how is first sex?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by tejas 47, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Yarxing

    Yarxing Fapstronaut

    wow haha, I actually begin to worry a little bit because of all the guys saying first time is nothing good..

    me and my gf havnt had sex, but we are slowly building up to it, and everytime its getting more intense.. I would be kinda bummed if the actual sex turned out to be so much worse.. is there any chance its gonna be good?
  2. Ha--"bad" sex is still good, and it's mind-blowing when you've never had any.
    Potato93 and seaguy44 like this.
  3. just do it with a girl who likes you and that you like her too and it will be a beautiful experience. don't have s just to not be a virgin anymore. i wish i had s wih the other person truly caring for me like i did for them
  4. VitoMisto

    VitoMisto Fapstronaut

    Oh man... it was great, I was horrible.

    It was amazing in ways I never thought it would be and disappointing in others

    The best part? Honestly, the fact that the next day I wasn't a virgin anymore, and a concept became an experience. Can't learn to swim without getting wet.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Just because you sucked at first time doesnt make that a rule for everyone.
    IN fact, I like how the virginity thing is set on a pedestal when its about sex, but in other common things it isnt. Some people lose their "virginity" and never found it to be a achievement worth celebrating anyways.
  6. VanillaMacDre

    VanillaMacDre Fapstronaut

    Lol, Am I the only one who actually had a nice experience in his first time? I was 16 and it was with my gf, both virgins. It was crazy and when it happened, my first thought was "Damn, I'm not a virgin anymore!". It lasted like 25 min, I guess I was pretty nervous and because of that couldn't ejaculate. She got and orgasm and finally me too. Then cuddle a little bit. Arrived home hungry like a MF so ate a sandwich and slept like a king. lol kinda miss sex with her
    Potato93 likes this.
  7. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    I felt absolutely nothing.

    My dick was so beaten up from so much PMO that i didn't really feel anything.

    But it isn't really a big deal. The whole virgin/non virgin thing is totally overrated. Afterwards I felt exactly the same.

    But it did give me much more motivation to beat this PMO thing
    Potato93 likes this.
  8. Btw i am a girl. For me when I after I lost my virginity in the morning I got up and looked at me in the mirror I felt different, more "adult" and happy in that moment. I was 21 and he was 31. He felt he hit the jackpot

    I remember I went all the way to the supermarket with his trousers and shoes to buy some cookies to have breakfast with the guy. His clothes were obviously bigger than my size and i look at that moment that I was very innocent and full of hope that the guy would have treated me good

    Quite pathetic looking how I always took care and being tender to all the guys I had at various extent but always doing that and how one-way was
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2017
  9. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    If someone bought me cookies after having sex by the morning I'd consider her for marriage right away. You cant prevent yourself to fall in love with a jerk, but you can indeed start knowing a person better BEFORE you have sex with them...
  10. first of all, amazing name you picked on nofap lol i love potatoes :)
    it was the first time i felt close to a guy like that. the idea of buying cookies was a spontaneous act of kindness. i always have been that sweet with all my guys. with this guy i had mutual friends and then he invited me for dinner at his house. basically we were flirting and making jokes and then i asked him to sleep at his place coz it was too late and i was living far away. we slept and the next morning it kind of happend that we had s

    i was really obsessed for years to lose my virginity and "grow up" and i didn't think too much. he complimented me all day for how beautiful i was and basically he felt lucky that he had s with me that i was 10 years younger than him

    you are totally right but i realized that i usually had s or being physically intimate very soon with guys and this was linked to my p and then s addiction. i really felt i couldn't stop that and i was craving more than anything waking up with a guy holding me in the morning, that kind of bond. i always waited for a guy to come and treat me good and love me. now i learnt to love myself. i now know that a partner is the cherry on top, that i am whole on my own. that i don't need to find the half piece of me to be whole
    Potato93 likes this.
  11. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Indeed, that's awesome. I'm happy that you reached out to this conclusions.
  12. lekzai

    lekzai Fapstronaut

    Dude you're hilarious :emoji_joy:
  13. lekzai

    lekzai Fapstronaut

    Sorry for the missed quote, I'm still figuring this out :emoji_joy: See my post above...awk
  14. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    If you have sex, while on PMO, its not that great, speaking of experience:D.
  15. virgin here bhai, and this question haunts me too. Don't think about it too much, we'll experience it whenever we take action and get that girl ;)