17, gay, and NEVER had normal male sexual function

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by 5ss5, Apr 25, 2018.

  1. 5ss5

    5ss5 New Fapstronaut

    Hi I’m 17 (about to be 18) and I wanted to write about my experience with porn and see if there are some answers.

    I discovered sex at the same time I discovered porn (thanks sheltering parents) at 13, up to that point I had never as much as had a boner or thought about someone sexually. I quickly discovered I was gay, which was the only good thing porn has helped me discover (again, THANKS sheltering parents...). However, by a combination of mental blocks and lies to myself I fell down the slope as early as 14.

    I was deathly afraid of being a pervert. I was deathly afraid of being this “gay” thing middle schoolers love to throw around. I figured I could use porn to safely explore my sexuality without weirding anyone out! How wrong I was. It quickly devolved into a compulsion and a major way that I get dopamine.

    So after all these years, I don’t feel I function as a normal man. I never look at some hot dude irl and feel aroused in any way (I can and do have crushes on guys I find hot, but I just can’t imagine it). I never have boners unless I think of porn or sex. I never have sex dreams and haven’t had any wet dream in my entire life. I feel like I’ve been castrated. It’s as if I don’t have a sexual drive or any sort of spontaneity whatsoever. I have never been able to healthily explore sex and I want to try it so bad to get over this addiction, but I can’t do it right now. It’s as I put in the clutch but never actually reconnect the engine to the transmission. Will I ever become a normally functioning male from a reboot? I want to make sure I’m able to deliver for my future boyfriend(s).
  2. byeoldfriend

    byeoldfriend Fapstronaut

    Hi @5ss5, in short, you are in the right place!

    There's a lot of people out there suffering from PIED. An this is something that this community can help you with great deal.

    Read some of the resources that nofap has at your disposal. They will help you to understand your problem better and will guide you through your first steps in this community. Read some of other user's stories, and get involved; interact with them, know that you are not alone in this struggle.

  3. Full ahead

    Full ahead Fapstronaut

    Welcome here!. #byeoldfriend is right. Search here and you will find a lot of good advice.
    NO problem with your sexual orientation. I am sure you will have no problem with that. Certainly, no one judges here (and no one cares, really); the idea is to learn to control your impulses and to reboot is a great thing. In most cases, this is not about being a monk forever, but to reboot and take command. That's all.

    have a great day!!