I can not go out to the street, thanks to my social phobia

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Mark85, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    is there a connection between bullying and social anxiety?
  2. There definitely can be. Let me illustrate it this way. A while ago, I was driving and came to a T intersection where I had no stop sign but the cross-traffic had to stop. There were no trees or anything to reduce visibility and this was in the middle of the day. There was a car stopped at the sign and it looked like the driver saw me. When I got close they pulled out in front of me and then stopped. Somehow I managed to go behind them and stay on the road but now whenever I see a car pull up on the right at a stop sign my heart starts racing and I instinctively put my foot on the brake because I'm afraid they are going to pull out in front of me. It's all instinct - I know it's irrational but I can't help it because of that experience. My dad has the same type of reaction because he experienced something similar as well.

    Anyways I view bullying the same way. If someone is the victim of bullying for a long time, they can develop an instinct to defend themselves/cringe away from social encounters because their mind has been conditioned to do so from the bullying. It is an irrational fear (not everyone is out to get you), but it is ingrained nonetheless and can cause anxiety in social situations. I think it gets even worse when you combine it with the shame of PMO.
    u376 likes this.
  3. Gideonite

    Gideonite Fapstronaut

    Hello Mark! I'm really sorry about the bullying, social anxiety and the depression. I can relate with that actually. I literally hated going to high school because of the social anxiety I fell during the day, and then going home and PMO away all my problems. Just being stuck in that vicious cycle makes anyone think there is no way out, but there certainly is.

    My best advice is daily prayer and to find people to talk to (I know it has been brought up in previous posts). No matter how awkward you might seem at first. The thing is that being afraid of what people think of you is going to deteriorate the quality of your life. I don't want to make you feel worse but rather encourage you to take small action steps towards becoming the best version of yourself. NoFap definitely is the best catalyst to accomplish anything in life.

    You should read the book: Awaken the giant within - Anthony Robbins. It really gives you the insight of how you should think and act in every situation to become the man you want to become.

    May God be with you brother. Best of luck.

    u376 likes this.
  4. Mark85

    Mark85 Fapstronaut

    Hello, sorry for my absence, I started working with a friend in a motorcycle workshop that is a relative, it is very difficult and I am really sensitive to the pressure to do everything right, I get bad when I do something wrong and they scold me Seriously, I'm literally very sensitive and the feeling when they scold me or I'm getting in my way breaks my heart, penetrates my soul. Forgive all friends. And God bless you.
    pezzer likes this.
  5. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    My history teacher once said about that kinda thing. That once you realise no ones paying attention to you cause they're all too focused on themselves you can be ok with yourself kinda thing i guess. But if you're being bullied then that's very real and for whatever reason, those people will never be justified for their actions. The best thing to do is to try your best to not let it get you down, its so hard when at least i know the feeling, the feeling of just utter hopelessness i guess. You just have to convert that 'nothings ever gonna be alright everrrr' ' to everythings gonna bee fineee just follow the natural plan the universe has set out for you' kinda message.

    When i was younger i thought i lived in a perfect world during that time. I often reminisce of the past, i know its not really a good thing to dwell there but i have some treasured memories, back when my family were together as a single unit, we pretty much had everything going for us, til something knocked us all down.

    But this is simply the fact of life, i won't sit here telling you things will get better, they may, they may not, but its pretty much totally down to your perception of things tooo, if they're not better you can make any attempt imaginable to change that. Misfortune seems to happen in everyones life and it's such a bummer, but fortunately, we still have our health! we still have our lives! and just by being present on this site shows we are travelling in the right direction of improvement and progress of the self. For now that's the best we can do. Don't try to achieve the unthinkable over a night it can't be done, happiness, prosperity, wealth happens over many years, and you still have a full life to live, perhaps with ups and downs, or just a straight line, but it happens, we feel good for a while, we have a comedown, we get sad, then we get happy again. To live!!! and have fun. otherwise what else are we doin this for
    Mark85 likes this.