Does Semen Retention Result In Female Attraction or Is It Dopamine?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by 31shotscrazy, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. 31shotscrazy

    31shotscrazy Fapstronaut

    Hi, so I've been hearing people all over nofap reporting significant changes in female behaviour towards them - namely, alot of attention/attraction and this "theory" is more or less fact due to Pheromones.

    But I'm a noob at this and lately i have been peaking at porn (I already know I shouldn't) so alot of dopamine has already been released, and conservation of dopamine is the centre of all nofap benifits?

    Would edging or peeking at porn make you lose this so-called "magnetism" of female attraction due to large amounts of dopamine released or is it solely to do with preservation of semen that results in more female attraction?

    I need help here guys.
  2. James232

    James232 Fapstronaut

    There has to be more than just dopamine; the science says dopamine returns to normal after 14 days. There at deifnite behavioral changes that occur when you decide to quit PMO. A lot of it is subconscious stuff that we don't realize we're doing.
    Gotham Outlaw likes this.
  3. TodayBeforeTomorrow

    TodayBeforeTomorrow Fapstronaut

    31shotscrazy... have you peeked at porn in the past 6 days? If so, I am sorry, but you must be tough on your mind and throw a relapse flag on yourself. Addict mind will convince you a peek is okay. Then its a glance. Then its a look. Then its a looksie. Then it's a glare. Then it's a stare. Then... Get my point?
    Dre17, myspirithurt and Nugget9 like this.
  4. Semen Retention. I don't know why but that makes me chuckle. Maybe b/c it sounds so clinical.

    Not constantly busting nuts keeps our dopamine at normalMoe dos so it gets released when it is supposed to--like when you see an attractive woman or thick hottie with a scrumptious booty. That's supposed to activate a dopamine hit so we want to engage them, have sex and plant our seed like the primal beasts we are! But fapping all the time fucks that up and gets all off balance giving us all kinds of foggy thoughts, uncertainty, depression, etc. No way you're gonna look like a boss and charm ladies with that shit in your head.

    But when your mind's right and you are balanced--ladies notice and you respond.

    So keep on retaining that semen. It allows you to exhibit characteristics of virility, confidence and capability.

    Hers to saving nuts and letting the mojo flow instead.
  5. James232

    James232 Fapstronaut

    I can't speak for anyone else but I definitely notice a difference in the way I carry myself when I get a long streak going. When you understand the subtleties of body language of 'alpha males' or dominant men, which is what 90~% of women are attracted to naturally, it isn't a far stretch to assume how much some subtle differences in how you carry yourself can make when attracting women. Most guys wouldn't even realize these differences; and I doubt women notice them consciously either. I've just done way too much studying into the psychology of body language I suppose.
    Reborn16 and Hitto like this.
  6. 31shotscrazy

    31shotscrazy Fapstronaut

    I'll just reset the counter fml
  7. 31shotscrazy

    31shotscrazy Fapstronaut

    Thank you guys for the responses, i also peeked today in the morning. So you know what? Fuck it, im gonna reset the counter!
  8. TodayBeforeTomorrow

    TodayBeforeTomorrow Fapstronaut

    Excellent 31shotscrazy!!! you are doing the right thing. Good for you, we are proud. You are winning half the battle of self-awareness. Now push forward and gain self-control. Read more resources on how to fill up all the free time you have. I like to recommend learning to cook a healthy meal. You got to spend that time doing something else.
  9. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I'm noticing it too lol I'm just walking around with head up smiling looking people in the face joking around more and I'm realizing and picking up on when women are flirting with me
    JesperMcnei and Reborn16 like this.

    STAR DUST Fapstronaut

  11. TodayBeforeTomorrow

    TodayBeforeTomorrow Fapstronaut

    I concur. My head is up on a swivel. I rarely walked this way before. Amazing what you can see when you keep your eyes up and not at the ground or staring into a smartphone. I'm feeling calmer too.
    Hitto likes this.
  12. Semen retention does not result in female attraction, not real.
    Jen@8675309 and Ascetic1105 like this.
  13. TodayBeforeTomorrow

    TodayBeforeTomorrow Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account and vibemaker like this.
  14. Sorry. Shoulda Spoiler-ed that. Now I'm thinking about. Goddammit.
  15. 31shotscrazy

    31shotscrazy Fapstronaut

    Okay, care to explain why many and I mean MANY nofap users have experienced this phenomenon? There has been COUNTLESS reports of people who abstain from pmo for a few weeks reporting on having experienced this female attraction thing!?
  16. Probably because they are appreciating women more. Dude some of these posts I've seen about female attraction sounds like a fantasy. So far I am 52 days of hard mode. I have not spilled my "seed" and I don't get it. What I have notice while abstaining from PMO is that I interest in women. I wish a woman would come up to me and give me their number randomly like those stories I see but it doesn't happen. It's all placebo.
    Ascetic1105 and vibemaker like this.
  17. 31shotscrazy

    31shotscrazy Fapstronaut

    Ah man that sucks - I'm not gonna come up here and state that i have experienced this shit but I'm sorry, I just really doubt that 100s of 1000s of people stating a similar thing could be labled as "placebo". Or at least there HAS to be something going on that correlates to this so called "female magnetism".
    mikewillfukit likes this.
  18. Isaacvipin

    Isaacvipin Fapstronaut

    I would say it’s all about the thoughts you carry on semen retention. Semen retention strength a man on every level, it also increase the intensity of thoughts and emotions towards better coz semen retention is sacred practice. Believe it’s not only about getting women but also we new opportunities related to career and studies. Semen retention is certainly a mystical practice which reflects our subconscious thoughts in reality. Mysticism is way more complex to understand. Semen retention increases our consciousness which results in better thought process and decision making and making judgement. No shallow science can explain it. So chill and practice semen retention.