after relapsing 4 times on a single day I recover faster than usual

    I still feel like shit though and I have to have to remember what life is before getting one...

    Its amazing how fast things can change (or at least having the illusion that this could be the case) ... After 6 says being clean ,I had a couple of dates ( complete failure though due to immense brain fog)

    The moment I relapsed after my biggest streak (so far) felt like riding a bicycle a long steep uphill before going downhill fast once more... Nutrition (among other things) must play an important role here...

    I don't feel nearly as optimistic as before (actually I never really felt like this)

    I guess I'm gone be here for a long time achieving the same challenge after failing again for the next level...
    But it's considered a win since I have double my average time between resetting

    In the past a few "civilized people" traded with indigenous people, gold for mirror...
    Nowadays there could be just α couple of people trading a whole future for "moving pictures"
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
    Mirach, R3FLEX and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  6. Jay7722

    Jay7722 Fapstronaut

    Day 1, wish me luck guys
  7. You are doing great just by being on this thread. Don't hit yourself for it. Pick yourself back up and try again.
    Zephil, Mirach, Skyzthalimit and 4 others like this.
  8. Day 2 of 7 completed!
    R3FLEX and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  9. Timothy_James

    Timothy_James Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys! I think I've been starting with goals too big for where I'm at. I've tried the [90-challenge] several times and keep failing. I'm going to start small with [7-Challenge] and work my way up. Thanks for the support!

    Day 0
    Skyzthalimit, Mirach, R3FLEX and 2 others like this.
  10. Rohn123

    Rohn123 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed.... again.... two days ago I relapsed due to One reason, I could not control. It happens to be that I have been trying to quit from the day I discovered it, longest streak being 1 month 12 days, but After discovering mastrubation 1 year ago, my streak could not go beyond 3 days. I now know that Porn and mastrubation can be quit only and only by Spiritual thinking and Meditation. Let's hope We all quit porn one day.
    Day 2 Completed
  11. zuma

    zuma Fapstronaut

    Day 0. I thought I could do the 365 day challenge but I guess I have to restart from scratch...
    Mirach, R3FLEX and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  12. pratibadhaaa

    pratibadhaaa Fapstronaut

    Day 7/7

    Thanks to this challenge, I made it.
    This is not first I completed a whole week but before this challenge I was failing miserably.

    I am happy with myself. NO urges.
    I am trying not to watch anything which can lead me to PMO.
    Confident has increased.

    Now I will move to 14 days challenge.

    Thanks again.
  13. Valvil

    Valvil Fapstronaut

    Streak complete. Thanks
  14. Soren K.

    Soren K. Fapstronaut

  15. _overcomer_

    _overcomer_ Fapstronaut

    thanks, yes thats a true aspect. So I am here to change! and do better! Thanks
    Deleted Account and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  16. _overcomer_

    _overcomer_ Fapstronaut

    ok, so I am really down right now...because I relapsed the lsat 2 days like 5 times or so....:(

    SO from now on I really want to start a new part...to really stop PMO! Because I really hate PMO

    One question, somethimes when I start to look at P and also want to MO, I think like, hey I should stop right now...but then I am thinking like, hey, but you already started to look at P so just complet it.. What do you do in such a situation, just stop, and count it not as an relapse...?
    Dr. Jekyll likes this.
  17. Soren K.

    Soren K. Fapstronaut

    Depending on your goals. Other than the option of working on your own goals, all of the goals suggested by NoFap include "without porn." For example, there are four options to choose from in your signature:

    1) Without porn
    2) Without porn, masturbation
    3) Without porn, masturbation, relapse (hard mode)
    4) Working on my own goals.

    Even though you didn't MO, you still looked at porn, so I would most definitely consider that a reset.
    _overcomer_ and Dr. Jekyll like this.
  18. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    Listen to the thought that tells you that you should stop. Completing it just reinforces the behavior you are trying to extinguish. Listening to the request to stop will amplify your will to stop. There will be many decision points along the way. The one you choose is the one that gets stronger, regardless of how things feel in the moment.

    Stop, and yes count it as a reset.
  19. Tiburon727

    Tiburon727 Fapstronaut

  20. R3FLEX

    R3FLEX New Fapstronaut

    its hard but we have to stay on track we cant control what is being advertised to us on TV or social media but we can choose to avoid such things unfollow if you have to unfriend or stop watching television for awhile read a book escape be with nature find yourself do what is best for you we all have to make sacrifice's to beat this addiction #NOFAP QUIT PORN