Reset Or Relapse please help..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ICDI, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    hey guys so ive been around here for a while trying to NO PMO for 1 and a half years now hardest thing ive ever had to do... i have escalated to some crazy shit and now im hooked onto trannys been that way since i first seen them was i like 15 years old long time ago while i can say scrolling through porn sites and i just happened to end up there.. so i went about 12 days no PMO and today started watching vids and photos of trannys.. i dont know what the fuck to do anymore.. i have also been trying to stop PMO over trannys for a while but i cant go past 2 weeks... i also have a girlfriend who i love dearly and the thought of actually leaving her to be with a transgendered person makes me want to run through a brick wall... but my mind portrays some fucking destructive shit.. i feel as if i will never be satisfied having sex while addicted to my hand and the porn world..
    lucastoni likes this.
  2. Jake_rewire

    Jake_rewire New Fapstronaut

  3. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    bump please some help would be awsome.. and some methods of surpassing 2 weeks, or just methods in general to get further and further..
  4. Rigel7

    Rigel7 Fapstronaut

    Look, I'm not sure what I can say to help you, but my recent good streak came about the hard way. I've lost my girlfriend and have hurt my family because of my addiction. I really hope things don't head that way for you, but the really big thing for me was having a strong conviction to change and then implementing practical measures to limit opportunities. That meant installing porn accountability software and giving my family members the password so I couldn't remove it. That also meant disabling web browsers on my phone and also deleting the Facebook app/Twitter/social media apps and blocking myself from reinstalling it. It sounds extreme, but I just know that when I was freshly recovering, I really struggled with self-control. Until you start to build up those self-control muscles, consider taking some hard approaches to blocking access to allow your brain time to recover.
    Got to Overcome likes this.
  5. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Good luck on your journey, I wish you the best and I pray you overcome PMO once and for all and live the life you always wanted.
  6. Yeah, that is a relapse.
  7. Ask yourself the following questions.

    1-Does porn make you happy?

    If the answer is yes then...

    What are you doing here?

    If the answer is no then...

    Why go back to something that doesnt make you happy?

    I know its hard, but you have to think its worth the sacrifice
  8. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    thanks for all your help guys i appreciate it :)
    lucastoni likes this.
  9. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    Dude, that sounds rough. But don't be too hard on yourself - just dust yourself down and keep pushing forward. Each day without porn is a good day. Focus on the good days, not the bad ones.

    I suspect one reason for an interest in (pre-op) transgendered person's - who are essentially guys at the most passable end of the transvestite spectrum - can be due to a sense of emasculation (conscious or subconscious). Therefore, one solution is to rededicate your life to being a man and respecting your masculinity. Not sure if this applies to you or not.

    One website I would recommend is This website celebrates what it means to be a man, and is packed with advice on every aspect of leading a manly life. Next time you feel the urge to watch transgendered person porn visit this site instead and read one of the articles, or watch one of the videos. Just an idea.

    Good luck & keep the faith.
    lucastoni likes this.
  10. lucastoni

    lucastoni Fapstronaut

    I've been through that.. hooked to transwoman porn and stuff.. not anymore though..
    I even paid once a transwoman prostitute.. My experience? worst thing ever.. what we see in porn its NOTHING like reality. They are men, and smell like man, and their place smelled like men.. and Im not attracted to men. Trust me, its disgusting don't even think about doing that..

    To quit was the best and hardest thing Ive done in my life.. What have helped me to quit that ? Physical exercises, meditation and cold showers along with positive thinking..

    from now on, I dont watch that kind of stuff anymore and my relapses are only M.O. and I pray for you, so that you can get past through that and have a happy and fulfilled life, away from that kind of stuff.
  11. ICDI

    ICDI Fapstronaut

    thank for that information seems like you had a rough time at that stage of your life but i understand you from one being to another being, i have trying to just M.O but it always leads back to porn.. i need to stop it for good and then i will be at peace within myself, for if my inside is good the outside will manifest.