Rate the last movie you watched v. 1

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Okay, Delvin Mallory ZomboMeme 02072018184730.jpg
    Taylor25 likes this.
  2. Thats better than napoleon dynamite lol
  3. Yeah it was I liked it a lot better than the original. I loved how stressed out mr. Incredible was from trying to play mom lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Rocky 1 = 9/10. Winners win and losers lose.
  5. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    Sure. But the only thing that looks like me from Jason S. Is my baldness. Im more a cross between him and Steven Yeun.
  6. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    Thats more like me...in a few years.lol
    Although he would need to have more pronounced moustache and goatee, eyebrows And black eyes.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2018
  7. Lol yeah. I think one of my favorite lines was when Violet asked if he was okay with Jack Jack being babysat by Edna and he was like "yeah. Idk why, but I am." Lol he was so exhausted.
  8. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    Talking about Edna, check her doppelganger Linda Hunt (NCIS:LA)
  9. Ha, yeah, i liked that part too. :)
  10. @JJTorres

    I loved Walk the Line. It's so well acted, written, and shot. Yes they focused on Johnny Cash's story before he got married for the second time but it was on point.
  11. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Basketball 8/10
    If you like south park you'll like this movie. I watched it on Friday night and again on Saturday. Unlike most movies it was actually a little better the second time.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

  13. Leap year, it may be considered girly, but im not too macho to admit i liked it. 7.5/10
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Whoah
    JJTorres likes this.
  15. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I just watched 'Insidious Five Keys' 8/10

    Brilliant as always, great story nice jump scares, nothing profound though. Ties in with a few earlier episodes. Is there going to be another one after this? If so I'd watch it. Recommended if you haven't already seen it.
  16. Saw two movies over the weekend...

    The First Purge: 7/10
    At first I wasn't crazy about it. I didn't like that so many of the main characters were kind of bad people. It made it hard to root for them.

    But! They really turned it around! I loved the main dude, Dmitri, sort of...
    becoming the good guy and saving the day

    Overall, I liked it a lot. I really enjoy the purge movies in general, and it was interesting to see a prequel. It wasn't my favorite of the series, but it was good and interesting.

    Then I also saw Ant Man and The Wasp: 7/10

    I usually like Paul Rudd, but honestly his acting kind of bugged me in this one. Didn't seem great.

    I like Ant Man, but it's not like anything spectacular happens in the film. It's not life or death or anything, which is kind of nice in some ways, because it's just a chill fun flick.

    Although, I will say, that first scene after the beginning of the credits was AMAZING! GAH! I could give it a 10 just for that. I wont say anything more, but it was good.
  17. Ant-Man and the Wasp in 3D - 8.5

    Good movie!
    reystronaut and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Gotham Outlaw

    Gotham Outlaw Fapstronaut

    Jumanji welcome to the jungle 8/10: since it was a reboot I had really low expectations. That being said it actually wasn't bad, but I still prefer the original. Jack Black's imitation of a basic bitch was actually really funny.
    tweeby and Deleted Account like this.
  19. Personally, i really liked Paul Rudd in that, he had me laughing a lot. That being, i do agree about nothing happening, it kind of felt that way in the first movie too. When i compare them to other superhero movies im like "whats even happening". But like you said they are still simple and fun. All in all i liked the second one better than the first......and yeah, you have to see that credits scene :)
    reystronaut and Deleted Account like this.
  20. He makes me laugh a lot too, but I guess I've just noticed that he always plays the same character in the same way in almost everything, which makes me feel like maybe hes not the best actor. But idk, he definitely makes me laugh.