Rebooted like 20 days ago, feeling so needy.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by RedGapper, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. RedGapper

    RedGapper New Fapstronaut

    Hello there!

    Well, I just wanted te share something I've found out about myself in the past few days, maybe some of you have experienced something similar, idk.

    I rebooted mostly because wanted to loose some weight and have a healthier lifestyle. I wasn't fat, but didn't feel good about my body either. So I went cold turkey with fapping and sugar and reduced the amount of carbs i was eating, alongside starting working out almost every day

    At first, i felt like a new man, was experiencing that "high" y'all talking about. I was full of energy and wanted to do stuff, socialize, and so on. I even met a girl and i think she, at least, shows some interest in me.

    However, the past few days I felt that all of my confidence disappeared as i desperately needed to talk to girl. I'm constantly wondering if she has lost interest in me, or if she was just toying. I've never been so needy and insecure in my life.

    Thankfully, my will it's strong enough to keep away from relapsing, although it feels like my anxiety levels are skyrocketing and my confidence and self-esteem are plummeting as I become more and more fixated with this girl.

    I know that is very probable, like 99% sure about it, that I'm just thinking too much about it and i just should take it easy, but damn it's hard.

    Anyway, i just wanted to share this thoughts with you guys and maybe get one or two pieces of advice. Thanks for reading!
    Taylor25 and Sailor93 like this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I cannot offer much in the way of advice. But your dilemma does highlight that succeeding at the NoFap challenge, will not solve all your problems, especially relationships. They are potentially the best, or possibly the worst, life can offer to us. I hope things work out for you @RedGapper.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Well I can tell you for sure that if you relapse you'll feel double the self-esteem,anxiety,confidence issues etc. I assume by being in this site you have some level of belief that NoFap is actually doing good for you. And by failing to do good to you you'll feel worse. Simple.
  4. NoneForMeThanks

    NoneForMeThanks Fapstronaut

    "However, the past few days I felt that all of my confidence disappeared as i desperately needed to talk to girl. I'm constantly wondering if she has lost interest in me, or if she was just toying. I've never been so needy and insecure in my life."

    This is a necessary component of building confidence friend. That component is not having confidence. Ive had SO many relationships where ive felt like this. you are not alone. After a while, you will start to develop a sense of what you think you deserve ( self esteem). if you arent getting what you want in a relationship, if she isnt giving you the attention you want, then you say BYE FELICIA, and find someone who will. the problem is, when you dont have the confidence or the esteem to say good bye when something isnt good for you, you stick around and cling. It took me.... all of my relationships up until recently to finally understand this and start applying it. After you get stepped on enough, you will get sick of it and start sticking up for what you really need and want.

    Whatever you do, dont fill that needyness with her. if that continues to build, it will get unhealthy real quick. recognize these needy emotions, and get them elsewhere or put that energy into something productive. DO NOT blow up her phone with needy messages. this will surely push her away.

    You got this man. This too, shall pass.

  5. RedGapper

    RedGapper New Fapstronaut

    Thanks you guys! I know it's a long journey, and a difficult one. Feels good to know that there's a huge community giving support and sharing stories.

    I'm still checking phone more often that I'd like to, but focusing my attention on myself (meditation, workouts, reading, etc) and my job has helped a lot. As NONE said it, it shall pass; and i'm quite positive it will.

    Again, thanks for your support!