Never can beat 3 fucking days! :(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by llortaton, Mar 20, 2019.

  1. LinkUp

    LinkUp Fapstronaut

    Keep up the good work. Don't get discouraged mates. I think we should stop working as a team and really focus on ourselves. That will make us successful.
  2. Benny Oakley

    Benny Oakley Fapstronaut

    I relate to this so much, I say oh, one video and then say I’ll just edge then I fail and get super depressed. I’d be open to going through it with you, I’ve been looking for someone to do it with anyhow...
    here’s about me..
    Ima dude named Benny, I’m 15 and that’s all I can say without giving myself away. Haha.. I could make a new discord account or any app really, just need to keep it anonymous . Good luck man. We can do this together!
  3. RAWMagic

    RAWMagic Fapstronaut

  4. RAWMagic

    RAWMagic Fapstronaut

    I find when I get urges, coming on here and posting to challenge and support others in their growth and goals works well for me.

    That's just my personality.

    For others, maybe it's push-ups or reaching out to a friend. I tried push-ups, but I never catch myself and think 'time for push-ups'. The urge comes now, and I am able to catch myself, head to "NoFap" and post. My advice would be to test out different things.
  5. Craig365

    Craig365 Fapstronaut

    hey guys i made a 4day streak and failed yesterday.. i am back here again realized willpower is not enough started trying to make simple lifestyle changes.. hope uall are doing well
  6. RAWMagic

    RAWMagic Fapstronaut

    You beat your limit. Next time it's five days. Go get it!
    Craig365 likes this.
  7. Craig365

    Craig365 Fapstronaut

    I will-power.. through(haha its more than just will power) as soaring eagle said.
  8. RAWMagic

    RAWMagic Fapstronaut

    Soon my friend, 365 will be your achievement. But we get there one day at a time.

    You have fallen, but your capacity and integrity is intact. Rise now! Five days! Arise now!
    Craig365 likes this.
  9. Craig365

    Craig365 Fapstronaut

    i Will Achieve it !
    We will achieve it bro.
  10. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Yo Link, I'm on day 4! I'm going for 7 days.
  11. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Craig, you must have lots of mental patience to get to 3 days. How do you feel?
  12. llortaton

    llortaton Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Guys, I haven't been active, because I broke my phone. I'm actually doing amazing. Controlling your thoughts can end an addiction forever. Also, I've been taking vitamin supplements, it really helps.
    recon117 and Craig365 like this.
  13. Craig365

    Craig365 Fapstronaut

    Yea bro i got better.. Yes I'm on 3 days rn.. will go to slp soon and make it to 4.
    Its a tough journey. Vitamins do aid but its a lot of other things we must do to regain our health.
    3 days isn't even a scratch on the reboot tho guys we need to lvl up.
    Change this thread to 7 days now lol @llortaton
    llortaton likes this.
  14. Come on we CAN do it

    Come on we CAN do it New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I read some of your messages. I'm new here and I decided to join you guys. I am normally doing really really bad. It's daily. In the best case I can get past 3 days but then I relapse.. I'm (m) 19 years old and got a gf. Sometimes I can't finish while having intimate contact with her.. it makes me kinda sad but we got used to it. This unsatisfactory situation happens kind of often.. it's like 1 out of 6 times. I think it's because of my porn addictive brain... I think you know what I mean..
    The last time was today. I am trying to get past 3 days or more but let's start with 3 days. Maybe you guys can encourage me.
    Feel free to ask me if you want to know anything. Thank you. Joe
    recon117 and Craig365 like this.
  15. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I have made it to 3 days and plan to make it much more. Did 90 a couple of years ago and my life got a lot better, found a girl, got engaged. Then I relapsed and it all fell apart. Now I am trying to rebuild my life.
    recon117 and Hardcandy like this.
  16. Hardcandy

    Hardcandy Fapstronaut

    How can we help you?
    llortaton likes this.
  17. Freedom Jacques

    Freedom Jacques Fapstronaut

    I wrote a list of things I do whenever Im tempted. Hoping it might help some of you guys get past a week. I didnt get past 14 days for 9 years but now Im on a 123 day streak. All it takes is discipline and a strict routine. Good luck.
    1. Prayer
    2. Christian Music
    3. Exercise
    4. Reading the Bible daily
    5. Mindfulness technique
    6. Breathing technique
    7. Cold showers
    8. Changing your enviroment
    9. Self-care habits
    10. Socialising
    11. Confiding in a friend
    12. Going for a run
    13. Sports/Activities
    14. Tidiness
    15. Podcasts (Matt Dobschuetz porn free podcasts)
    16. Going to church
    17. Being honest
    18. Internet Filter
    19. Healthy living
    20. Wear pyjamas
    21. Set up a consequence and reward
    22. Set a bedtime and wake-up time
    23. Get a job or apply yourself to your studies
    24. Think about your wife. Whether in the future or currently. Do it for her.
    25. Try to be the same man on the inside as you try to be on the outside.
    26. Avoid coffee, sugary foods or anything that stimulates you too much.
    27. To break a habit you have to make a habit. Try and pick up a new hobby.
    28. Avoid hollywood movies, tv shows or anything you know will have something triggering.
    29. Maximum 2 second look when it comes to women. Never longer.
    30. Avoid prolonged use of your phone and/or laptop.
    31. Educate yourself on your addiction. The better you know your enemy the easier it is to defeat it. Books, documentary's, podcasts. Educate yourself.
    32. Committment to no edging. If you're edging you've already relapsed.

    Hope it helps. If you need any explanation feel free to ask.
  18. Fifi1993

    Fifi1993 Fapstronaut

    I am same
  19. Come on we CAN do it

    Come on we CAN do it New Fapstronaut

    Wow thanks for that... There is so much more you can do instead of jerking.... Thanks again.

    P.S.: Day 1 was no problem, had a lot of things to do.
    Freedom Jacques and Ogikubo like this.
  20. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Day 5 for me
    Ogikubo likes this.