Relapsed and binged thrice today

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by theBornAgain, May 14, 2018.

  1. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    I feel sorry I broke my streak of 25 days today and I feel horrible I promised myself if I cant go through 60 days doom will happen on me. This is just a strategy of keeping myself out but I was extremely stressed today thinking of career and stuff as I am jobless now and competitive exams are in 40 days. I feel I let myself down and my loved ones I feel guilty and shame I feel like shit now. I dont know what to do feeling hopeless and weak. I thought I had to share how feel even though its not worth sharing.
  2. It’s always beneficial to get your feelings out, man....and it’s our job to listen and help each other. What you’re feeling isn’t had a great streak going!

    What are you going to do with this now? I say you should use this as motivation to get back where you were and beyond! Don’t sweat that you relapsed...but remember this feeling for future urges. You can do this! You’ll be back there in no time...just focus on right now.
  3. IAMlookingforCHANGE

    IAMlookingforCHANGE Fapstronaut

    I understand what you are going through, I just had my highest streak of 33 and I blew it. I would say the best thing to do is to come up with a even more stronger plan and go past that streak of 25 days, you can do it, it is not impossible. Let's not waste this force that has the power to make babies, let's invest it in ourselves. Hope you guys have a good one thanks for reading.
  4. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother yes you are right no point in crying over spilt milk in this case spilt cum lol. I should have acted tougher and not give in. Anyways a new streak starts from tomorrow and new beginning. Thank you for the encouragement and no brother Its not your job you are just being kind and I appreciate it. Thank you :)
  5. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Yes bro we can do this Lets start a new streak together you and me are on the same day lets keep tab on each other once in a couple of days or whenever you get time. And I should be the thanking both of you. I love this brotherhood in the community good people all around. Thank you once again hope you have a good day.
  6. Haha, yeah! :D

    Before you 'move on' tomorrow, I suggest it is well worth your time to reflect on the binging aspect of this relapse. During the course of our individual journeys, we will stumble and need to reset. Nevertheless, we can avoid doing damage to our overall progress by not doing so multiple times on those days. So, ask: why did I do that? Why couldn't I stop? What lie(s) did I tell myself, giving me permission to PMO again and again on the same day. What can I tell myself in future to ensure that any stumbles are just once, not twice or thrice? It would be interesting to hear your answers @theBornAgain.
    theBornAgain and Deleted Account like this.
  7. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Warning : It might be a bit long
    It all started from yesterday I have all blockers installed on my PC like stay focusd and cold turkey yet I checked on some filthy facebook psubs ( because I did not get things done yesterday hence the guilt ) and then there was this nagging thought that I had already ruined the purity of my streak ( Being an Indian we are obsessed with purity from milk to women and now to NOfap) I did not meet my daily goals yesterday and this cut throat competition of getting job made me feel I am loosing the race just by wasting time. Woke up 5 in the morning with The bad news of Barcelona blowing up there unbeaten streak in La Liga it pissed me so much slept for 2 more hours after totally messing my daily schedule. Then my cousin brother mocked at me for being jobless since 2 years at 26 years of age felt low at that moment of time. which led to me finishing only 20% of days work. Now my evil brain kicks in tells me there is a panacea for all this pain " Why don't you see compilations of actress in youtube scantily dressed techinically you are not watching porn just dont MO"
    Me : " Well I can do that I did that yesterday also but I didn't PMO"
    Porn brain" He he he he you have totally ruined your streak by watching youtube videos till 25 days you didn't and now you ruined it. YOU know what you might as well as MO otherwise the dopamine in your brain won't let you study:
    Me : ' Fuck it you are right I wont be able to concentrate I MOed( not that great though even though spilt milk was huge)
    2 HOURS LATER I finished a 90 minutes mock quiz scored with 100% accuracy.
    Porn brain: " From tomorrwow you will be a starting a streak which will be longer than 25 days you atleast deserve a great Orgasm."
    Me: " You have a point Here comes my SECOND RELAPSE THIS TIME WATCHING PORN"
    Since I deleved into porn of wife sharing it scared me and made me feel sick thinking I can no way share my girlfriend with anybody.


    Here's my story thanks for your patience if you read it full.
  8. Yes, I did. I hope you found it useful and you have a record of this that you can return to for comparisons. As expected, there was the addicted 'voice' rationalizing that looking at certain things was not porn, lies about consequences and the ultimate betrayal (this is your brain after all!): you deserve it. So, once you feel like shit, do not keep shitting on yourself!
    theBornAgain likes this.
  9. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Thats the learning although I am a slow learner I will remember the lesson.
  10. Nows the time you need to be most kind to yourself. Believe me everyone on this form has been there. Be kind to yourself for your well being beating yourself up won't do you any good look on the bridge side. Take all the things you learned about yourself The past 25 days and be proud of yourself
    theBornAgain likes this.
  11. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Something that i do after a relapse: here
  12. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    Today was tough I had this lingering and recurring thought of having one last binge before starting a new streak as I didn't feel content with my last orgasm. Had to fight the urges to look at my favourite actresses and pornstars still fighting. Blocked myself of all Internet almost for the entire day. The battle is tough after the end of streak.
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
  13. I think you already know the answer to that question, my man. Stay strong.
    theBornAgain likes this.
  14. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    You are right Tiger !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. IAMlookingforCHANGE

    IAMlookingforCHANGE Fapstronaut

    Hey man how are you doing? Came to check up on you.