Thoughts Of Random Mind

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by newLife., Apr 6, 2018.

  1. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    It been long since I have visited this site . I have never been able to complete any of the challenges ,I tired, not hard enough. But I am happy that everything is happening in the way it should. I failed myself , do you think that I should point myself to go the corner of the doom for it ?

    Its really wired all I have been able to accomplish is gather more failure, but! to the surprise even trying to change, has turned my life to whole another direct I have job I woman who loves like her life , I am gathering passion to tryout things that I like to do. But why...
    Everything bends when we try to change, the superpowers etc are not the result but the side effect what is happening to inside us, which is the result of what we am expecting out our life , what we really wish to live in

    Simply, blindly accept what we really want in life, how wired it may be or naughty or mad it may, that's what we want rest are lies , rise from it ! and Live in world, be King be the Queen
    Robbiebob and Full ahead like this.
  2. Hey @newLife. ,

    Welcome home.

    I, too, find challenges difficult. For several reasons, the main one being if I'm aiming at a big number like 90 days. Then, if I fuck it up (are we allowed to say fuck it up?) at two days I haven't lost "that much".

    For me doing a challenge is like an excuse to "go ahead and pmo - you can start over tomorrow". But, instead of not pmo tomorrow, I like a different approach.

    I take it ODAT (One Day At a Time). I didn't pmo today and I don't plan on pmo tomorrow. That works for me. Without counting days and just letting the counter at the bottom keep the days, I did 120 days of hard reboot (no pmo). Then, keeping in mind that NoFap's goal is a sex positive life, I defined a Sex Positive Mode for myself. No porn or porn thoughts allowed, just normal sexual activity. That's been 88 days.

    But, again, I only know the number of days because the counter tells me. I do it ODAT.

    You are newly back and connecting to the fellowship of other members is a big part of my program.

    Here is a list of people to say hello to and to read their journals. I picked them because they are active and I know about their programs. But, there is no reason you can't say hi to them and then find others that I don't list. Read these journals and find people they connect with. Again the journals listed are just a starting point.

    @Gray Wolf
    @Rising Sun !!
    @Ready to be healthy

    @LeoJohn -
    @Iron Patience -
    @ludwig525 -
    @Mr.Imperfect -
    @GeeWhizz -
    @Sunshadow -
    @Tomoya Okazaki -
    @Fortitudo -
    @Dragonnlife -
    @weddingnails -
    @Alikersantti -
    @Reverent -
    @BigDawg913 -
    @kropo82 -
    @tet2vd -
    @Protagoras -
    @JakeO5 -

    There are many more, and you can discover them on your own. But, these are great places to start.

    This is a work in progress. So, if a journal has changed or is no longer active, look around there are some amazing journals on here.

    --> L

    PS - Starting a journal also helped me a great deal.
    Robbiebob and newLife. like this.
  3. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    thank you all for your help , where shall i write my journal ?
    Robbiebob likes this.
  4. Mitness

    Mitness Fapstronaut

    Hi, i'm am no one of intrest. Just a guy who sufferd from addction for 21 years. I write this to a lot of people who are starting to work on their recovery, so i hope it will help..

    I've been addicted to booze, drugs, sugar, caffeine, pmo, pmo with a lot of amphetamine, instagram, facebook, compliments etc etc. When i stopped using one, i got involved in the other addiction.

    Well, i guess addiction is just a symptom of a deeper problem. It's common for addicts to get addicted to other things when they cut the primal addiction. I guess when you get deeper into why you're addicted it's getting easier to understand.

    So figure out the reasons you're getting addicted! And it’s not because you like it. There's more underneath the simple “I like it.”

    Just, as i wrote, take a deep look in why you are addicted. Because every short-term solution will cause in increase in dopamine and therefore we feel good. We need that shot because we cannot deal with the feeling that we have when we don't get that shot. We cannot deal with negative emotions.. So, you need to know why you are seeking for the artificial stimulation. I see it as an onion. When you open the outer layer of the onion, it’s sour, and you will get tears.. Therefore you need to unpeel the onion.
    You have to peel all the onion until you get to the core. Work on that core. Unpack the core. And when you have found the core, unravel the core as well. I've noticed that whenever you get to the core, there's still a core. I have had 6 times that I thought I was at the core, but that there was still an underlying problem. And eventually, when you finally got to the core, you stop crying because there is no onion left anymore!

    So in simple terms... > Dont stop asking Why to yourself. Why am i addicted, because of etc

    It’s also very handy to watch this video 10 times!!

    And it helped me a lot to make a plan. So when i began to stop being addicted i just wanted to stop.. And that's good, but it's freaking hard to maintain focus with only one reason. So i made a plan. Why do i get addicted? What is it in my life that gives me so little joy that i always need to find other ways to get happy. .. So start with the gigantic question... WHY AM I ADDICTED? Do you fully understand why you happen to use all the time? As i wrote i was a full-time addict. Porn, drugs, booze, sugar, caffeine, social media, compliments of other people.. Every short-term solution i used to cope with my problems.. Really, after thinking for so so so long about my addiction i came to the conclusion that my addiction is in every fiber of my life!! And i finally got to a point where i really understand why i'm addicted. Since i fully understand what addiction is and what the mechanisms are behind (my) addiction, it's easier to not give in! For me it started when i was 9 years old. I had many problems in my life.. I was bullied a lot at school. Long story short; me and two friends found some porn magazines and one told me what to do as a boy. In the afternoon i did and BAZINGA, i didn't care about the bullying anymore. At the age of 13 I experienced great youth trauma. And from there it escalated quickly. Years of fapping, drug and alcohol abuse followed till they needed to take me into mental hospital 3 years ago. My main problem was that i have never loved myself. I started to believe it was my own fault that i suffered that trauma, and when i started using drugs i was ashamed etc. At then end i could find only one reason, i used everything just to have a good feeling, find some rest in my head etc. And it was not only substance abuse.. As i wrote, it was in every fiber of my life. Everything was about getting compliments, people telling me i'm a good boy, likes on instagram etc etc...

    So, figure out all the things you need to know about addiction in general and about addiction in relation to you. The Internet is pretty useful for that. And, maybe not the most fun thing to do, get bored a lot! In this modern time, we are always busy with something. From the moment you realize you get bored, you will find a way to deal with that boredom. We have internet, books, SMARTPHONES, people to hang out with. See where i'm going.. Our brain get's stuffed with imput, imput, imput.... We are never empty anymore. Yeah, i know, boredom is not fun, but it's essential for healing the mind and for finding answers on such big questions as for why am i addicted, why do i relapse all the time. So, go on the internet, read stories about other people's experiences and get bored and think.. THINK A LOT. I happened to find it most relaxing to go out for a walk in the forest, do a lot of cardio, read, or just meditated. There are a lot of meditation forms. I like the one i count my breath. And, i like the one where i just think about everything that pops up. Most of the time its about my addiction.

    So you need to make sure that when you want to fully recover from addiction it has to be at the very top of your list... It has to be the most important thing besides food, water, air, and sleep. So when you fully understand what the mechanisms are behind your addiction, then you make a solid plan.. Just getting in to reboot without a plan is the same as beginning an iron man triathlon with no training at all.

    And with a plan i mean a real plan.. So i made a mind map of all the reasons why i don't want to fap and why the hell i want to quit my addiction. I would suggest you make a written paper with 40 reasons why you don't want to fap anymore. I say 40 because 2 to 5 reasons are to short. 40 reasons is a moderately long list so it takes a little time to read. It might take your mind of the urges. I guess we addicts are really good at finding reasons why we should do it.. And therefore we are so damn good at convincing us to give in.. And, not to forget, one of the most important things is healthy food. My recovery would have been absolutely unsuccessful if I had continued to eat unhealthily. In the end, I even had to give up caffeine and sugar and masturbating to porn. We, addicts, are always seeking for the dopamine shot. So in order to recover and re-wire your brain, it's good to quit all short-term solutions. I would suggest joining the dopamine challenge. I've added a link to the dopamine challenge.. haha..

    So we really need to change that mindset and make us only see the reasons why we don't want to use anymore..

    it helped and still helps me a lot, when i really have strong urges, to make a mantra of all the reasons why I don’t want to do it. And, as a craving for drugs, alcohol or a porn related thought or image comes up to my mind I count from 1 to 6 and backward and visualizing the numbers. I just count and visualize as long as I need to get rid of the porn images or thoughts. This does two things.. Namely, it get's your mind of the urge when you do it consistently and... it helps your brain make need pathways not related to substance abuse (rewiring). I really noticed that after 3 weeks of consistently doing this, the cravings began to weaken... And afterward, when the cravings are gone, i do full the mantra 6 times.. And if that not helps, and i'm at home, i jump under the ice cold shower. It's such a shock to the body and mind that in 90 percent of the time i cant even think about it haha.. And if even that dont help me, i will go run as long as i need. Last time i needed to run i kept on going for 25 kilometer hahaha.

    So the other things i do to deal with the urges are..

    Hard Solutions, Easy Life - Easy Solutions - Hard Life

    For now i will stop writing..

    If you have any questions, just asked..."

    I guess it will be a long, difficult and arduous journey, but it is more than worth it.
    When i started working on my addiction(s) i had absolutely no idea what i was doing. I didn't think it was necessary either. I guess when you read my story you will see it was more than necessary. I'm working on my recovery now for 3,5 years and i still am not where i want to be. I even stopped working now for 4 months to work more on my recovery.

    In the end, I stopped everything. Instagram, facebook, sugar, caffeine, drugs and alcohol. I also try to work on my obsessive urge to get compliments.

    At first, I felt I had to give up everything. I thought it was terrible because I needed it. Now I gradually come to the conclusion that everything I didn't want to give up in order to live took my life. Live moderately, be satisfied just in time and happiness comes when you don't expect it because you were not busy with becoming happy but with life.

    Based on my own experience of the past 4 years, I really believe it is a long journey. I did not get addicted just like that. It did not happen in one go. It is a long way from becoming addicted. That is why i cannot expect to be ready just like that, all of a sudden.

    Every time i thought I was there, there's something new to come. (onion: underlying problem) And that's not a bad thing, that's good. Because i want to recover completely. I solemnly believe that recovery must be as important as the oxygen you breathe, the food you eat and the water you drink. You will not be addicted in 1 year. That is something that goes on for years.

    Sorry for the long post, but I hope I inspired you to work on your recovery.

    And do remember to please: we don’t give up things in order to recover. We gave up life, in order to be addicted.
    Robbiebob, Gmork and newLife. like this.
  5. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    Thank so much sir for your help. This post have give enough idea to work out for better goal
    Robbiebob and Mitness like this.
  6. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    is it okkey to do Wimhoff method during nofap!?
    Robbiebob and Mitness like this.
  7. Mitness

    Mitness Fapstronaut

    I believe the wimhoff method( my fellow dutchman) is a great way to help ourself. I'm not into Hoff method yet, but i will follow a course the end of this year. Just start easy and dont throw yourself in a ice bad immediately. And, if it's possible, do it with someone who has experience..
    newLife. likes this.
  8. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    I was staring too much on girls breasts inpublic like never before, when I reach 4-7 days of my nofap. I am having girlfriend know, but I think I am have PE . Think my LIFE is shattered because of it . I bit of a over thinking type. Its really good write something out .Its really worring. When I used to spend my time for pmo , I cabca really talk with gf Its like am draoed of its alomst 11 years frm know that i have wasted my days on pmo. I think I will prove to myself that I am worthfull atleast tomyself to live.
  9. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    And havnt been truthful to myself for long last day reacted to girlfriend, but my mind was like wat would others do if they where in that position, I didn't think of me,what I want even my instincts said not do so, for first time in life I have thought I am not truth full truth full to myself. Feeling sad but I know atleast what is worng with me
  10. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    It's feels great talk to her, my heart pounds for her lips
    Nofap -> NoGap
  11. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    :(How can I Stop being a judgmental guy?
  12. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    My girlfriend is saying that am changing ,and she not liking it, time that spending is reduced for her, How plan day so thta i can face all of
    thanks you so much,☺️
  13. newLife.

    newLife. Fapstronaut

    I think am at the edge of breakup , I don't know whether I love her the way she l loves me , feeling are at doldrums. am kind done !