Eight years into the journey- new chapter

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by newman_unleashed, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. seba5116

    seba5116 Fapstronaut

    Enjoyed your story. And love the willpower to still be virgin and having the best 1st time! Just like me :D
  2. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut


    It´s all about impulse control my friend. When you find yourself getting to a dangerous zone, freeze time and do everything in slowmotion, for real reduce your speed - anything you do, moving, typing, breating to 5% of your normal speed, this gives you time to realize what you are about to do.

    Urges come unexpected and hit hard, slowmotion is a legit defense. The slower you go, the more you will realize that what you are doing is wrong and the more likely you are to stop.

    And also: stop the pebble before it becomes an avalanche. it always starts with one little thought.
  3. youngmoney

    youngmoney Fapstronaut

  4. strongman

    strongman Guest

    I wont have time to pmo in the fall because I will be fulltime college student so I know I will overcome this addiction
  5. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    I messed up big time. My intimacy fears caused me to freak out on my gf. I dumped her. I PMO'd once right before the breakup, and I told her what I had done. She was kind and holds hope out for me and us but wants to only be friends right now. I haveregressed due to the sadness and self pity I have been wallowing in. I am in a bad place right now. Have a bad cold, depressed, and just PMO'd.

    I have to dig deep and turn this around. Life is going to go on.
  6. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Cmon dude. Life throws bricks at you, build a fucking house. The girl thing takes how long you want it to take to get over it. But if you sit, and swirm in this sadness, no happiness will come from it. You will have to be brave, and strong so you can push on and make something of your life. One or even 9 set backs should not be a problem - be firm, have a vision and build the house. Best wishes to you, you will achieve even greater happiness that you had on your initial streak.
    waterworld and jamesrobert like this.
  7. Winston

    Winston Guest

    Good luck to you.
    Thank you for sharing your story.
    We all deal with shitty situations in our lives.
    You deserve to be happy. And as hard as it can sound, it does not depend on money you make, the girl in your life, etc. It depends on you.
    As @Ajar said, do not stand in sadness. Move forward.
    We stand with you.
    PotentLife and waterworld like this.
  8. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    so doe
    so does this mean u lost hope and fucked up again
  9. abutrustworthy

    abutrustworthy Fapstronaut

    @ newman_unleashed : Life was never meant to be easy, a sign of true emotional sobriety is not to let ANYONE to edit your reality. You are who you are and you should be proud of it. If your partner leaves you today that does not mean your world should fall apart, as you rightly said, life will go on and so will our struggle against these urges.
  10. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    Dang boys. Tough love.

    I just lost myself for a bit in the relationship and when it failed I didn't know what to do I guess. Went back to PMO as a bailout.

    I am back on the wagon. Doing this for me. Get away from the self pity victim crap. I want to show integrity here. Hating myself for my mistakes and flaws helps no one. Try to do better, even if the process is slower than I'd like.
  11. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Best of luck on the warpath forward my friend. You will win this thing. I'm rooting for you. Your story was very inspiring.
    PotentLife likes this.
  12. AplhaGoku

    AplhaGoku Fapstronaut

    tell u what i am getting ready for 21 days as i heard 21 days changes a mans personality,what you do repeatedly for 21 days become ur personality,when you reach 21 days i reach 21 days too so we are together here,this was my first day and i shag a lot for actresses ,yesterday i was just there but i thought"no i must change my life my life is my responsilbility",you know i had once went for 16 days withought even edging about 3 months back and what a feeling that was but again after i fell down i was not able to get up as these actresses seduced me so much was not able to get up and shagged everyday twice or thrice.as now i controlled for 23 hours my dick says me to shag as i wanna feel that sweet thing again but "now i wanna feel 21 days "
    PotentLife likes this.
  13. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    You have all the strength within already dude.
    PotentLife likes this.
  14. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut


    Thanks man. We all do, if we dig deep enough and have the right motives.
    PotentLife likes this.
  15. Barej

    Barej Fapstronaut

    First of all I want to applaud you for making it as long as you did. Second of all I want to thank you for being honest about your resets. Third, I would encourage you to see the resets not as signs of self-destruction, but as signs that you have more issues to work through (ideally in therapy). Blaming yourself does you no good. Forgiving and accepting yourself paradoxically feuls change. Last, I urge you to see yourself as a whole person, and that your sexuality is only one part and not the whole. Hope this helps :)
    waterworld likes this.
  16. Cleanin'up4thebest

    Cleanin'up4thebest Fapstronaut

  17. Cleanin'up4thebest

    Cleanin'up4thebest Fapstronaut

    I have faith things will get better for you newman. I can see the light within you shining through your postings. I am hoping that you will find strength to go past the shame and be the warrior you truly are. Thank you for all your honesty and courage
  18. newman_unleashed

    newman_unleashed Fapstronaut

    I am back after a few months of hit and miss PMO. Summer is always so busy that I tend to stop doing what I need to do when it comes to routine to keep clean. I am worn out, and rededicating myself starting today. Let's see if I can make 90.
    vyndaloo and Nathan1 like this.
  19. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @newman_unleashed Enjoyed reading your story, you did everything great and your live has improved a lot until that relapse.
    Facing your demons and emotions without running from them is a way to go.

    You were very well on your recovery but it looks like you wasn't ready for that break up.

    I believe you can do this again, read your opening post every singled day if you feel like relapsing. Life is a way better without porn.
    Nathan1 likes this.
  20. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Fapstronaut

    You can do it! No matter how hard it is, you can always get back up!
    You are truly a wonderful person, and we all believe in you!
    Stay strong, I am positive you can do it!
    iHappy likes this.