The Dopamine Detox Challenge *(Science Based)*

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Bihari, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

  2. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

  3. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

  4. GotCaught

    GotCaught Fapstronaut

  5. Hey, it‘s me the pangolin (don‘t have my password with me or can‘t find it)
    NVM, I want to tell what has happened so far.

    Being on the countryside and hiking has been very good for me. Indeed it prevented me from a lot of unhealthy behavior and I was porn-free for nearly a month.
    Unfortunately from time to time my mind started to freak out with sexual fantasies even during the day and in many nights I fantasized and MO‘d like crazy. This shows how despite the good environment my mind still wanted its fix, it shows how addicted I am.
    But of course the important question is, how one handles the cravings…

    Yesterday and the day before I binged with porn again. The costs for enjoying myself were high and could be even higher: I felt a lot of shame and guilt, it is a big distraction and energy sucker that disturbs me on the way I want to go, I got back and neck pain from it, my eyes are hurting and I was tired during the day (today not so much because I stopped with the 2nd binge before midnight) AND I COULD HAVE BEEN CAUGHT
    I hope nobody knows anything but I can‘t know for sure … oh man, what a mess!

    Of course I had some stupid nonsensical excuses in my mind that let me do it.
    So what I need now is new strong commitment, a plan for abstinence and accountability.

    p must be a no-go for me. I need to learn to say NO. And I can only learn this by doing it a lot of times: saying no. No yes only no, no and no again!
  6. Are-we-there-yet?

    Are-we-there-yet? Fapstronaut

    Hey man, It's okay. I had a really bad binge myself a week ago and just last night I messed up again. I've been struggling. It ceases to amaze me how we can tell ourselves no but yet do it anyway. It's disconcerting. Just keep trying man. Day by day. I believe in you and this too shall pass. Most people don't notice what they can't conceive. So you're probably okay. Keep going.

    To be honest, I haven't been on this thread in a while. Instead, I have turned my attention to the Lord of the Rings challenge which has a much larger following and really good people. Following two threads was taking too much time and effort for me. It would be awesome to see you posting regularly over at the Lord of the Rings Challenge, but all good if you can't. Reach out to me any time man, privately, here, or at the Lord of the Rings challenge.

    You're not alone in this! Thank you for reaching out to me man.
    garmenclyde likes this.
  7. Urges, fantasies withdrawal symptoms - all that happens and can‘t be avoided. But am I able to feel it, endure it, deal with it and go on without acting out?

    Some days without porn hasn‘t changed it: I‘m „into it“ I‘m still „in“. Porn is on my mind, not all the time oc, since it can wait silently in the background.
    I except that it‘s there and that I have to deal with the shit. But I want to be a quitter!
    Make this relapse now the last time you were using - that‘s the vision I want to create for myself, I mean that‘s how I want to look at it and of course I must believe it (at some point)
    Yea, I should renew my vision and not just ignore / thinking negative about the issue but look at it positively and with hope, expectation and kindness.
  8. Thank you for answering promptly on my post! It Feels good to be listened to.
    Yes, I can join the Lord Of The Ring Challenge. It‘s good that there are many active participants. And I like the movies / books as well
  9. Are-we-there-yet?

    Are-we-there-yet? Fapstronaut

    Hey, I get it. It was recommended to me (and others) to have a mantra. It was in this post that this guy from the Lord of the Rings shared with us. Here:

    It really helped me out this morning. Mine is "you can be all that you can be if you just keep trying." I'd recommend finding a mantra for yourself too. It can be that one, or something else, so long as it ultimately pushes you forward. Say it every day whether you feel it or not.

    Also, about the Lord of the Rings challange. It's a 500 (and 15) day challenge. Which seems impossible now, but don't be discouraged. Like Lord of the Rings, it's all about the journey anyway.

    See you there =)
  10. @Bihari
    I am joining in
    Activities that I will not do
    Day 1
  11. I'm in. I'm currently on Day 4 of Dopamine Detox.

    Mode: Monk Mode

    Abstaining from: Activities 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 + Limit my time on NoFap website (<1hr) + 5 Seconds Rule (No Daydreaming + Fantasizing over 5 seconds)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2021
  12. jakfletcher

    jakfletcher Fapstronaut

    Day 0. I'd like to join

    Extreme Mode
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
  13. theforgotten1423

    theforgotten1423 Fapstronaut

    Count me in. I will avoid the following
    0, 3 , 5, 6 ,7 ,8
    with special focus on 8 bcz that is my biggest problem these days. The rest I have already achieved but I mention them here just to make sure I dont get into them again.

    My healthy activities for now will be adjusting my sleep routine, studying , going out of the house , interacting with friends and family,

    As for some things about how I will cope with 8, I will sleep on time, will be vigilant everyday, will read this thread and watch the videos in it quite often, talk to her while sitting and not lying down, remember that this pain now will make me happy later and that dopamine will lessen my happiness, focus on the depth of her words and how happy she is talking to me ;so I must not let her down by only thinking about her body. Also, if I couldn't resist my urges in these coming days or any time they got too strong, will start fasting then.

    For the next week at least, I will write my progress here every night. And will read this thread, my previous posts and basics of porn addiction daily.

    Day 1
  14. theforgotten1423

    theforgotten1423 Fapstronaut

  15. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    @Bihari Day 0. My psub habit, I use it in exsactly the same way as porn, to escape when I am stuck in a place of procrastination or avoidance, but because I don't actually see naked bodies I let myself do it. It's a technicality and I want to be doing something better.
  16. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Could someone be kind enough to summarise the 'Dopamine Detox and the Reset Ritual' video?
  17. jakfletcher

    jakfletcher Fapstronaut

    Day 0 went well did not engage in any artificially gratifying activity. It felt strange but kind of fulfilling where it is just me in the world without any noise. looking forward to keep it up. How's everyone doing?
  18. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    I'm in
    Most my problem is with youtube. gotta stop adding so much knowledge!
  19. 0. PMO/P-Subs/edging. (full ,I will stay away from everything )
    1. Movies/ T.V. series.( to make it easy , I will only watch cosmos one episode per day (a educational tv show)
    2. YouTube.( I will be only allowed to watch two youtuber ,both are educational youtuber which upload a 10 min video per week which i think is ok , i recently remove all toxic youtuber from my subscription) (one new video)
    3. All social media. (already delete that )
    4. Carby/ sugary foods. ( i don't eat junk food much , so this is not count as breaking rule and i will not take in my dopamine detox)
    5. Video games.( i dont play video game , i was ones addicted but i already quit that addiction )
    6. Music. ( no music is great )
    7. Disturbing news media. ( no news is great too)
    8. sex chat with your gf. (error 404 gf is missing )

    @Bihari I am in

    I want to go for a long period of time
    i will make it easy that can be done on regularly