
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by NoFapacc, Sep 18, 2014.

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  1. EternalWaves

    EternalWaves Guest

    And the reason therefore is well-known: Because americans are unbelievably prude. If a woman's nipple is shown in public, the whole nation screams in agony. If a 4-year-old child is showing his penis in kindergarten, it gets arrested by police !!

    US children are raised with extreme shame and guilt around sexuality. No wonder, that many are compensating their lack of emotions either with weapons or with porn. Even the PRESIDENT became a sex addict!! Poor guy - he was USA's finest president ever.
  2. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    I tend to disagree with just about all of those points, actually... Especially as an American.
  3. monkotto

    monkotto Fapstronaut

    double standard maybe?

    i think prostitution exists in every country on this planet.

    it is right that there is a big problem in europe. not only in germany. there are many girls from the eastern block. they abolished all the borders. so there is a wave with this girls.

    they are living in bad conditions (for example in romania) - so germany is a rescue for them. not a good rescue i guess.
  4. EternalWaves

    EternalWaves Guest

    USA is the capital of capitalism, so no wonder that you find the EXPENSIVEST escort agencies in the world there. In NYC, some of them earn 2,000.- USD per hour, and they are booked by politicians, lawyers and rich clients en masse.

    Yes, you know: "Preaching water, drinking wine"

    Look up "famous" call girls like Natalie McLennan or Xaviera Hollander, who wrote books, it's very interesting to read their stories.
  5. EternalWaves

    EternalWaves Guest

    That's right, but at least, in the western EU, these girls have the law behind them. Prostitution is regulated. Actually, they are called "sex workers". Health risks are minimized. No girl needs to sleep in the streets.

    In the USA, there are much more poor girls, coming from Mexico and everywhere, and many live in the streets.
  6. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    1) Absurdity. HookerFan, in the course of my work, I have the opportunity to look at photos of people who have recently made babies. What I have picked up is that there is no amount of ugly and broke that will ever prevent a man from getting laid. Personality? Maybe, I don't know, but that can be worked on, as it should be. Will the least attractive guys have access to super-hot 20-year-olds? Usually not, but broke fellows don't have access to prostitutes. In all fairness, should they have the right to "options" too? And if so, what would those be exactly?

    2) Utterly ridiculous, with exceptions of course. ... ... Meaning, what? Do tell.

    3) The fact that legalizing and regulating a common activity reduces the crime surrounding it should surprise nobody. It also says nothing about the wholesomeness of the original activity.

    4) That's good. It says something about how laws ought to be structured. It says nothing about the absolute desirability of participating in the flesh trade.

    5) More than, less than? The whole world is full of injustice, therefore what's the big deal about contributing your own asinine follies? It's less good than rising above. That's the choice to be made on the individual level. The existence of other crappy things in the world doesn't change that.

    Anyway, HookerFan, striking handle, if you don't mind my asking, what are you even doing here?
  7. sanchy

    sanchy Fapstronaut

    ..listen, I don't agree with Weiland's comments. However, yours is not any better. Your comment itself seems like propaganda directly taken from the the likes of RT.

    NoFap is a universal problem, no need to nationalize or "patriotize" the problem. Let's keep the discussion civilized.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  8. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    You are 1000000% right. Can't agree more!

    You see most of the married/engaged western men in this forum aka white knights will never get it. They are a lost cause! Trying to talk logic with them is like speaking to a piece of rock!

    I plan to visit a cute Asian one(prostitue) when I reach day 90 of hard mode.
  9. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    BTW i have a feeling most men in this forum aren't practising/doing HARD it is easier for them to say/tell other men on here to stop sleeping with prostitues.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  10. sanchy

    sanchy Fapstronaut

    Listen, if you want to pay a woman to have sex with her, so be it. However, if you are doing this behind the back of your committed loved one, then it's cheating. No way around it.

    Having said that, prostitution is the oldest known profession. It has been happening for thousands of years and will continue as long as there is supply and demand, and there seems to be plenty of it.

    However, I don't know about you guys, but I would NOT want my sister/daughter to be a prostitute. I believe it degrades the woman to be solely an object (sorta like P does), useful only for her body. I believe women are much more capable than that. But, that's just my opinion.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  11. NoSaint

    NoSaint Guest

    Sory if I get a bit angry:
    I think that going to a prostitute is wrong in anny case ... but going to a prostitute while you have a girlfriend that just plain stupid ... on so many leveals.
    I simply dont understand why a guy in a relationship would pay a strang woman for sex, when he has a girl back home.
  12. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. You can repeat the fairy-tale that you see ugly guys with model-looking women all the time. This occurrence is so rare that it's statistically irrelevant. Most relationships are round about looks-matched with a tendency of the man being more attractive than the woman. It's simply how nature works. Women have it easier. Deal with it.

    So when a less attractive guy (like me) wants to have sex with a 20-year-old hottie and is able to for just 150-200 Euros an hour, he should be prohibited b/c religious nut-jobs and feminists are climbing the walls of their own ignorance? Hopefully not.

    As for your point about "options", are you arguing that since a broke fellow can't afford pay-sex, the ugly fellow with money shouldn't have the right to have pay-sex? That's like arguing that a rich man shouldn't be allowed to buy a Ferrari b/c the poor man can't afford it.

    Sure! If someone doesn't like prostitution, he shouldn't use the market. I don't like alcohol so I don't drink it. But I would never prohibit it for others.
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
  13. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    The white-knighting is a desperate and futile attempt of beta-males to land in the pants of women. These guys really delude themselves thinking being a doormat for women would make them more attractive.

    This trend has gotten even worse due to social networks like Facebook. Even unattractive girls have their egos propped up by an army of beta-orbiters nowadays. So it's no wonder that average men are treated like dirt today when fat women think they can land a Brad Pitt.
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
  14. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    There could be all kinds of reasons; sex at home is getting bad, the woman lets herself go and becomes fat, or the guy just wants to try it out etc.

    Humans are not a monogamous species even if religion tries to make us believe so. Indeed, monogamy is nothing good about the genetic development of a species.
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
  15. sanchy

    sanchy Fapstronaut

    HookerFan, no need to become insulting. If this lifestyle suits you and truly makes you happy, then all the power to you. However, just because a guy is religious, doesn't make him an ignorant nutjob.

    If you are single, and want to pay a girl, whose job it is is to have sex with many men, to have sex with you, and that makes you happy, then so be it. However, the majority of guys in these forums, the "deluded beta-males" as you call them, are trying to work on having a happy family life. Many here are married, or in a committed relationship, where they are trying to make things work because that is what makes THEM happy. In these people's cases, paying a hooker to have sex with her behind the back of their spouse, is cheating, and I would argue they are right.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  16. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    Out of curiosity, HookerFan-that-joined-the-forum-exclusively-to-promote-prostitution, where are you from?
  17. Just my two cents: Do you have sources for these studies? To be viable studies, they should have been published in a reputable source, shouldn't use anecdotal evidence (as HookerFan himself mentioned), and that can clearly show that one thing caused the other. "Correlation does not imply causation," so there could be many other reasons that crime rates and STD rates have dropped that just happened to occur at the same time prostitution was legalized.

    I'm not trying to fuel the fire, and I'm not anti-prostitution. Let's remember some of the NoFap rules, like treating each other with respect, and staying on topic! Regardless of how "right" or "wrong" prostitution is, I'd definitely err on the side that says that visiting a prostitute is not helpful if you're trying to do a reboot, reset your dopamine receptors, and abstain from PMO. Given that NoFapacc said:

    how is this different than PMO? The novelty is there (especially if she'll fulfill all your fantasies!), the stimulation is there, the orgasm is there, and likely if you kept going to the same prostitute (even the more expensive one), you would get bored (Coolidge effect) and want to explore other options, just like scrolling through pages of pornography until you find something that really excites you.

    Whenever I see a thread on here asking: "does this count as a reset?", I'm not sure anyone can answer it besides the poster themselves. If you rely on other people to answer it for you, you get endless debates about the morality of prostitution. What are your goals? Would the thing you're asking about help you reach those goals? If not, then it is a reset. If so, make SURE it's helping, and not just an excuse or rationalization. If you still think it helps, then it doesn't count as a reset, and don't let anyone else tell you it does. IMHO, if you are second-guessing yourself and/or feeling guilt, it probably was a reset for you. Learn from the experience and challenge yourself again. I think you're on the right path, you have good intuition.

    Best of luck, NoFapacc.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2014
  18. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    "how is this different than PMO?"

    It's sex with a REAL woman/person!

    "likely if you kept going to the same prostitute (even the more expensive one), you would get bored (Coolidge effect)"

    Same thing happen in MARRIAGE/having a girlfriend in the west. You get bored with the same western woman.

    The big different is that single men who pay for sex are not TRAPPED aka marriage by a feminized western woman!

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  19. Weiland

    Weiland Fapstronaut

    Inherently, vlaw, I feel like there's a disconnect there in any case: treating it simply as an avenue of personal sexual gratification and severing the concept that on the other end there's a woman. Because, frankly, on the other end, there's always a woman. Pornography, lust, sexual addiction - none of these things would exist if we didn't lust after, desire, crave, or want a woman at some point (mentally or otherwise).
  20. HookerFan

    HookerFan Fapstronaut

    I did in no way intend to insult religious people per se. When I say "religious nut-job" I'm neither implying that all religious people are nut-jobs nor that nut-jobs are necessarily religious. But the two groups that aggressively call for a ban of prostitution are usually motivated by religion or feminism.
    Jabba the Lover likes this.
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