Porn Blocking

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Potato93, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I have enabled several blocking plugins on my web browser in the past, but that didnt work because I disabled them myself when I relapsed. Call me weak mind, whatever, I really want to stop looking at porn and the best tool for that is myself.

    I wanted to know what to do when Im addicted so I can stop myself from looking at porn. Thanks
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    My answer is "stop it when it's in your head". Blocking anything technically will not work because I'm able to crack/circumvent anything. So I try to set up a porn-blocker in my mind. :) I mean that I avoid even thinking about anything related to porn. And I always relapse when I allow my self to fantasize.:(
  3. SaltedPeter

    SaltedPeter Fapstronaut

    For me, I say the Serentity Prayer, first no its not religious it does not come from the bible and is the same prayer Alcohol and Drug sobriety groups like NA and AA use. The idea of saying the prayer is to get your mind right, not redirection that comes later. But as you are reaching for the Mouse, Iphone or what ever... first walk away.. and again for me that prayer helps me refocus.

    1. As you know deleting and blocking are easily over come, I even bought recovery programs to get back off a formatted, partitioned drives. That how hard simply fighting it is so as you seem to already know you cant force your way out of addiction.

    2. Second, you are not weak, bad, or a horrible person. Beer and whiskey makers do one think make alcoholic drinks and the more we get drunk the more money they make. Drug dealers make more money the more you get high, and of course the more clicks and credit card purchases to buy porn the richer they get. You are simply a product of our societies quick fix nature.
    The severe problem is Porn ruins lives, not just emotionally or south of the border..but it totally screws with our brains and fight or flight path. That feeling you get called weak, is actually your brain turning on sensors and nerves to get you to behave. The sooner one realizes its not dirty, filthy or nasty to have an addiction the sooner they stop punishing themselves and can begin to heal.

    3. Lastly find a sponsor or like this website called it accountability partner to call or write, speaking of writing. Do that
    as often as is needed. The problem with online journals as the can at times be triggers themselves. Now no own wants a journal found under a bed about their porn. So write it down how you are feeling and then prayer as mentioned and throw the paper away. The symbolism of tossing the paper away is to give it away from ourselves. Its a system that works in most all drug an alcohol recovery centers.

    Good Luck.
    Potato93 likes this.
  4. lekasenor

    lekasenor Fapstronaut

    I mean I am not technically savy so I am not good at going around the blockers but you need two I think. Because they are limited. If you get K9 and Net Nanny and set it up right and write the passwords down and store them somewhere you don’t have access it can work

    Make sense?
  5. heresanameforyou

    heresanameforyou Fapstronaut

    Here's my setup, which I have already circumvented to a small extent, but if it works for you, go for it.
    My defense is currently multi-layered:

    1. Change your hosts file in windows/system32/drivers/etc to exclude a bunch of porn sites. I found a post online that has the names of hundreds of sites, that I've uploaded here in .txt form if you are interested.
    2. Install K9 on every computer you have with a long password that you can then hide somewhere that you have to spend several minutes walking to and from in order to recover it. I live in an apartment building with a basement storage where I've placed my passwords in code form. I haven't once retrieved the passwords when I've relapsed. You may have to do a bunch of fumbling with the settings as it may be overly sensitive to certain material, but since it doesn't always catch everything, you may want to ask yourself how much you really need tumblr, imgur, etc.
    3a. If you have an Android phone, I recommend installing Safe Browser and blacklisting whichever sites you want it to cover that it already doesn't (tumblr, pinterest, etc.). I'm sure there's a similar iPhone variant.
    3b. Install an applock app like CM Applock, make up a similarly long code that you can hide far out of reach and lock your built in browser as well as the Google Play Store, so you can't go installing a new webbrowser at some later point.
    4. Uninstall whichever apps still give you access to porn on your phone. It's the same image sharing sites mentioned above, not to mention reddit.

    All of this is a pain in the ass. That's sort of the point, though. There will never be as effective a defense as restraint and some sort of positive outlet / reaction for your urges.

    Attached Files:

    21yearsin and Potato93 like this.
  6. blockers dont work, wish i had listened to this advice
    you can alway work a way around them
    e.g. i have loads installed but if i am motivated, i can find material in other languages online,

    so the change is your behaviour, and focus away from porn
    SaltedPeter likes this.
  7. Nevertoolate88

    Nevertoolate88 Fapstronaut

    I just relapsed and had the K9 blocker on my computer. BUT I relapsed with my smart phone.
    On my computer it K9 Blocker really works very well.
    1. Install the K9 blocker and make a long password.
    2. Check the settings: E.g. it blocked football sites at my computer,
    so first check the settings (I just disabled porn and another category)
    and check all the normal sites you often visit
    3. Tell somebody of your addcition, a good friend with you trust 100%
    and give him the password.

    I had to make a few steps on my laptop, to "update" it (it blocked even football
    streaming sites), but know K9 blocker works 100%

    But I am frustrated with the Android protection.
    I installed Family save protection and it doesn´t work,
    which I found out this evening :(
    I know, that it´s the mind, you guys are 100% right.
    But an alcohol addict does not have beer or wine in his house,
    so I should protect myself from porn as good as I can, especially in the beginning.
    Any advice?
    I do not want to install CM Applock, because I will change my smartphone in a two weeks
    and as you all know, at the beginning you need a lot of apps.
    Is there anything for android, which is as good as K9 for the computer?

    Anyway potato93, I hope it helped a little bit and to everyone: stay focused guys!
  8. so to be clear, they do slow down the process but if you are motivated you can find a way around blockers - not full proof but helpful

    for the phone - install "safe browser" by mozilla, and remove your other browsers
    when you get your new phone, i recommend installing the "block" app

    good luck sir
    Nevertoolate88 likes this.
  9. Nevertoolate88

    Nevertoolate88 Fapstronaut

    Can I choose by myself, which apps the"block" app will be block
    or does the "block" app block all apps in general?
    Anyway, thanks for the information Dude and good luck everyone!
  10. snowwolf0111

    snowwolf0111 Fapstronaut

    Dude, the best advice I can give you : Blocking it is not enough !! You should just NOT look or open any porn at all !!
    I say this out of experience, the moment you start looking at porn, you will fap !! so the longer you will NOT look at porn ( and better also not to think about it , or not to much ) you will feel better, stronger and more self-confident !!

    Good luck !
  11. present2015

    present2015 Fapstronaut

    Get rid of your drug dealers.. Your Internet Phone and your computer. Reasses after that.
  12. yes, you pick and choose
    Nevertoolate88 likes this.
  13. Nevertoolate88

    Nevertoolate88 Fapstronaut

    thanks Buddy!
  14. can you please provide details as to what blockers you are using
    as i have found a multitude of ways around them (e.g. foreign language searches) - and i have 3/4 blockers abd no "hacking" skills
  15. I was the same as you, I blocked it all - but I am a whiz on a PC and I would always find a way round...

    Anyway, I finally figured it out... Nearly ALL devices/OS's etc allow you to create separate admin/user accounts...

    So you need to disable you privileges on your device, create a separate admin account, install web blocker etc - give password to web blocker & admin account to friend... Boom now you're stuck for sure. It's easy to break through a web blocker, not so easy to break into an admin account.

    All when you setup the web blockers etc, sign up with a random disposable email - this prevents you from using the "forgot my password" option.
  16. I had to ignore this post, sorry but as soon I seen you started mentioning ways to get around it I had to ignore it because I don't want to end up reading it and bypassing my filter... I am safe atm. I am not sure how far into detail it goes but maybe you should edit it to prevent others accidentally reading it too.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I agree, but initially it can be quite hard to get the "mind filter" into gear - for me, I found that effective blocking helped me get a few days streak, then once I had the streak my mind filter kicked into place. Otherwise I was just searching and searching at any opportunity.

    It's different for me though because I work for myself from my PC so I am on it all day, so I need effective blocking otherwise the temptation is just too great.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. aditay

    aditay Fapstronaut

    brother once upon a time i was also in same condition like urs i used to keep internet filters in my phone but not anymore i m free from this shit i no longer need filters one thing i need to tell u is that lust is in ur mind to control it u need to do two things first do yoga and meditation and second avoid tea coffee then u will no need to keep filters
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. RescueUSelfKevin

    RescueUSelfKevin Fapstronaut

    I tried many many methods and none of them worked because even nonnude images could trigger urges and they are everywhere. Not mention that you will find how intelligent you are while you are trying to break the locks you set!

    The method I found is replacing the bad habit with good one. The good habit I am trying to build is to come here and take the chalenges.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Just put a password block on any app that might give you access to porn. Block your browser, block the app store, block social media, all of it. That's the best way to do it. It prevents you from looking at anything because you literally can't use it.