
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Legion7, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    I just found this website. I am on day 15 of not even surfing the net. I have had near debilitating insomnia now for 5 days. I'm taking Tamazepam just to get 5 hours. Does anyone else have this problem. When does it end. I'm in hell
    PMO addict and Vulkan like this.
  2. Drugs never worked for me. I've had on and off insomnia for years and I think that the most effective thing for me has been meditation. It takes a lot of practice and persistence, but once you get the hang of it, you'll see results. I have found that falling asleep with a quiet mind allows me to stay asleep longer and sleep more deeply. Give it a try and good luck!
    PMO addict likes this.
  3. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply. I've been meditating as well. Never had insomnia before. I'm hoping my brain chemicals reset a bit soon. I hate not being able to sleep.
  4. No problem. The first few weeks to a month are tough. I hate insomnia too! Nothing worse than getting up in the morning hating life after only a couple hours of sleep. Just have to try not to let it bother you. Stressing about it only makes it worse, like if you anticipate a bad nights sleep, it's bound to happen.
  5. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Have you need able to stick to not browsing a lot, @Legion7?

    Exercise works wonders for me. Especially after getting established into a routine. I know we're gettin' on in years a bit, but pushing it some without risks of joint damage / etc is my approach. Rigorousness :)
  6. Haroon226

    Haroon226 Fapstronaut

    its a lot to do with your routine. i have always had insomnia issues since i was a kid. like a jerk brother playing music at night or talking on the phone. those bunk-bed/room sharing days. i still can not sleep if i can hear a clock ticking.

    i have accepted the fact that pretty much mon-fri i will have crappy sleep, and the good thing about is that each day of crappy sleep will pile up and make you more tired and tired during the week. best option is regular exercise, like a 30 min run. if street noise bothers you, if possible find the quietest room in the house and sleep in there.
  7. NicoRobocop

    NicoRobocop Fapstronaut

    just tonight i have insomnia
  8. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Haven't even turned on the computer. My phone has this site, and a couple of news sites. Saw some cheerleaders on TV and closed my eyes and hit a news channel. Other tban my wife, I'm a monk!
    vxlccm likes this.
  9. Casey Adams

    Casey Adams Fapstronaut

    Where did you find about it?
  10. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Day 25 clean. Still have insomnia and headaches. Sometimes chest pain. Getting better unbelkevably slowly. Anxiety is getting better though. Took a while to get here, will take a while to get out. One hour at a time, one day at a time...
  11. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Day 29. Had the worst night yet. Noones probably reading this but I'm going to put it down. 3.5 hours of sleep, muscular and chest pain, punctuated by cold sweats and anxiety attacks. I don't know how many more days I can physically take. I keep reading that this ends but it's hard to believe. Not suicidal but definitely hurting in a bad way. Looked at accountability partners but the threads seem to just stop. I truly feel like I might die and noone would notice.
  12. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    There is no magical pill. I suffered from insomnia combined with terrible headaches first month of hard mode. Sometimes I didn't sleep for days to the point my eyesight and balance were impaired. When you don't sleep for two or three days, your body will shut down by itself. You'll fall asleep from exhaustion sooner or later. When you do, you'll sleep 12 or more hours like a baby. Then you'll repeat it all over again, until your sleeping stabilizes. I went through hell, being so exhausted I was on a verge of start using sleeping pills first 2 months. My sleeping patterns are better now, but still no ideal.
    Vulkan likes this.
  13. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for that. I can't believe how bad withdrawals suck. I understand the brain chemistry behind it but it just feels like it will never end. I know other people have done it, just wish I had a time line. I've had insomnia and anxiety now for several weeks. I have the anxiety under control, it's just the sleep. My Dr prescribed fkexeril which knocks me on my butt, but I don't want to take it unless I have to.
  14. Monarch77

    Monarch77 Fapstronaut

    +1 to what hopeless said. I recently just went through it and ya, I know it's hell when you can't sleep, but eventually you'll come around. I also had that feeling about it not ending but of course it does and is just part of the process, tied to having your entire neurochemical landscape being a mess during withdrawal. I agree that I'd avoid taking the sleeping pills if you can and just do your best to ride out the storm, simply because I always found biting the bullet and not trying to remedy with anything, not even alcohol, usually gives me the shortest withdrawal. My recent experience was 8 days with intense insomnia and anxiety. Most of those days I didn't sleep at all and I literally felt like I was dying, but I just stayed to course and broke out of it. You'll still likely have problems with anxiety and insomnia on and off through out the reboot, but things get easier after the critical withdrawal phase. Hang tough, you'll get through it eventually.
  15. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    I have 3 things which could help you and others. By the way, I went through some long insomniac period during my first week, I guess when my libido was at its peak, which bonering and fantasizing all before sleep. Before NoFap I never had any problems sleeping, it would be considered as I have sleeping issues while changing on this journey, so yeah, I have sleeping problem.

    - Have some really power draining training during the day (even 15 minutes before laying in bed helps atleast for me, but you have to drain you completely and don't forget to breathe calmly and meditate for you muscles to relax afterwards)

    - Listen to some really calm and mind altering cosmic music loop and sounds (tons of podcasts on phone devices for free, for example, TrackstoRelax).

    - Focus on breathing, sooner or later you will pass out.

    All these 3 things helps me.
  16. Just started googling for Nofap insomnia and this thread showed up. I am having the same problem with sleep. I CAN'T sleep at all. For weeks now. I just lay on my bed and nothing happens. My mind won't shut down. I feel a weird sensation in my head and mouth. Last weeks I had multiple sleepless nights. I tried everything. (meditation, breathing, blue light blockers, no coffee etc. etc.) Even a high dose seroquel, melatonin or doxylamine won't help me sleep. With seroquel and doxylamine I just lay awake with a severe dry mouth. I tries benzos in the past, but got horribly addicted to them and the withdrawal was a long-during psychotic hell on earth. This is very hard for me because every day feels like a dream. I hope my body will someday crash and shut my mind down so I can sleep some hours. I am 17 days free from PMO btw. You're not alone with this severe insomnia.
  17. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks to all. I'm going to keep pushing forward. Knowing I'm not alone in this gives me strength. Insomnia is definitely the worst symptom I have. I hope this doesn't last much longer. It's been 3 weeks already. I had a pretty bad case of PMO but am done and never going back. I'm so beat I can't really exercise. I cleaned the house for several hours yesterday and almost passed out. I hoped it would be enough to get me to a place where I could sleep but it wasn't to be. It didn't help that the military base near me had night artillery lractice, either...
    Deleted Account and xeon1993 like this.
  18. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    Maybe thats because you are in flatline? 3 weeks seems about right. Just force yourself to train, eat healthy, read, drink plenty of liquid. Don't forget to enjoy yourself time to time like get your beard fixed, cut your nails, etc whatever makes you feel "clean".

    By the way, always schedule your plans for tommorow. Like, tommorow I will fix that, clean that, etc. In the end of the day, it will calm your mind down as you know you did your shit and becoming better and better as a person.
  19. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    I actually don't have flatline. One of the few symptoms I missed! I'm married and everything works down there. I have a very good therapist and doctor who are watching me fairly well. I was actually having a "better" few days until yesterday/last night. I know there are ups and downs, and this was definitely a down. I have been trying to make plans when I can. I'm restoring a couple of cars, but on days like today I just can't bring myself to go out to the shop. I don't think dropping a transmission on my head because of exhaustion and the shakes would help my sleep, but maybe it would! Lol. I have been getting up and sticking to my routine, shower shave etc. It's a beautiful day here but I've got nothing in the tank.
    My brain keeps telling me "if you just turn on the computer it will all be OK again" to which I say "bite me". It has been fairly easy to avoid all my triggers.
    A question. How long have people gone with the insomnia before it got better? If I count actual days I'm at 17 days of insomnia, 29 days 100% clean.
    xeon1993 likes this.
  20. xeon1993

    xeon1993 Fapstronaut

    I am no pro, but having no flatline seems a bit off to me. It has to arrive to everyone otherwise you are not an addict with struggle for dope kick and problem seems to be laying somewhere else. Just wait for it. Actually, you will know when it arrive. You say in days like this you have struggle going to market. For me, it started the same way. Started like few days ago (days before I was fully energized and wanted to do stuff) when I had smaller and smaller need to interact or be around others. Started to creep in my old habbits like starring in a ceiling, having depressing and dull thoughts, feeling like all the living life suddenly became frozen, having a deep look through at things for 5minutes while thinking nothing.

    I don't see why with this kind of interesting daily routine you would have trouble sleeping. Though, I would suggest adding something new and meaningful for each of your day.

    Do you workout like you feel your bloodflow is running like mad? Do you see your buddies - hang out and stuff?