90 Days without PM

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Freakan, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    By the Grace of the Almighty I was able to complete the 90 Days without PM. Initially after starting without PMO and with a streak of 18/19 days as partner was away later continued without PM while being with Partner. Even though it was tough in the beginning as partner was also away, later things became easier as days passed by. Lately also maintained 2 weeks streak without PMO as partner was away again. Planning to do a hard mode as its very difficult to control ogling while exposed to attractive / gorgeous / half naked / exposing women on streets. Well need to work on the problem to discipline myself to lower my gaze as instructed in the Holy Book which is the reason why i am already here. As i had informed my partner about the addiction she is aware of the situation and has agreed to support for the hard mode. Well looking for advices here from experienced people who had rebooted in relationship such as to control the urges to not have O.

    Looking ahead for a complete freedom and hoping for the best and also wish you all the best and Pray to the Almighty to let us all free from this situation.
  2. Why r u avoiding orgasm with ur partner?
    U r so lucky that u r married. U know what most of us muslims are suffering from Porn and masturbation only due to late marriages. Having a partner during reboot is so helpful. I think u shouldn't avoid orgasm with ur partner. Otherwise it will be more difficult to resist porn and masturbation.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. Freakan

    Freakan Fapstronaut

    Complete reboot is recommended to restore which is a rewiring of the brain i suppose.

    Its explained in this. :)