Hello everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Khan azam, Nov 6, 2022.

  1. Khan azam

    Khan azam Fapstronaut

    I am khan saab previously on this forum as khan saab . I had a successful 1335 day streak which I broke, now I have my 100 day streak going on, I had deleted my account here but has created another one because this sunday I felt urges and even last sunday and this maybe because of my tough routine these days as I am a CA finalist . Which means I am in finals of my chartered accountancy education and I have to study very very hard in the night and work in my compulsory internship firm from 9 to 6 where the boss is a complete fucktard. These few weeks I was trying to improve my productivity but when I start working very hard and sleep less I think I start to have urges so the last weekend I stopped studying and watched a movie because I cant compromise my streak just like I did with the last one.
    The last one ended when I got my vericocele and the doctor told me to fap for a test and I was devastated because I didnt want to destroy my thousand day streak so I thought I should get married and do the pull out technique for the test but I didnt have the money for marriage and nor did I have a fiance. Now I do have a fiance because last time I broke up my streak I soon got engaged because I had told my mother to find me a wife (we are muslims so it works like that).
    Now I do have a girl but to get married I have to earn money. To earn money I have to finish my CA. To finish my CA I have to study very hard and when I do that I get urges. Not always but once in a week.
    There is another way which is freelance accounting and bookkeeping(as the currency exchange rate can help me if I have clients from developed countries and I live in Pakistan) but the entry to sites like upwork is impossible in my tough routine. I have tried upwork, fiverr etc but it needs more time than I have and its not just worth the time.
    I dont know what to do.
    I dont use social media.
    But I was watching videos in my cousins phone in instagram and it is full of nudity and I got urges but Alhamdulillah I controlled myself. I thought I should stay in touch with this forum.