The most important thing I learn on Nofap

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, May 28, 2019.

  1. Is to give up on your dreams. Dreams are called such cause they never come true.

    I first gave up on my oneits. Then I gave up on getting laid in general. Finally, i gave up on becoming a guitar virtuoso.

    Hoping, and trying are pointless, some people get these things, some don't. Life was and always will be unfair to some.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  2. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yes, if you just stay the same and don't chase those dreams. Nothing is guaranteed or deserved. It's up to you if you want to change.
    goodnice and forksnknives like this.
  3. noone chases anything in alife. some people get soem things, some people dont. its all part of genetci destiny.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  4. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I see. You have been infected by the black pill mentality. Something that you have probably never considered is that happiness and success are a matter of perspective. You might think someone is well-off, but that is only the way you see it. They have something that you think is great, but they might not even be happy themselves. Someone else might think you are doing good because you have something they don't. It's like that tale when a kid who was born to a rich family trades places with a normal kid. They both look at each other thinking that the other one is doing well and they desire that. It's all about perspective. Not everyone wants the same things. And true happiness can't be achieved through anything external.
    goodnice and forksnknives like this.
  5. i knew this shit long b4 i discovered the term blakcpill

    cope tbh tbh. grape spur mentality here
    CH3RRY likes this.
  6. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Listen man, I've seen you post a lot these last few days. You sound really depressed. Trust me, staying like this, wallowing in regret and sadness, never helps. Do you have anyone to talk to? A friend, a relative? Someone? Sharing your thoughts and feelings helps.
    Go out, take a walk, clear your head.
    CH3RRY likes this.
  7. CH3RRY

    CH3RRY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    wheelgauge likes this.
  8. i have a very clear head to be honest. i know all that there is to know
  9. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Unless you can accept that the dreams may never happen, but still enjoy your journey towards them
  10. what matters is the prize not the journey. this is what losers say
  11. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Clearly not - well, clear to everyone except you.
  12. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Nonsense: the journey teaches you about the prize.
    Hros likes this.
  13. some people arent ready
  14. it teaches you to give up
  15. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    For what? This so-called "truth" of yours? That we can't decide what we want to do in life? That we must conform to what our genetic code tells us? Please. Listen, life is rough, but giving up and inventing excuses to doing nothing isn't the solution.
  16. you cant become anything or do anything you want,you are limited by certain things
  17. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Hey, I have nothing against incels, they are welcome here. I take your problems seriously. However, that does not make it okay to spam this forum with your self pity and defeatism.

    So what if some things are harder for you or perhaps even unachievable? What next? I don't know what keeps you from practicing with your guitar, but if you fail to have any idea what you will do about it, what are you doing here then? Try to attract company to your misery?
    wheelgauge, goodnice and forksnknives like this.
  18. i dont have talent at it
  19. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Not entirely true. Here's a personal example: in my country, military service is basically a requirement for everyone. I'd had a dream to be a combat soldier. However, I was really really overweight, really slow and physically weak, plus I have some breathing and hearing problems, not to mention that I'm really shy and quiet. I'd been accepted to a combat position but knew I could easily flunk out if I couldn't keep up with everyone else. Thankfully, I worked hard, pushed myself, and managed to finish basic and advanced training as a combat fighter. Lost weight on the way, toughened up, etc.
    If you choose to be so, and work towards something - you'll get to it. Granted, if you can't sing - you probably won't become a world famous popstar. But there are many other things in life that you can work towards achieving.
    overclocked likes this.
  20. yes, i agree on this.
    Hros and overclocked like this.