Hay, I might be here for a slightly different reason

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by acidandaardvarks, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. acidandaardvarks

    acidandaardvarks Fapstronaut

    I partake in NoFap, and this site has really helped me engage with the benefits here which is awesome!

    However I'm a chick (I don't know whether there are many of us here as I am new) and I signed up because I wanted to talk to a few guys and get to understand their motivations and stories because I really appreciate what you guys here do! PMO has affected me incredibly negatively (but I'm probably on the other side of the story) and I just wanted to say that all you guys here give me so much hope that there are really nice guys out there willing to make a change and help themselves, you're all beautiful :)
  2. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome from another England member :)
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  3. William

    William Fapstronaut

    The single greatest learning tool I found was this video:


    Thanks for posting by the way, reading posts and responding are part of my recovery. The above video totally altered my perception of my problem and my solution. Before it, like many of us here, I believed the problem was one of faulty character, lack of or weak will power, being unable to deal with sexual urges. I now know my problem is in the brain, above the belt, not below it. Understanding that was huge for me. After the video I realized there was a scientific explanation for my fascination with porn and PMO. While I know the difference between real sex and porn, my brain's chemical reward cannot tell the difference; it thinks porn IS sex, and since it rewards sex by the release of a drug we love, dopamine, high speed internet porn actually comes to be preferred over the real sexual experience--it provides something actual sex cannot provide, something we evolved never to experience: limitless new sexual experiences which represent endless dopamine fixes.

    Since your post says you have "been on the other side of the story" I guess you have been involved with a guy who has the PMO monster on his back. It is easy for me to say but, don't take it personally. Porn literally rewires our brains and we don't even know it while it is happening. It is quite recent that the scientific community has come to realize that merely looking at an image can cause an addiction. For me, quitting porn, and that means not watching it, thinking of it, imagining it, remember it, or using porn substitutes, was key. It just triggered a drug I could not handle. I quit because my partner asked me to quit. Due to P I had developed the inability to O during real sex. Could have real sex all day and liked it, but could not reach climax. That messed with my partner's self esteem. I don't think that until I realized that not being able to O with my partner hurt her did I really get serious about quitting. It did not bother me I could only O with P, but now I realize I was a bit selfish in my conceptualization of the problem. Anyway, hope this has helped a bit. Thanks again for posting, responding to it is another way for me to educate myself. Good luck on your journey.
  4. TenderTalons

    TenderTalons Fapstronaut

    I saw your post the other day on /r/nofap and it really moved me. I hope you can find what you're looking for here.

    When you ask about motivations, what do you mean? Motivations for starting PMO? Mine is as simple as having the opportunity, a dial up connection, and a fascination with the female form at a young age. It soon became a habit and by the time high school came around it was a symptom of a much larger depression that included social anxieties. I saw a lot of people just starting to explore relationships and didn't think I could do it myself. This feeling was exacerbated by my obesity at the time. I'm not sure how, exactly, but I did wind up losing my virginity in my teens. Even with this experience, I felt more comfort in my habit than in the pursuit of a relationship. People were just so scary!

    As for my motivation for quitting PMO: it's just part of a larger journey I've been on for the last 2 years. I've lost 100 pounds, gone back to school to pursue a career in Environmental Technologies, had relationships, had sex, and made a lot of wise decisions. Sometimes I still struggle, but I know that I'm doing the right thing with the actions I'm taking today to improve my tomorrow. Being a part of communities like this is really helping me find the motivation to continue, and I hope to give as much as I get in that regard.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  5. acidandaardvarks

    acidandaardvarks Fapstronaut

    Hello :) Thanks all for your responses! It's very nice to meet you all.

    William- thank you for the kind words. I understand that I should not take it personally and I appreciate you reminding me :), it is however very hard. It ruined my confidence and broke my heart. I was lied to 3 times about it, I knew there was a problem but I just asked for honesty so I could help and support, but he didn't even try, at the very least he couldn't even see why it would upset me. I have felt ugly and dissatisfying for 2 years now and it is only gradually getting better.

    I'm really sorry to hear how it effected your relationship! The most important here is that you're one of the people willing to make a change for the better. Even though it doesn't directly effect me, it honestly makes me happy to hear that some people are making this change and I just wanted to tell everyone here that! Gives me hope that I will one day satisfy someone fully :)

    TenderTalons hi! I am soooo glad to hear how happy you sound about all this! It sounds like you've made some real big improvements and I just wish everyone could feel that too. I really wish you well on your journey! In regard to motivations I was asking more as to why you decided to join this community, but you pretty much answered that too! I just felt like I was going crazy and it just soothes me so much to come here and meet so many decent, interesting people. I am so hopeful for my future now!
  6. gleohill

    gleohill Fapstronaut

    Hi there. Porn is something that has affected many of us. Normally we first start exploring our sexual tastes at a young age, and with having computers readily available it's only natural that we tend to deal with our hormones, and for me that started at the age of 9. I've been an addict for 8 years, almost half of my life. It's still a shocker to say that to myself, because for the longest time I was deceived that it was only natural. Growing up, it was only common to hear about guys masturbating and how it was a healthy habit and it was completely natural, so why wouldn't it be natural to masturbate while watching porn? And it took me a few years to really grasp the concept of how much it has affected me and so many others, I only wish that young kids of either sex could be taught the dangers of pornography.

    My main motivation to quit pornography was that I felt controlled, and used. I had started to research what the signs of an addiction was and what some addictive symptoms were. I was very naive, and many of us were, or still are. Researching about the brain, chemicals, and everything that porn does to us that we cannot control has greatly increased my sensibility of the topic and it has allowed me to get over much of the emotional part. I am now over 200 days clean, and very proud of my achievements.

    BTW welcome to the community, be seeing you around.
  7. acidandaardvarks

    acidandaardvarks Fapstronaut

    gleohill I am so happy to hear that! That's one of the most impressive lengths of time yet! :) Could I ask you what positives you've noticed since stopping?

    I wish the mind set of the people in this community was much more the norm. I swear every one of you sounds so focused, intelligent and increasingly fulfilled! It seems well worth the effort.
  8. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Hi acidandaardvarks, sorry to hear about your experience, but I think that was much the way my partner felt, and like the guy you mention, at the time I had no idea why it would be hurtful to her. After all, if it was no problem to me I could not O during sex, why should she be bothered? Ultimately I came to understand that having the entire experience with me was important to my partner's self image as an attractive woman. Prior to the reboot process, and probably some times even after, I was certainly less than honest. I think a huge part of the problem is not understanding how porn effects the brain. Most of us cannot conceive that merely looking at a picture, which in turn causes a thought, which in turn releases a chemical that rewards having seen the picture, could form the basis of an addiction. And most of us, in the beginning, have no idea that our private porn use could possibly adversely affect our partner's vision of themselves and how we see them. Well, thanks for posting. Reading and replying are one of the tools I use to fight this thing. Though I consider myself to be successful at this point, there are days I am still tempted; and sites like this help. Peace.
  9. acidandaardvarks

    acidandaardvarks Fapstronaut

    Well, perhaps not the first or second time that he did it. I went through great lengths the third time and I spent days crying over it, so I'm sure he knew the severity of how it would effect me :(

    I understand it a lot more now, and the more I read the less I blame myself for it. I can appreciate objectively that it is a chemical process, an association which runs deeper than any conscious realisation and I thank you for reminding me of this in such an intelligent way. Somewhere at the back of my head though a little voice is just screaming at me that if I was a real woman, a satisfactory woman, then I'd be able to please my man, and he wouldn't even need to look at porn, let alone lie about it. I was more naive but, in a society where women are primarily judged on their appearance and sex appeal, it made me feel like I was faulty. I still feel that way most days.

    But thankfully though reading posts like this and hearing about all the good work you guys are doing it is slowly getting better :) But, if you don't mind me asking, would you ever in a million years say that any of these women were better than your partner? Or even more attractive?
    Because that's the main thing I'm still scared of.

    Thank you :)
  10. William

    William Fapstronaut

    To answer the question....no. However, having learned a lot along the way, I know the question is not the right question. Guys addicted to porn don't watch it because they compare it favorably with real life, real women, or actual sex. The problem is that porn represents immediate dopamine release. The brain's chemical release and reward center does not compare porn images to real life, it thinks porn IS real life. I am able to discern porn from reality; my brain's chemical reward center cannot. That is the problem, our primitive mammalian brain's reward center rewards porn as sex, but endless sex, endless partners, endless scenarios, meaning endless potential dopamine reward. It is not that we think pornographic images are attractive, but our brains interprets them as sex, and sends out a chemical reward. If you have a chance google "Coolidge effect and porn addiction," and you will get a real education.

    All that said, I am sorry to say a lot of us have become addicted, and in my opinion, far more are addicted that know it or acknowledge it. No one chooses it consciously, we don't know it when it is happening. Viewing porn starts out for most of us just as what we think of as a juvenile, harmless, little distraction, amusing even, and over time becomes almost a full time job. Understanding that guy's brains can become unbalanced unconsciously, unknowingly, is important to understand this problem. Many guys are in denial. Peace to you.
  11. gleohill

    gleohill Fapstronaut

    My positives? I'm so much happier, I don't feel guilty anymore as porn seemed to be my guilty pleasure that made me feel truly disgusting inside, I feel like I have more energy (I know I have more energy!), I'm not as anti-social as I used to be, I'm more outgoing and fun, I've gotten much more accomplished seeing as how I have so much more time on my hands, I've really been able to focus in on life in general and have a healthy sex life and a healthy relationship. When I used to view porn or read about porn (detailed stories that gave me the same effects as porn) I would indulge, and love, and be with these make believe sexual partners, much as if watching an ordinary movie. You follow the character through the plot and it's all great. But with porn, it leaves you desiring more just like any addiction would. And that turned into a lot of worthless feelings that I beat myself up over and I think I needed that. I wouldn't have stopped PMO if it hadn't been for such painful emotions. I even told myself and others that if I relapsed again I would probably hurt or kill myself. That is not the answer, but it took me that far. I needed it, but it was a very painful experience. I am so glad I am in a better place now.
  12. acidandaardvarks

    acidandaardvarks Fapstronaut

    That comment helped a lot. The mind can be a dangerous place, we should be careful what we keep in there I suppose. I agree with you that I think more people are addicted than know about it; my boyfriend would have thought I was mental had I said 'you've got a porn addiction'. If you're going to lie to someone repeatedly and full well knowing the effect it has on them, negating 3 years of relationship just for a video then it certainly runs deeper than we give it credit. And it's all because society says it's normal. Porn is normal, sexual images everywhere are normal, we keep repeating that men are incredibly sexual beings which I think does more than free men, I think it sets an ideal of their masculinity which trying when trying to fulfill propels these deeply damaging habits. I just wish it was different, but I get labelled a 'stupid feminist' and cast aside for hoping to change things.

    Wow, your second comment is so intense to read. Am I so thankful you are in a better place! I didn't realise the potential for pain could run so deeply. Although I certainly wish more people had your view of the subject, I guess I certainly wouldn't want them to go through all of that. As soon as the urges have gone it must feel like a massive weight off your shoulders :) I'm so appreciative you have shared so many of your experiences with me today, I am feeling a bit better!