Should I get a gf

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Souhail, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Souhail

    Souhail Fapstronaut

    Hey guys this is my first post in NoFap's forum i was a little bit shy to say that i was addicted but now I on my day 31 in nofap hard mode
    Everything is going so well : studying , working out , reading books and self improvement
    But i actually didn't find that girls are attracted to me even when i stopped doing PMO and my friends are having gfs while i'm lonely and i don't want to get rejected by girls
    what shall i do guys ? please help

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  2. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    First: you need to let go of the fear of rejection!

    Second: Go out and meet new people, don't over think things just start talking to people and try having a good time, girls like it when guys are a bit silly and enjoy themselves.

    Third: be bold, everything is a learning experience.
  3. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Build up that confidence, girls sense that! And yeah, like mentioned above, don't be afraid of rejection, because you won't try to talk to girls if you're constantly afraid she minght turn you down. And you should get a gf if you want to, not because your friends have gfs.
    eDMOND1991 and DudeAlive like this.
  4. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    Learn from rejection. Don't have fear to be frank and express honestly what you want because finally nothing bad is gonna happen anyway.
  5. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    If you want a girlfriend because you don't want to be alone anymore here a few tips:
    • take your life easy, don't think wanting a girlfriend when you go to a club or somewhere else - women can smell it!
    • learn from rejection like the people above me say
    • get some confidence
    • don't take a girlfriend just because your friends have girlfriends and - most of all - don't let them tell you, that you have to have a girlfriend! The last one is pure posion! If they tell this to you, they are complete idiots. This is one of the reasons why humanity lives in bad luck: They think they have to do what they get told since birth. But that's wrong. Make your life easy.

    And I recommend to you to watch these videos:

    These may give you a few tips about how to handle with women.

    And hey, you are very young! Take it easy, you have much time! ;)

    I found also this video here:

    And it is not the car, the women want by the way ;)
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2017
    eDMOND1991 likes this.
  6. Thunder Blaster

    Thunder Blaster Fapstronaut

    Girls don't come out of bushes telling you that they like you brother, that's sad but true. Some girls surely likes you but just think that they are scared to tell you. Here in Italy we are masters in doing this and that's my tip for you. You should make the fort step because you're the man bro!
  7. BasicVoltaire

    BasicVoltaire Fapstronaut

    ;) Cheeky Italians, giving the rest of us shit because you invented courtship hahaha. You guys are great.
  8. neil32

    neil32 Fapstronaut

    Less reading books, more looking at women, not much to watch porno movies but go to a club and approach girls regularly! ;):)
    Sc8r51o1n likes this.
  9. Superadders

    Superadders Fapstronaut

    Get yourself out there pal. You need to face the fear of rejection and approach and interact with lots of women. Pushing out of your comfort zone this way will make you more masculine than you already are. The more women you approach and interact with, the more your confidence builds.

    Well done for reaching 35 days. That is amazing. With all that semen retention, women will sense your confidence and masculinity. Providing of course, you actually get yourself out there and talk to women.
  10. I'd say taking risks is all part of the fun ESPECIALLY since you're doing noFAP. You have all this free time to do whatever you want and in turn your confidence will go up. Self development was key, for me walking 10,000 steps a day helped a lot and reading books. It definitely doesn't hurt to meet women out there but the longer you go without fapping the more confident you will become and asking a lady out isn't that hard to do. But at the same time When I was younger I would rush the dating process especially when I wasn't confident but when you believe in yourself others will believe in you it's that simple. And don't be afraid of rejection trust the process!
    Souhail and Hitto like this.
  11. Focus on achieving something in life...The right girl will be there for you
  12. Nihilism

    Nihilism Fapstronaut

    (Read through the entire thing before you give up. The new Bible is down there) -

    I know this feeling. I have always had that feeling and it won't end because it's a social need of a human being like you and me.
    To be honest man, I have been in the same place for years now and it's the worst feeling ever. I can't say that I have been able to eradicate this feeling altogether but I have a few moments every now and then, when I feel liberated from this feeling and those are the best moments of my life.

    Some people might criticise my point of view but I'm really tired of this feeling bugging me forever. I have adopted nihilism specifically w.r.t my love life (no shit, my name gave that away). If you don't know what nihilism is, let me phrase it for you - "Life is pointless". The reason I chose to adopt it because it is hypothesized that "you will find love when you stop looking for it" (as if it's true). So, as a nihilist, I am letting of my search for everything. So if the hypothesis is actually correct, I am assuming that my girl is probably on a "search and love" operation for me. And if it is not correct, then, I have already shown myself to the "zero f**cks given about any goddamn thing". It is a win-win you see.

    To be clear, being a nihilist doesn't mean being a jerk. I behave very politely in my social life. I don't hate girls. I respect them. I help them. When it comes to a girl I like, I don't budge a bit from my principles. Now other people are often like - "go ask that girl out" and then, I look at my past experiences and I draw the same conclusion every time - "How do you want to get f**ked this time ? Life is probably heading towards merciless an*l this time".

    Now others might say - "Nihilism, you are classic loser, introvert. You can't be a pu**y" (God damn! I'm not all of that. I am just ugly. No need to be too damn harsh). To justify myself, I have tried all of that but it never worked for me.

    Now, you are a very different individual than me. So, there is no reason for you to believe me. I wish you find your soul mate as soon as possible like within the next few minutes. I don't hate anybody, man. May all be happy (except General Shepherd. Oh wait!, he gets killed in the end. Life went full an*l on him.)
  13. congrats on your 37 days in reboot :)
    improve your confidence and start talking with more people (not just girls)
    i used to be very shy but then i realized picking up is not rocket science
    it really is easy. you just need to improve your confidence and truly love who you are 360 degrees
    so girls sense that and it is the most powerful thing to attract girls. trust me I am a girl and confidence is the best trait in a guy :emoji_couple:
    Superadders likes this.
  14. Just stay focused on your self I feel this way too because my friends are getting laid and got girlfriend but I'm still single virgin you got to stay strong and be a leader don't follow others and good things will come