My Partner Journal

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Madi, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. Madi

    Madi New Fapstronaut

    I'm new to NoFap but I honestly just need a place to process what is happening in my relationship and my own head. I figured that, since my partner has been keeping a journal, I could as well.

    My fiance has been rebooting for the last twenty-or-so days, but porn has been impacting our relationship since the beginning. For a year, I thought he was rebooting, but I found out afterward that he had been PMOing in secret. Since then, rebooting has been an incredibly strenuous process.

    For a long time, I had convinced myself that I was a bad partner for having an issue with my fiance's porn use. Over the year that I thought he had quit, I told myself that it was my own problem to deal with and that being a woman meant sexually satisfying my partner. I figured that, since he needs porn despite our active sex life, I was simply failing in my ability to keep my partner satisfied. Once I found out it had been a lie, I logically realized that if wasn't me, but an issue with him, but it is still impossible to control my thoughts.

    The way my partner explains his PMO thoughts and urges is something I feel like I experience all of the time. Images of the porn I knows he likes floods my brain. I find it hard to stay focused during sex because I am too worried about my body or if I am satisfying him. I will check porn stars and cam-girls on twitter, imagining what it would be like if I could look like them. My own self-loathing is stronger than it ever has been. I find myself putting down my body, even trying to rationalize with myself that he will never not want porn; that his want for other people won't end with his reboot.

    I don't know how to change my thoughts and feelings. I feel like there are so many resources through NoFap for rebooting but I feel lost on resources as a partner, paticularly without a religious orient. I want to feel better. I want to stop hating myself and doubting myself. I feel betrayed but my brain tells me that my feelings of betrayal are invalid.

    I want to update this, hopefully to find some clarity. But, we'll see. I feel hopeless.
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Hi, welcome to the forum.
    You are among friends.
    If you need any help or have any questions, we are all here for you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Madi

    Madi New Fapstronaut

    Today, like most days, I find myself overwhelmed by the amount of triggering or outright explicit content that exists in every facet of our lives. Whether it's tv shows, music videos, advertisements, websites, etc., we find ourselves having to dodge potential triggers. It gets really hard to enjoy time together when we have to extensively work to avoid seeing things that will trigger PMOing or my own self-loathing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Sharonana

    Sharonana Fapstronaut

    My first piece of advice to you would be to slow down your relationship. You do not want to commit to this man unless and until he is willing to commit to a porn free life. I would actually tell you to run as fast and as far away from him as possible, but it's not my place to tell you what you should do. I've been dealing with this issue off and on for almost the entirety of my marriage (40 years) and it is no picnic. If I knew then what I know now, I never would have married him. You are not alone in your feelings. Their porn use is crazy making for us. Please do not under any circumstances blame yourself. It is all him!!! If you intend to be with him, you need to arm yourself with as much info as possible. Porn addiction and all that goes with it is a relatively new issue. There was no information about it 40 years ago when I was going through hell. It was all that boys will be boys crap, and I foolishly bought into it. Read as many books as possible. Watch youtube videos. Both of you should get into counseling. Hang around here and post whenever you need. There are many here much more knowledgeable than I that can help. Best of luck to you.
    KevinesKay likes this.