Is it impossible to quite?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by foreverFighting, May 20, 2019.

  1. Hey all!

    As a little background about me, I have been addicted to Pornography and Masturbation for the past 10 years and have actively been trying to quite for the past 4. The longest streak I ever went without porn was 6 months, but that was only possible because I also went off of all internet use during that time. Throughout my porn abstinence period I still masturbated about once a week. For obvious reasons I could not keep that lifestyle up indefinitely, but within a couple weeks of using the internet again I started watching Porn as well. For the last year I have really decreased the amount of porn that I watch to maybe 3 hours a week. Porn is not destroying my life by any means, but I do feel bad, lazy, depressed, etc. whenever I watch Porn. I know it is distorting my views of women and sexuality. Basically I see it as a vice in my life that I want to conquer once and for all. I probably view porn and masturbate 4-6 times a week for 15-30 minutes at a time.

    I have read up some on the science behind PMO and all of the ways to fight and combat urges. I have spent hours on nofap reading about other peoples stories. I have tried many different tactics to try and quite. I have three different content filters on my computer and use apple restrictions on my phone. I picked super long passwords that I would never remember, so I would literally have to reset my device in order to get rid of them. All of these methods have proven to be completely useless. For example, I found a way to access porn on my content restricted iPhone using the gmail app.

    A part of me is excited by the challenge of trying to hack a content filter, so in some ways they incentivize me to search for porn. On the other hand, when I didn't have the filters I would watch porn more because of the easy access. I honestly don't know how to deal with this issue. Maybe content filters are just not useful and I should spend my energy focusing on other things.

    Yesterday I committed myself to a 30 day challenge. I was feeling all good about myself until Bang! I relapsed not even 28 hours later. I was feeling so confident about myself I never would have thought I was going to relapse. It started with me reading a book review that got me watching a movie trailer that had a sex scene in it and at that point I gave in. I found the hardest core porn on YouTube I could and watched it for about 15 minutes until I masturbated.

    I feel so baffled now by my lack of self control. It is as if my brain turns off all forms of logical reasoning as soon as I see a half naked women. Why can I not quite? At this point I am not sure it is even possible to quit PMO. Please share your insights.
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  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    You need to do something drastic in order to get relief. The sexual impulses won't go away on their own-- you need to do something that overpowers those sexual desires. It's difficult, but not impossible. When you've got images in your mind of a certain man/woman, do something that will distract you. Fasting is something that I would recommend, but that takes a lot of discipline. Perhaps find a new hobby or take a cold shower. When the cold water hits your body, it will cause your body to react in such way that it reduces or eliminates those sexual images.
  3. Thanks for the advise. I am curious about the details of what you mean. Do you recommend having all of my showers be cold from now on or should I go take a cold shower when I feel urges? Now that you bring up fasting I remember that it was a big part of my success in the past. What form or duration of fasting have you found successful?
  4. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I don't think you should have all of your showers cold-- just have a cold shower when you're in the midst of sexual temptation. When it comes to fasting, what I do is fast from sunrise to sunset. If that's too extreme for you, then just drink water.
  5. That is an interesting way to fast. I have fasted in the past for up to days at a time. It worked while I was fasting, but it was not very sustainable. I tried it the way you said today and so far I am clean. Haven't even had that many temptations I have been so concerned about my stomach.

    Is there a thread or resource about fasting. I am curious about the the details of peoples success stories. How often do most people fast? Is it only for getting past the first couple weeks?
  6. Two days down and starting my third PMO free. I have been reading an hour or so on nofap forums each day. I have also been listening to recovery podcasts. I fasted yesterday and had my fist cold shower ever (a miserable experience, but hey, it did the job it was supposed to).