Will the social anxiety cease nearly entirely upon the completion of my reboot?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Eashy, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Eashy

    Eashy New Fapstronaut

    Along with just about everyone here, the anxiety and depression associated with prolonged pornography use is present in me, too. I've been clean from porn for about a week and clean from masturbation for just a few days; I know it should get better, but in these early days, it feels nearly impossible.

    For those who have completed the rebooting process, did you feel this life change was worth it?
  2. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    First, I don't believe that recovering from an addiction has any kind of completion state. No matter how long you abstain, relapse is just one use away.

    Second, I am not 100% sure if porn even causes social anxiety. There are 3 options: (1) PA causes SA, (2) SA causes PA, (3) they come together as two parts of a bigger complex, and thus correlate. So, depending on whichever is true, recovering from PA may or may not cure SA. As far as I know, this question is still open.

    In my experience, recovery is the process of fixing both problems in parallel, and not just those 2 problems. My recovery program mostly consists of things which (supposedly) help me with most of the symptoms of my depression, anxieties, and addictions.

    And of course it's worth it, it's for your own health!
    Nantz, jeremiah960 and JustinX like this.
  3. Ub3rT1m3

    Ub3rT1m3 Fapstronaut

    I believe that I was starting to develop SA around the time I hit puberty which coincided with when I first discovered porn so for me the two are intertwined.

    To answer the OP, my symptoms have improved considerably but are still not completely cured nor do I ever expect them to be.
  4. elevate

    elevate Fapstronaut

    Nofap is a way for you to create space in your life for better pain and problems so you can achieve better pleasures and solutions.

    So instead of porn and masturbation, you now have time and energy to face your problem of social anxiety.

    It's something that needs to be worked on. Porn and masturbation was a way to escape having to face that problem. So now that you stopped escaping, the problem is still there waiting for you.
    Nantz, JustinX and Ub3rT1m3 like this.
  5. Erick Pastora

    Erick Pastora Fapstronaut

    Think about it this way: social anxiety isn't the result of your PMO addiction, but PMO addiction may be a result of your social anxiety. Now, you have to know if what you have is social anxiety or shyness, because those two can be mistaken. Social anxiety is more of a mental condition and shyness is a common ocurrance that happens to almost everyone, the difference is some experience less shyness or know how to deal with it better. I would recommend to go to a psychologist so they can tell you if you have a condition or not.
    Now, if it's shyness, yes NoFap can help you a lot because when you abstain after 6-10 days your testosterone levels grow higher and you need a new source of dopamine release. So you'll have more energy and will be in need of satisfaction. That's the best time to start acting on it, because with that high amount of energy you'll feel empowered to go out and do what you want. Then, when your testosterone levels become normal again, you may feel less empowered but you're already set on the right path. Plus, I don't know if it's true, but when you abstain from sexual pleasure you become more attractive because you release pheromones that let people know you're available for sexual interaction.
  6. MetaGame

    MetaGame Fapstronaut

    It improves ur anxiety/depression issues in many small and large ways. The retention, dopamine, testosterone, discipline, confidence etc. It is a big hack but it is not an insta fix. What it will do is begin to change ur brain and take you out of the hole. The rest will be up to u. If u reboot and u still do the wrong things it wont work. Use nofap as a boost. Then u do the things everyone has been telling u will help cuz they do help if u stick to it. Read more self help. Work out. Meditate. Actually go out and do things that make the world better and u feel good.

    you do that, u will feel better, nofap would have made a huge impact on ur life and u will be the one helping others deal with anxiety and depression.
  7. Heath

    Heath Fapstronaut

    I think part of it is being more comfortable with yourself. It's difficult to be genuine with other people if your hiding any dirty secret from them. And of course, there's the boost in self-esteem.
    Hitto likes this.
  8. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    NoFap isn’t a cure all for all problems
    JustinX likes this.