My brains tell me to get away from social networking and friends

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jorgeder98, Jan 12, 2016.


Do you agree "sensitive moments one shouldn't be alone" ?

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  1. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    (sorry , English is not my native tongue)

    l feel like I need to get away from Instagram, Facebook and that kind of stuff. I feel very sensitive now, and I can't afford to deal with rejection right know so I'm basically running away for activities that might involve someone rejecting me, so I don't go out to (dance or to bar with friends, I'm not dating or even trying anything with girls) , I think rejections right now would make things worst , so I'm avoiding it as possible.

    On the other side, people often talk about how isolation makes things worst , so I don't know really what to do.

    I don't hate women, but I'm not feeling like trying something and I know just putting myself out there to judgement and rejection would make things far more complicated for me. Basically I'm just sharing with people from college from my career (basically all men), family and soon starting music lessons.

    what do you think about this behavior, do you think there's some book, video, documentary, podcasts... that could help me out?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  2. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    First of all, your English is fine (no errors I can spot at least) :cool:

    About your question, wanting to be away from the world every now and then is perfectly normal so please don't worry about that (it has happened to us all one time or another). Still, I would encourage you to spend time with your friends and family, even if its only for a few minutes. You don't have to spent all day with a person to have a nice conversation. Another point to consider is if you get more energy from being around people or if you feel more rested after spending some time in solitude.

    Regarding social networking, I can't really tell because it depends on the use you give to it: Social networking sites like Facebook are only useful when they help you reach to people in real life (like when you agree on going out or to see each other). When you use it only to lurk and stalk hot girls or to waste time, I would say you are better off without it (at least, I have a better day when I don't use it)
    SolidStance likes this.
  3. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man, I used facebook to talk with some people but I decided to delete almost every person , I just kept people I really like...
  4. ALPHABat

    ALPHABat Fapstronaut

    I've deleted all the social media apps from my mobile and I don't open Facebook when I'm sitting on my computer. I still have the facebook messenger app just so that I can chat with my friends.