Running vs. Weightlifting

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 22, 2018.

Which is better?

  1. Lifting bro

    4 vote(s)
  2. Running/cardio?

    5 vote(s)
  1. So I understand running is better for your lifespan. But when I lift, I feel better about self-esteem and it's something that I can progress at, unlike other things in my life.

    But when I run, which I'm a beginner at. I just feel better mentally. I ran a mile yesterday and I got a runner's high, which I like bc it was love drugs but it was less intense and shortlived. Even after throughout the day, I have a more calm feeling and relaxed/happy.

    What do yall think/prefer?
  2. I get that same high w lifting only with compound heavy heavy lifts. Like 3-5 rep range, compound movement.
  3. MrLoner

    MrLoner Fapstronaut

    They serve different purposes. Why don`t you do both?
    Craig365 and Stopitjack like this.
  4. Stopitjack

    Stopitjack Fapstronaut

    i do more cardio than lifting ( mostly legs, lats and core). when i am doing swim bike and run - i feel grounded when i am done.
    Craig365 likes this.
  5. VirilitySupreme

    VirilitySupreme Fapstronaut

    Both are great ways to get in shape, altough I'd like to chime in with my two cents.

    I would even go as far as saying that the way you should exercise is determined by your sex.

    Men (not all) have ten times more Testosterone than women. We are more aggresive and competitive.

    Women (not all) tend to "feel" and to be more emotional than men.

    Women tend to want the sex to last longer since they want to "feel". In contrast (at least I do), I want to be intense and get my O face on (lol).

    You get a nice "feeling" from long cardio. You get a rise of Testosterone after an intense, heavy weightlifting session. It literally makes you a better man after only 45 minutes.

    Cardio should be the same: Short and intense. It will raise Testosterone and Growth Hormone.

    Long cardio sessions burn muscle and increase Cortisol. No bueno if you care about your hormones.
  6. Cardio is definitely important but I hate running. Prefer cycling, jump rope or rucking. Or rowing. Or anything besides running.
  7. kayesem

    kayesem Fapstronaut

    Weights are my current preference. Easy to manage and step up gradually. Feeling afterwards is in proportion to effort.

    I suck at running but walk an hour a day. The hurt after a lift is enjoyable, but after a run it cains bad and in my lungs, ears, shins, basically my whole body hurts, during and after. The endorphins are about 10 walks in one, but the effect wears off very quickly, within 5 - 10 mins, and simply is not worth it, unless I am having a super rough day.

    A quick sprint occasionally is all i do at the moment. Easier to get up off the heels of my feet and find a rhythm that doesn't slam all the bones in my legs, compared to a run or a jog, which is the worst. I know, I am doing it wrong and it's me, not the thing, but I don't have those problems lifting, it all comes naturally and does not make me feel sick afterwards.
    Deleted Account likes this.

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    I do both. I'd have to say going for a long brutal run has weightlifting beat in the post workout euphoria catagory.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. TaiseiReborn

    TaiseiReborn Fapstronaut

    I love running over weightlifting but I see the benefits of both so I can't really choose lol; but if I absolutely HAVE to then running
  10. I go for both, running makes me have a better night of sleep and lifting helps me with building my confidence and improve my own body.
  11. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

    DEpend on my mood I switch up.