Trying not to ask her out

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Sananafraz, Aug 25, 2017.

  1. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    I've been talking to a girl for a while now. I've gotten to know her well enough to decide we would be a train wreck. The longer I go in nofap; however, the harder it is to resist. She wants me and I want sex, but I'm on hard mode. I've tried to pretend I'm not interested, but that's just seemed to excite her. I'm struggling.

    I've considered sabotaging myself... like maybe I'll just let one rip standing right next to her.... any better ideas?
    vyndaloo likes this.
  2. vyndaloo

    vyndaloo Fapstronaut

    Ok, let's find out what will happen if you decide to ask her out and then have sex with her:
    1. You will release your sexual tension for a couple of days, then you will face the same problem again
    2. You will get intimate with a woman, who is emotionally interested in you. If you are not clear about your intentions now, she will be disappointed and you will be to blame.
    3. You may choose not to disappoint her, you might end up in a relationship you don't see fit right now. You will be frustrated and you will be to blame
    4. You might then end the relationship and break her heart. You will be to blame.
    I'd recommend you stand your ground and master your desires. Starting out anything with a woman you don't see fit is always complicating your life. If you still decide you'd like to have sex with her, you might be clear about your intentions. Tell her you find her attractive, but don't see anything more there. She might then decide if she wants to take the risk.

    Do not sabotage yourself. You need to learn to deal with these decisions as a mature man.
  3. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

  4. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Don't rip one. What are you 7?
  5. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    Yes. I'm 7 years old. What are you a detective?
    wearefamily87 likes this.
  6. wearefamily87

    wearefamily87 Fapstronaut

    That's why it's best to avoid such situations completely... once you get attached to an image of having sex, and then keep fighting and resisting, you're wasting energy and focus... and it's difficult.
    You say you want sex, but yet you're here.
    Decide 100%, and eliminate all that doesn't fit.
    Sananafraz and vyndaloo like this.
  7. 510Pheonix

    510Pheonix New Fapstronaut

    Why do we humans every time we enter a problematic situation never think of the one and only best thing to do. Be honest.

    I think the fear of vulnerability makes us want to hide truth. If you can be honest about this on Forum with a bunch of people you don't know you can surely be honest about this with someone that you are more intimate friends with and go through it together.

    Just straight-up tell her the truth. Girls love guys that confidently take ownership of their attributes and decisions. Especially when those decisions aren't the socially conditioned staus quo.
    Sananafraz and vyndaloo like this.
  8. QUAH162

    QUAH162 Fapstronaut

    explain your situation to her?
  9. daveplaysguitar90

    daveplaysguitar90 Fapstronaut

    Avoid train wreck. Tell her you'd really prefer to be just friends.
  10. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same boat sananafraz, I know this girl wants to have sex because she told me (while i was distracted in class), "I wanna fuck". Im going to tell you exactly what im going to do, (spoiler im a mix of buddhist and christian, this is what clicks with me so far). Ive never had sex, Im still a virgin, and ive had multiple times to lose it too, but something inside my being(soul) told me to wait for my soulmate (yeah thats my idealogy as corny as it sounds). So whenever I meet a girl I know I wont have sex with her until im married (NOFAP fits PERFECTLY with my Buddhist and christian ways), and this is perfect for trying to find that special "Girl" that i "click" with. A real gentleman enjoys anyones company (not sexual at all). Even if I see a real attractive girl I think "ok she looks beautiful, Is she like that inside(heart/soul), or is she dark, negative, or ugly. If you know that the two of you will be a trainwreck, as is the case for me, just remain friends my friend, which is what im probably going to do. Hopefully my story helps you think about your situation in a new perspective, good luck!
    Sananafraz and wearefamily87 like this.
  11. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    Yeah, man. The negativity that came from her when we first started talking is what has kept me from making a move. She's incredibly cool but has nothing substantial to say when she's not bad mouthing people. I can't imagine what even a year long relationship would be like.
  12. SanityOverVanity

    SanityOverVanity Fapstronaut

    Going through the same thing rn. She wants it and we have a history but it's not gonna happen.

    Because I'm on hardmode for at least 90 days but also due to other stuff that's happened with her in the past.

    I'd advise you to tell her what I'm going to tell her, it ain't gonna happen.
  13. fapposian

    fapposian Fapstronaut

    i dont have pov in terms of sex,cause i never experience one