Full disclosure? Part journal, part rant....

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. SOs opinions needed please X

    I asked him a couple of weeks ago if there was anything else I need to know. That I need to know exactly what I'm up against to start recovery & healing. I was already heartbroken that he was choosing porn & M over sex with me throughout the whole relationship (and his previous marriage too) so it's been a 20+ year problem for him.

    I suspected PIED at the start of the relationship 3yrs ago as it was supposed to be exciting and new but he was impotent and I knew he watched porn. I told him very early on that there will be loads of women that don't mind P and would love to be with him. But I think it's the reason he can't get hard with me, possibly desensitised to it and therefore, impotent with me. And that isn't going to work. He promised to stop watching Porn.

    A year later, he's still impotent & I'm worrying that it's a result of his abusive marriage and that he was a victim, so I comforted/reassured him. All the time, I'm horny as hell and frustrated. My sexual self-esteem was rock bottom and I was convinced I wasn't enough. One night, after I drank a lot, I confronted him again and he admitted he was still using porn. I was fuming. He was sorry, promised never to do it again, I forgave him. But that's a whole year without sex - for me anyway.

    2 yrs later was DDay. Still no sex, ED worse than ever and it didn't make sense. A man in his 30s not getting hard-ons but no medical condition? I was confused and internalised it all. I didn't want to take my clothes off in front of him anymore, lost loads of weight and have nearly relapsed back into alcohol addiction myself. When I found this site, everything made sense to me all at once, and I lost my shit. He hasn't PMOd since and is proactive in getting help.

    Problem is this: His disclosure 2 weeks ago was supposed to be a full one. I told him he's already hurt me like hell. The damage is done and there is no protecting me now. But I need to rip the sticky plaster off quickly. Take the hit and the pain all at once so I know the magnitude of what I have to overcome and deal with. And I needed to know about the history of the addiction. When did it start? How did it start? Not just the lying and what he's done while we've been together, that's not enough for me to understand the dynamics of this condition. He never offered any info freely but he did answer truthfully when I asked him specific questions. He lies by omission, you see.

    Anyway, he disclosed everything. Some of it surprised me because it was seedy in real life - not just on a screen - but I could handle it. I asked him dead serious, "Is there anything else?" He promised no, no, no. It's all out in the open.

    I just found out he used a prostitute. But what angered me the most was him saying, "I didn't think it was relevant...."

    It seems to be the last straw. I packed some of my clothes on Saturday and went looking for somewhere to rent. The money is available and there are nice properties vacant in this area. He begged me to stay and I have for today. He's really upped his game and is showing more effort now than he has in 3 years. He saw me packing and arranging a property viewing and panicked. Got on NoFap to pour his heart out, watch Dr Weiss videos and absolutely begged me to stay. My daughter's school holidays are next week and we have to act normal. However, the majority of my clothes are still packed. I have no financial or legal ties to being with him so leaving is, at least practically, easy. But not so emotionally. There's still a huge part of me that loves him, feels sorry for him and wants to look after him.

    Have any other SOs felt anything similar when the disclosure is a drawn out and drip-fed nightmare? He thought the prostitute thing was irrelevant? Nope. I think he knew it wasn't going to do him any favours so he kept quiet.

    I put the no PMO counter thingy on my profile page tonight. He was there when I put the date in. I told him that I won't ever reset it. Ever. The rest is up to him.

    Thank you all for being here. Even if nobody reads my rant, I feel better now. God bless everyone and be kind to yourself X
    hope4healing and Kenzi like this.
  2. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this. I think there are many SO''s who have been hurt by the long, drawn out disclosures. It just adds more suffering to an already painful situation. I can't imagine that it has ever been positive or helpful for any SO to be convinced they know about everything only to find out more later, especially when this process is repeated over and over. Each time it happens, it cuts deeper and deeper.

    About the prostitute being "not relevant" during disclosure, that's just the addict talking. Denial. Minimizing. Bullshit. Obviously, it IS relevant.

    Whether you end up together or apart, you don't deserve the agony. Stay strong.
  3. TryingToHeal

    TryingToHeal Fapstronaut

    The full disclosure thing really bothers me as well. I can't stand not knowing if I know everything or not. And there is no way for me to ever know. I have to trust someone that lied to me for 16 years, and that is really hard to do.

    So, in Nov 2016 I found out about P. He minimized it A LOT and it wasn't until July 2017 until I found out it was a PA. And even then a ton was hidden. I kept finding out more and more very slowly up until Dec. 2017. I think he finally saw that the lying/omitting wasn't doing him any favors because every time I would find out something new, it would erase anything positive or any healing that had happened during that time. I still worry I don't know everything, though. The things he has admitted to above were all P related, nothing outside of that. So, what I'm saying is that mine (so far) didn't spread out for that long and didn't go beyond P and yes, it was still extremely hard for me come back from. It just feels so disrespectful when I'm always begging for the truth. I'm sorry you are going through this.

    And yes, a prostitute is extremely relevant. Even if he really thought it isn't relevant to the PA, wouldn't it be relevant to your relationship at least?
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I am so sorry I know how painful it can be to have a constant trickle out of information. It’s really like feeling the pain all over again every time. And the anxiety is absolute hell. What else is there? It’s waiting for the other shoe to drop every second of everyday. If someone has been an addict for a long time I think it’s possible there are some details they may legit forget like minor things. But what you are mentioning is not minor he knows darn well he needs to tell you but chooses not to. I always say in trying to rebuild trust the person who broke it should error on the side of caution and be overly honest, honest to a fault tell everything unless your partner says they do not want to hear it. And certainly if she asks be honest. I’ve been on multiple boards on here where addicts are trying to justify withholding things and it is very frustrating. Here’s my thoughts on why:
    1. You are already really hurt from what you have been told and they don’t want to let you down again.
    2. They truly believe you will never find out so wants the harm?
    3. They want what they are saying to be the truth so they believe it is
    4. They think your requests to stop are unreasonable so you deserve to be lied to
    5. They need more time and are not ready to stop but don’t want to say that.

    But I think the biggest factor is they have been lying for so long they don’t know how to be honest. Sometimes they lie consciously to avoid your pain, but for many it’s truly automatic. If let’s say you have been together for five years and he’s been lying the whole time, that’s how he knows your relationship him lying. My ex would lie about stupid stuff. Anytime he felt his true answer would me upset he would lie. It’s has to separate the PMO and the lying sometimes because in many people the lying has been going on for far longer then the addiction and in every part of his life. I think the question is is my partner a liar, or is my partner an addict who lies to feed his addiction? The latter is easier to fix, the former means he has to learn a new language and it can be a very very long road.
  5. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    This is a fantastic article that sums up disclosure. Just substitute Porn for Affair, they are interchangeable for me.

    “Dressing up the truth a little may seem harmless, or even protective, but in reality it is nothing more than attempt to control, manipulate, and minimize”

  6. Wow. Everything you've all said makes complete sense. I'm thinking of giving him 48 hours to disclose anything else. I read it somewhere on here last night and thought it was a much more effective way of getting the truth than demanding to know everything NOW. When I did that, he panicked, the addict came out and he denied there was anymore. Whereas I could explain why it would be in his favour to do so, he has 48 hours to consider it without pressure or me in his face. Because if I find out something else - even tiny - another year down the line, we're done. Don't need to know why and I don't need explanations. I will resign myself to this awful affliction and find a decent, honest man that doesn't have the immature, sexual baggage (for example, all my ex-lovers) - or be single, I don't mind which. So wouldn't it be in his best interest to disclose everything? I mean, if he wants to save our relationship?

    Is 48 hours enough?

    Thank you all, your time and kind words are very healing now - I've truly had enough of this nightmare X
    hope4healing likes this.
  7. Werka

    Werka Fapstronaut

    I totally feel your pain. My husband's PA has been with him forever (well over 20 years I think), and we have only been together for 10 years. So 10 years of living in the dark but with pretty obvious signs of things not being right, until last October he got caught and he had to admit to something. So he did confess that 'he had a bit of a problem with porn'. I started digging and with every new thing I found he would say something along the lines of 'oh, I didn't know that was also relevant'. Basically, he wouldn't add anything on top of what I could find hard evidence for and I got tired of asking questions to drag things out of him. Then he refused to talk about it 'because he is doing just fine' and he is living this new life - free of porn, happy, active and playing the perfect husband part. Waiting, I guess, for me to just get over it, forget and embrace the changed man he has become.
    I told him I cannot move one until we dive into the past and dissect every bloody detail, so he agreed we will go back to it when his therapist decides he is ready for the couples therapy (it should be in a month or so). I just feel so tired and I feel I can't believe a single word he says. There are situations from the past (real life, not porn related) that will need some explaining, as at the time they happened he fed me some total bullshit and I just gave up on trying to get the truth out of him, as I couldn't prove anything. I can't really see how he is going to overcome this fear of telling me anything painful, harmful or uncomfortable. He just doesn't seem to have it in him. And his inclination to always resort to statements like 'oh, I forgot about that one', 'oh yes, but that was ages ago', 'oh, I didn't think you also meant that sort of thing' makes me not want to talk to him at all. I feel I've done so much talking over the years that it is his turn and he should just get his shit together and speak up unprompted, for once.
    Sorry, it turned into a bit of a rant, but whenever I think of it it just drives me up the wall.
    I think 48 hours seems enough, but also maybe ask him how long he needs. Will a couple of days be enough? It should be, but maybe not. Maybe he will still feel the pressure. Maybe if you let him pick time and day when he is going to come clean, it will really be in his hands and he won't be able to tell you later that 'oh yes, but I felt under pressure and I didn't have enough time to think about it'. Good luck.
  8. Hey Werka. That's a great point, I didn't think of the "under pressure" excuse. I'll let him choose the duration and accept that as full disclosure day (so long as it's not Xmas). Thank you so much for sharing this, I got a lot from your story and totally identify with that sort of deceit. My PA always lies by omission. Right up until the point where I'm leaving, then he's forced to face it. He buries his head in the sand on all problems in life, not just this addiction - his talent for denial is astounding. But he'd rather internalise everything and shut it out. But eventually, it fucks him up in other ways. It's only been the past 3 years he's opened up about painful experiences to me (not PA related) that he doesn't feel he can tell others. Things that haunt him from his past that he's never disclosed to anyone. Ironically, this is one of the reasons I hate him so much now. Because we've been such close friends and had that trust.
    Just out of curiosity, did your PA admit to any problem with pmo before October? Did you have any idea? 10 years is a helluva long time. Love, light n hugs XX
    hope4healing likes this.
  9. I agree with @Werka that you don't want him saying he felt too pressured or didn't have enough time to think. However, leaving it up to him completely to decide the time frame might lead to this just being dragged out even more because most PA's seem to take any opportunity to avoid/delay facing reality. I think 48 hours should be long enough, but as suggested above, when you present this to him, get his agreement that this is long enough. That way, he can't come back later and say you pressured him with too little time. Good luck.
  10. Werka

    Werka Fapstronaut

    No, he never admitted and I never suspected, but I suspected everything else. He was so uninterested in sex! Even sex scenes in films seem to make him uncomfortable. First I though he was shy and inexperienced and it was quite cute and was going to change over time, right? But sex was getting worse, less frequent and then PIED made things even worse. Over the years I thought he was: gay/asexual/not attracted to me/having an affair or just sleeping around (his job would make it extremely easy for him)/depressed/unable to get over childhood traumas/really ill/chronically fatigued. And probably other possibilities as well. I explored every single possibility, googled like mad, tried to talk to him and send him to doctors. To no avail, until I picked up his iPad on an impulse and found it logged into a chatroom. So yeah, that’s my story.
  11. Hey Werka. OMG, that's terrible - what a shock for you. I've only got 3 yrs to look back on and figure out. It makes me feel like I don't know even know who I fell in love with. But 10 yrs is a whole decade of lies. I identify with the reasons we tell ourselves - "It's down to his abusive ex wife," "I just need to be more patient" and "if I was more attractive...." I identify with their reductive excuses too, from your earlier post. I found out about the brothel - "Oh, I didn't think that was relevant". I found a load of sex oils - 5 x different types - "I forgot to throw them out when we met". And my favourite at the moment, "I'm a changed man, I'm not doing it now." But when someone's lied to your face, the whole time he's known you, it makes you question everything they say afterwards.
    Is your PA showing signs of understanding the full impact and damage this has had on you? Mine's trying to but I think he's just repeating back what he's heard from me. I don't feel that he really gets it.
    Peace n hugs to you X
  12. Werka

    Werka Fapstronaut

    Yes... He seems to be shaken to his core for anything between 5 and 30 minutes after something makes him aware of the damage (be it a video, his therapy session, or a converstation we have). After that I guess he just goes back to the way he has always been, i.e. not really thinking much about anything important/unpleasant/uncomfortable/difficult. So while I basically live with all these thoughts and emotions running in the background most of the time, if not all of the time, he would be more than happy to never look back.
    Also I have a feeling that he always tries to say things he thinks I may want to hear just to get me off his back and shut me up. Which shuts me up alright, as I can’t see a point in having a conversation like that - with him guessing the answers in a hope that he may get them right.
  13. PA's have an amazing ability to compartmentalize that part of their life. It's crazy how they can actually separate it from reality and keep their mind/thoughts out of reality most of the time. Then, when for a brief time they're somehow back here in the real world with us, they can see the damage done and the pain they cause us. And, because it makes them feel bad, or because it makes them feel anything, they easily slip back into the other mindset again where they don't have to face the consequences of their addictive behavior because they're so numb (brain fog). Meanwhile, we don't have the option of stepping away from the hurt and all the emotions because we're here in reality all the time. It sucks, and I'm sorry you're going through it. I'm sorry any of us have to.
    Deleted Account and Kenzi like this.