Relation between abuse(sexual) and pmo?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by u376, May 23, 2018.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    I have my sympathies , respect and love for all of you who unfortunately faced abuse(sexual) in past be it a man or a woman
    I just want to know that is this addiction (pmo) become more severe with past trauma like these
    Because I fear for the kids whom I read about in day to day newspaper already they had suffered.....but I don't want them to ease their pain in sedatives like pmo
    .... please if any of you find this wrong ...I will immediately take it down (delete it) in my case I started this because of fun but later it become an escape mechanism.....
    Apologies in advance
    Deleted Account and Immature like this.
  2. I think it's an important subject, i experienced trauma when i was young and i believe it did have a lasting effect on my behaviours towards porn and addiction in general. It's quite a known fact amongst the therapy community that children who experience abuse are in a higher risk group of later committing some level of sexual offence for example or some other level of criminal offence. but not all of them, it is just a fairly common and sad statistic amongst offenders. having to deal with any level of trauma when you are at an age where you can't properly articulate what has happened or fear you wont be taken seriously or even believe that what happened may have been normal, leads to years of pent up aggression which i still sometimes struggle to deal with
    Immature, Gotham Outlaw and u376 like this.
  3. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I wan't abused sexually, but I was abused emotionally and physically when I was just hitting puberty. I didn't start watching porn because I was abused, but while I was living in that home porn eventually became a way for me to redirect some of those painful emotions.

    I also second what @thorswrath32 was saying about having to deal with trauma at such a young age. I was probably able to articulate what was happening at the time, but I was in the camp of "nobody would take me seriously even if I did articulate it". I just ended up burying it, and it wasn't until I reached my mid-twenties that I realized all the memories of the abuse were coming up again.. very vividly. I had spent so much energy suppressing those emotions and feelings and convincing myself that nobody cared that this was happening that I actually started to doubt myself, and for a while I actually started to question whether any of it was actually real or not. Was I really abused, or are my memories just embellishments about what really happened?

    I started seeing a therapist a few weeks ago, and I hope to work through some of the abuse I went through as a kid. The way I see it, I'm being the advocate and the guardian that I needed when I was a child.
  4. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Well there are some kind of people who have addictive trait in their personality.......I mean if they got addicted to study or excercise they will keep doing it in excess
    That's why I feel bad for these kids.....they should be guided properly....
    The scary thing is that of course we can comfort that kid and secure his/ her future....but how can we cure their past scars.......I think only kids can heal themselves......
    Now coming to you .....may God give you strength and understanding
    I asked this question because I relate negative emotions with pmo....
    Because whenever anything goes wrong against me like bad grades, anxiety , bullying .....I used to find solace in pmo....
    This all makes me think that what I am doing is not right
    Then I started researching on it......and look ..then I found this community
    thorswrath32 likes this.
  5. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yes.....that's double standard of society
    Male rapes are not taken seriously
    I can understand that 90% victims are females but still most of the males don't open up on this....
    I mean if a man abuses a woman then everyone will beat the shit out of him.....which is good
    But if a woman beats up a man then she is lauded even though there is no mistake of man
    Yes some point we should realize the reality....and we should let emotions flow
  6. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I don't see how what I said in my original comment relates to that...

    I should be clear: I was never raped. I was physically abused. My father hit me, gave me bruises and black eyes, threw objects at me, grabbed me, tossed me into walls, and mocked me when I cried from the pain for being a little baby.

    Having said all of that, I agree with you about there being a double standard between genders when it comes to rape victims. One of my closest friends was raped by a woman at a party in high school, and no on has ever taken his story seriously other than his therapist and the rest of our close friend group. Many males who end up in prison become rape victims while serving their sentences, and society doesn't seem to have a good attitude about that, either. There are so many jokes about being raped in prison, and I've even witnessed police officers use the prospect of being raped in prison to intimidate people during routine traffic stops.

    Rape is a very serious offense, regardless of the gender of the victim.
    thorswrath32 likes this.
  7. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Yes ....actually in the above comment I was referring to general abuse.....not sexual.....
    Oh...shit ...I am sorry for your childhood.....I don't understand why someone will do that to their own child.....
    It's like he is venting his frustration on you...
    Yes.....even I have seen girls stalking guys...... which is not "cute " at becomes creepy if done too much......
    I know that effect of rape is more on girls than fear of getting pregnant.......and we all should have soft corner for them......but there are some other girls who can chill your spine....... Because they know how to play the "woman" card....
    Yes I have also heard many prison jokes.....which are funny to us but not to them who have witnessed it.....
  8. Ridley

    Ridley Fapstronaut

    I appreciate that. I don't entirely understand it, either, but I think a lot of it has to do with not knowing any better. My father was abused by his stepfather and mother when he was growing up, and I don't think he ever got professional help to integrate that experience with the rest of his life. So, when parenting me and my siblings was difficult, hitting us probably seemed like a natural option for him. He probably knew it wasn't just, and he's actually apologized to me about it since I've grown up, but I don't think he ever really learned that there are other ways to handle stressful parenting situations. This is called the cycle of abuse. The role models in his life were anything but. Hopefully, by seeking out the help of a professional, I will break the cycle of abuse, and I will not allow my frustration with my father to manifest itself as abuse.

    I've seen this as well. One of my close friends dumped his girlfriend a few years ago, and she followed him around for a few weeks afterwards. She would sit on public benches outside of restaurants he was eating at with his family and stuff. Definitely creepy, and definitely not okay.

    I don't think I agree with this. Rape is a horrendous act, no matter who the victim is. I don't think it becomes worse if the victim is a woman. It is still a violation of one's body whether the victim is male or female. Rape affects men and women differently, but I don't think it's clear that one's suffering is greater than the other.

    I think we should be sensitive and empathetic to all rape victims, regardless of their gender.

    Not really sure what you mean there...
  9. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    you are right making peace with the past is the best thing.............but i think that your father has his own dark deep down he is not that brutal.....and as you mentioned he apologized he repent on his past actions........which is good
    your friend's gf is really that "gone girl" protagonist
    yes........for man rape is like a question on their masculanity.......and voilation of their freedom........i mean that most rape crimes are commited on women they have to be more careful than us men........but yes we should treat both victims equally
    i mean that some girls are so clever.........psycho kind of that they know how to use the law ........their so called feminism support.......there are some rape allegations which later turned out to be some women pretend to be victims.........but in reality they are framing others.........
    so i think that law should do its own course without gender biasing