I just got a girlfriend. Guys, reboot god is real.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by NewWorld115, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    I have been talking to this girl for a month and we got a good chemistry.
    But as she was in another town, I didnt propose. Majorly to the fact that that i wanted it to be face to face. Yesterday night we talked romantic and Got me off the edge so I started rehersing.
    The wonderful thing is that about half and hour ago, she texted me that her another best friend ( 2 including me) proposed her and what should she reply. Wtf?

    Here's the thing, If I was before nofap, I would have made some pathetic excuse for my fucking ass luck. But no, This surprise didn't fuck me up. "Not this time. You are mine". So I called her up to say no to the other guy. When she asked why, I said I'm ur boyfriend and proposed it right there. What to lose right?
    She said yes. I Dont remember being this happy.

    Did something like this happened to u guys?
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2017
  2. Rocket Mode

    Rocket Mode Fapstronaut

    Dude how old are you if I may ask
    faplordxd and Deleted Account like this.
  3. WuTangFinancial

    WuTangFinancial Fapstronaut

    If she can't decide between two people you might want to be careful...
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  4. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    Im 17 Rocket.
  5. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    I Really can't blame her, he has been around since and year and half I guess?
    Uncertainty is a bitch
  6. Dude I have to warn you, I know things seem really good at the time because of the "honeymoon" effect when you're with a girl. But the same thing happened to me, she chose me over a guy and wouldn't you know it she chose another guy over me as well. Be careful buddy!
  7. WuTangFinancial

    WuTangFinancial Fapstronaut

    Exactly what I was getting at...
  8. jest

    jest Fapstronaut

    Well let's not be negative about this. I say congrats @OP! Learn to live in the present moment and not worried about the future all the time, gee. Even people who can't decide on who to date will eventually stick with someone for a real relationship, so whatever.
  9. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    Thank you.
  10. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    Well I forgot to mention that the last talk, she said she is this close to proposing someone ( me) and she doesn't talk much with other guys. (subtle)
    I relapsed and reseted my 2 week streak before this counter. Namely this is my 5th try. This was the final.
    I appreciate ur concern. I'll grow through this.
  11. Whatever happens with girls man, most important person is you so never stop work on yourself and stay on the right track for yourself. Its easy when things goes good but what counts is when its hard, thats when it really counts.
    Its important that you have your own dreams, goals and purpose in life that girls cant affect. Girl is not the ride itself but can be part of ride - girl can join your ride - your goals, target in life and so on.
    Also nofap is not about getting girlfriend. Its about battling addiction that holds one back in all areas of life. Its about growing and improving as a person. Getting a girl is not a measure how good you are. The measure is being better than yesterday, its a race with yourself and you only compete with the old you.

    This is pretty bad place for posting relationship problems but there are plenty of relationship forums out there to do that if you use google. Loveshack is pretty huge and active one for example.
    WuTangFinancial and NewWorld115 like this.
  12. NewWorld115

    NewWorld115 Fapstronaut

    Yes I know that bro, I'm not into a problem. I just wanted to prove that nofap is real.. And it helps. Certainly I didn't even imagine being committed and so I don't know what to do from now on. I Wanted to let know that with determination, every goal is possible. What I started nofap goal Is that I wanted to be awesome again. It's one step towards it
  13. Man its been only 27 days streak. With 90 day streak you could actually become a cool guy. As younger you are as more you benefit and shorter time you need to feel benefits of NoFap. Everything happens faster when you are young.
    NewWorld115 likes this.
  14. Congratulations :emoji_blush: :emoji_heart::emoji_purple_heart::emoji_yellow_heart::emoji_green_heart::emoji_blue_heart:
    HipPete likes this.
  15. Good job dude. Hope it ll make you happy and such.
    HipPete likes this.
  16. Baroque

    Baroque Fapstronaut

    So you've been talking to this girl for a month and you proposed to her and later she proposed to you? I don't get it.
    faplordxd likes this.
  17. faplordxd

    faplordxd Fapstronaut

    It sounds like an ldr

    Have you guys even had sex?
  18. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Taking healthy risks! Good on you!