How will be fit in future society as NoFapper?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RedPillRebooter, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    As Fapstronauts, we must avoid all forms of pornography. This includes social media. Because as you know social media is porn ( ) The future will only become more tech savvy. VR (Virtual Reality) is coming online soon. Basically we will be interacting with screens more and more; and those screens will contain videos, pictures of beautiful women which is a psub.

    You can deny it all you want but any picture of a woman on an artificial screen is considered porn. If it ain't real it's porn. Disagree? Try seeing how long you can look at a news channel before saying "mmmmm that reporter looks hot" THAT'S A RELAPSE.

    Facebook, Twitter, even Instagram is required for some jobs now. Luckily I'm becoming an electrician so I won't have to deal with that social media bullshit but some people don't have that luxury.

    The solution? You have two options.
    1. Be a beta male and accept defeat and be assimilated into modern society and have you life force drained by porn and psubs. Live with PIED, brain fog, social anxiety. Never have a gf or a satisfying sex life.
    2. Take the red pill like I did. Take rebooting seriously, never watch anything you think might contain porn/psubs. Don't give in to flashbacks. Don't go on social media, don't watch live action film, avoid looking at pictures.
    Its a hard knock life for a person prone to pornography addiction in the 21st century, but if you want to live a happy life, have a satisfying sex life, not have social anxiety and be able to think clearly ~ then you will have to make some sacrifices, change your lifestyle. Your happiness is a stake.
    Buddhabro and Millenial like this.
  2. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Wall-E much lol
  3. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Wall-E explains so much about our society. Lol
  4. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

  5. Millenial

    Millenial Fapstronaut

    I agree it's important to watch out for the new kinds of P that are being made, espeically VR. Luckily, I can't afford a VR headset. Some guys are
    going to get lost in it though.
  6. ewq

    ewq Fapstronaut

    Yeah the VR is a prelude to the things to come. I wonder what will happen when sexbots hit the market. Or will the woman, who are still interested in men, sabotage the development?
  7. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    When sexbots hit the market it's all over for society.

    Society is going downhill anyways. I don't expect it to last much longer.
  8. Your views are rooted in extremism and are just as unhealthy as those who believe every thought and lust should be indulged in. Your idea that any picture of a woman on a screen is pornography is the same type of backward ass thinking which causes women on this site to be shamed/pressured into changing their avatars. Your solution at the end of the day doesn't allow anyone to grow; rather, it handicaps people and is just as much of a form of escapism as your addiction. It's also the classic version of the blame game where you fault everything but yourself. The reality is there are plenty of people who use social medial media, TV, and other things in a completely wholesome way and there are plenty of recovered addicts who do this as well. A sane person who would relapse over an attractive television news reporter wouldn't say "TV is clearly the problem. All TV is porn"! No, they would acknowledge that their addiction has become so destructive that it has caused daily living to be problematic. They would then take the steps needed to get healthy so they could go back to being able to do normal things, like watching the news, without being triggered.
    Quiver and Buddhabro like this.
  9. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    This. If you isolate yourself to the point of not even allowing yourself to look at a non-sexualized picture of a woman, then what do you think will happen when you are accidentally exposed to something much more alluring?

    I understand that there is a point in the recovery process, particularly at the beginning, where you need to avoid triggers like the plague to give yourself some distance from your harmful behaviours and thought processes. But after a while, you need to start building up your toughness, so that you won't get tripped up by every trigger that comes along. I'm not saying this means actively searching out arousing images, but structuring your life in a way that will attempt to keep all triggers away from you indefinitely will not make you a stronger person. It's also just not going to happen unless you're willing to live the rest of your life in a cave.
    Buddhabro and Son of a Bitch like this.
  10. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    And that's why I have more success rebooting than most people here. You live your life and I'll live mine.
  11. Just because you abstain from pmo doesn't mean jack diddly if you're not fixing your mind. Sure, you may be successful when it comes to stopping pmo, but if you don't unfuck your mind you'll just transfer your addiction to something else. But sure, go ahead and proceed down that path. Best of luck to you.
    VitoMisto likes this.
  12. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    You know what would Really fix the future?
    If clothes were outlawed.
    Think about it.
    You can't oversexualize what is just out there...
    Like, all the time.
    If you are of legal age... Bam!
    No more clothes.
    And hey.... No more carding people for cigarettes now either.
    It fixes so much.
    I'm kind of a genius
    *self five*
    Son of a Bitch likes this.
  13. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Son of a Bitch likes this.