Here's Why NoFap is Essential for Spiritual Growth

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Alpinist, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @RyanRVA : This is a powerful statement! Nothing is inconsequential indeed. What I found fascinating to learn was that there are higher laws and lower laws and all is dictated by the eternally unwavering law of Karma. So what is cause and effect for another is not necessarily cause and effect for me. For example, I once watched a BBC documentary on Drugs. In is they had two sad stories of families who lost young adults both under 21 because they experimented with drugs. One tried the drug ecstasy one and it killed her instantly, this innocent girl had no second chances, no time to repent or learn from her mistake. Another young man got a heart attach and had to have a heart operation. He now lives on heart valves and can't play sport. Again, it was just his first attempt...

    So why would the laws be so cruel? Its said the "good die young and the bad live long". This is a reflection on the paradoxes of being in the third dimension. I would like to hear others' views on this... I have come to learn that we each incarnate with our own spiritual baggage (weaknesses) and gifts (strengths) and that each one is different with different Karma to deal with. For example, look at Milarepa, the great Self-Realised Buddha of Tibetan Buddhism he was a dark sorcerer and practiced black magic. Using it he killed 35 people from his village in order to avenge his fathers death and mothers great suffering as a result thereof. Yet Milarepa became a great Buddha under the guidance of the great Buddhist Master Marpa after he could no longer stand the torment of the voices of the dead that he killed haunting him in his thoughts and dreams. Or consider Paul of Tarsus. He was one of the greatest Gnostics who spread the Word throughout the world. Yet Paul of Tarsus was at first a killer. He went around killing Gnostic followers of Yeshua brutally until he had a random mystical experience when the Christ came to him, blinded him and converted his heart. Similarly, Moshe (Moses), the great Israelite Gnostic who was initially schooled in the mystical mystery schools of ancient Egypt. He killed an Egyptian, and then went wandering in the desert until he was called to take his true path.

    So your quote above stirs up in me remembrance of the fact that there are higher and lower laws. James Allen calls them the Laws of competition and the Laws of Love. Yeshua calls them the Laws of the scribes and the Laws of the Father (Love). If one sows wrong thoughts, emotions,feelings, actions then one will have to reap in accordance with what one sows. But what was the primary message of the Messiah Yeshua - "repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is near". Many religious fundamentalists, who are blind to the actual meaning behind the allegories contained in scriptures mistake this to mean you should go to a ashram/church/synagogue/temple on a one day of the week and say "I repent" with your mouth or in prayer and voila - everything is wiped clean of the slate with no need to take any responsibility. In my view, this is a good gesture but it is not the end of it. One will will be bound by all their Karma of the lower realms for as long as they remain in the lower realms. However, through a feet of sheer will power, faith, perseverance, love, forgiveness (of self and others), awakening of consciousness and knowledge of self then one can ascen to higher states of being and then the lower laws cease to have any power over one.

    For me this explains why these once upon a time murderers could turn their lives around and become saints. From Killer to Saint - just like that! This explains why Yeshua spoke of another way, a higher way of lover where the lower laws cease to exist and to bind one but are cast off like an old garment when the Kingdom of Heaven is entered and realised. That is why I believe Yeshua judged no one. Neither prostitute, nor thief, no sinner nor the ignorant, not even his persecutors on the cross. For me this is a symbol of hierarchy of laws and that some laws can transcend others.

    So if you were an alcoholic for the past 10 years and you truly change as in truly change, while you mights still suffer karma for your bad actions the bad Karma may be dramatically reduced by your sincere change of heart... These are just my thoughts based on connecting the dots from what I've been leaning from different spiritual traditions over the years.

    Anyone else have a view?

  2. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @DannyCool : This seems important so let me see if I got it this time.

    So would this be like building a house but then stepping back and letting the house serve everyone else? That way you have a house without possessing it. Then eventually manifestation is irrelevant because you have let go of desire and attachment? Or is it more that you continue manifesting but then walk away from the manifestations as soon as they are accomplished.

    Sorry I sometimes have to reword things to verify understanding.


    Your writing in general reminds me of verse 35 of the Tao Te Ching

    She who is centered in the Tao
    can go where she wishes, without danger.
    She perceives the universal harmony,
    even amid great pain,
    because she has found peace in her heart.

    Music or the smell of good cooking
    may make people stop and enjoy.
    But words that point to the Tao
    seem monotonous and without flavor.
    When you look for it, there is nothing to see.
    When you listen for it, there is nothing to hear.
    When you use it, it is inexhaustible.

    This seems somewhat pertinent to your statement but you also seem to be accessing the great power of the void where words flow with an inexhaustible relentless effortlessness.

    By the way "The Perfect Matrimony" has arrived and I'll be starting it this evening.
    Alpinist likes this.
  3. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    @RyanRVA : Nice one brother! The Dao is always transcendently inspiring. I'm super excited about the Perfect Matrimony arriving!!! I was just meditating on Chapter 2 - "Love". We cannot wait for your feedback. I cannot resist the urge to tease you, with this paragraph:

    "A Perfect Matrimony is the union of two beings who absolutely adore each other. In love, there are neither projects nor bank accounts. If you are making plans and calculations, it is because you are not in love. Reflect on it before you take the great step. Are you really in love? Beware of the illusion of desire. Remember that the flame of desire consumes life and then the dreadful reality of death remains.

    Contemplate the eyes of the being you love; lose yourself in the joy of his or her eyes, but if you want to be happy, don’t let yourself get carried away by desire.

    You who are in love, do not confuse love with passion. Analyze yourself in depth. It is urgent to know if your beloved belongs to you in spirit. It is necessary to know if you are in complete affinity with your loved one in the three worlds of thought, feeling and will.

    Adultery is the cruel result of the lack of love. The woman who is truly in love would prefer death to adultery. The man who commits adultery is not truly in love.

    Love is terribly divine. The blessed Goddess Mother of the world is what we call love.

    With the terrifying fire of love, we can transform ourselves into Gods in order to penetrate into the amphitheater of cosmic science with full majesty.

    By Master Samael Aun Weor in The Perfect Matrimony: Chapter 2 - Love

    This book is transforming marriages and lives globally - I hope it will do the same for you and your wife brother!

    Talk Soon,

  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Yes you have got it.

    You see thinking is not real as such it is just personal agenda so when we drop that we are really manifesting for the benefit of all and not just one project or idea.

    On a micro scale an example would be me wishing that my mum would be free from cancer then wishing that many people be free from these type of illness and then letting go and trusting and accepting the way things are cause I cant do anything about it. This is the reality and this brings love and acceptance.

    On a macro scale an example would be making big projects in my life realising them then leaving go and being happy with what I have so that my motivation, love and action will benefit many and not be interrupted by my own personal goals or agenda. This is more like dissolving negativity rather than necessarily focusing on particular outcomes.

    Just today I was finishing manifesting a vision of mine and a number of people did not want me to do what I was doing but I went ahead with it despite their bad moods because it was in my control and it was my decision. While I am doing that I am not able to just 'be' cause I am focusing on a personal outcome and supporting people not liking me with love. I did it to get out of my negative loops and negative influences. Saying goodbye to my drinking buddies in the pub is an example.
    Alpinist likes this.
  5. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    This is the point to get to and the source of all happiness. First you need the cause and conditions to get there which will require visualisation and manifestation.
    Alpinist likes this.
  6. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @DannyCool thanks for the feedback. Sorry to hear about your drinking buddies but that's probably the best thing you can do. There comes a time when a man has to stop being and start becoming.
    Alpinist likes this.
  7. Alpinist

    Alpinist Guest

    Very true @RyanRVA ! each stage of our lives has its gains and losses.

    @DannyCool : I have lost many friends since I stopped binge drinking and doing drugs. But what I have gained is incomparable to any of those fleeting pleasures that I used to crave for.

    Keep at it guys (and girl @Limeaid) - LOL!
    Limeaid likes this.
  8. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut


    Lads I am now going to put forward an alternative to what we have been speaking about.

    The Buddha turned the wheel of the Dharma 3 times.

    The first turning of the wheel of the Dharma is called the Basic Vehicle which mainly focuses on the purifying the ego. Here it says that sexual misconduct is to be avoided. The only type of sexual activity advised is for procreation only. All other types of sexual activity that Western people involve themselves with is NOT advised at all.

    The second turning of the wheel of the Dharma is called the Mahayana which mainly focuses on compassion. Here it says that sexual misconduct is to be avoided. All people of the opposite sex are to be viewed as your sisters and brothers. Sexual activity is not advised with your sister or brother.

    The third turning of the wheel of the Dharma is called the Vajrayana which mainly focuses on pure perception. Here it says that sexual misconduct is to be avoided. All people of the opposite sex are to be viewed as divine. Sexual activity is unthinkable with deities.

    From an experiential point of view as described in the Mahayana teachings on wisdom all beings are dream like. This means they have no substance and as the Buddha explained in the Four Truths that the cause of suffering is grasping. Here is where the @Alpinist is sharing that improper sexual activity first created suffering and that if you reverse that you could come out of suffering. What is the risk of becoming attached to oneself and others through this sexual activity spoken about in this thread? Creating such an energy bond between two dreamlike beings is a lot better than the regular sexual activity normal carried out in the West but is there not some risk involved that will simply creating more grasping?

    I think this is a subtle attack from our ego to keep us away from complete freedom. He is saying "follow this group and you can have sex again and grasp onto beautiful women". Adam and Eve created humanity because the fell from grace by having sex period (excuse the pun)! If we want to come out of this world of suffering then we need to renounce sex completely.
    Kenji likes this.
  9. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    I like some of what you have to say, despite my scholar mind wanting to nitpick at your historical accuracy of the Buddha's teachings, not just you persay but other posts in this thread, but what good would scholarly arguing do? (I am a practicing Mahayana Buddhist, not just a scholar.)

    I completely agree with you though, if you want to transcend the dust, you must let go of your lust (lust is sex desire in any way, shape, and form, even 'making love' and raising your sexual partner's and your own 'vibrations' through so called 'transcendental sex').
    DannyCool likes this.
  10. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    There is nothing in a partner only an attachment trap. You must know the teachings on transcendental concentration and how sexual desire is our strongest attachment which leads to much distraction. Also how to meditate to relieve ourselves of this is the contemplation on disgust for the body and its organs etc.
  11. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    Yes I am familiar with all spiritual teachings surrounding sex (to think sex should be in the same sentence as spiritual awakening, however I understand why Gnosticism and Tantra expound upon sex possibly being a gateway to some kind of enlightenment and spiritual awakening, I am not here to denounce or criticize any schools of thought, by no means, I am just a deeply spiritual man who has studied just about all spiritual teachings in this world, and have come to walk the path of the Great Vehicle school of Buddhism, after many explorations of different teachings).

    If a partner helps you cultivate spiritually there is no harm persay, but yes sex desire is indeed the big attachment to keeping one mired in the cycle of birth and death.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2015
  12. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @DannyCool : Thanks for keeping this thread alive man! Most of the time threads just kinda fizzle out so your post is most appreciated.

    For the last 15 years I've had a very calm mind and I thought that was more or less the end game for spirituality. I had been "spilling the seed" regularly my whole adult life up until I started experimenting with seminal retention about a month ago. Retaining the semen has indeed shown me that I was missing something. Here's what I have found it does, keep in mind that what I'm going to describe is observational.

    Some kind of energy builds up which is energizing but not particularly comfortable. Using willpower and breathing techniques this energy can be balanced out (transmuted?). After about a week the semen seems to be reabsorbing into the body which is a little disconcerting but still, powerful. It makes me want to work out or work hard. I don't seem to need as much sleep.

    Now I'm two weeks in. This is the longest I've gone in a while. Now before you say "hey you haven't even rebooted!" please keep in mind that I didn't come here with a PMO addiction. I came here to talk to people about semen retention because I figured the NoFap community would know something about that and they certainly do.

    It seems that a lot of people are having trouble with the energy build up from all of the descriptions I've read in people's journals. There is very little practical information on the forum about dealing with that energy. There's more to it than simply testosterone or physical buildup of materiel in the body. I know this because my breathing techniques and meditation would do nothing to make me feel better if that was all it was. I think I'm preaching to the choir on this one considering everyone in this thread seams to be open minded to stuff like that.

    The bottom line is that two weeks in I'm feeling great and my body looks noticeably more athletic and I feel really powerful.

    Now here's where it gets really interesting. Last night I tried what in Taoist Sexology is called the morning and evening prayer. This is basically when you just enter a woman and stay there. It's not sex because you aren't moving around, you are just trying to be in a state of union with gentle caressing. What I found is that afterwards I felt totally balanced out and relaxed. It was the best sexual experience I've had from a big picture perspective (because no semen was released) and the least lustful (no feelings of desire or lust at all). I did not feel the need to manage or transmute the energy for the rest of the day which is really saying something! The next day (today) I'm back to managing it myself so the transmutation effect of this didn't last very long. Maybe doing it twice a day would be enough to keep the energy very well balanced without the need to practice meditation to balance it myself. My wife started her period today so I will not be doing that again for a while. I am attempting to verify what @Alpinist is talking about. The first experiment is very promising. I should also point out that after this union the energy was better balanced than what I've been able to do on my own.

    Also we all need to keep in mind that a lot of us out there are already married, so we need to figure out how to work with our partner.

    @Limeaid : This information may seem counter intuitive because many would think that it would cause a man to be sexually frustrated but for me it did the exact opposite. I would recommend trying this with your husband. My wife didn't seem to notice much as far as energetic effects but for me it was a big deal.

    @Kenji : Welcome to the conversation, I would like very much to know about how you deal with the tremendous energies generated by the human body. Everyone on this forum seems to need help with this. Do you find there are particular techniques that are highly effective? I'm mostly interested in things that I can put into practice.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2015
  13. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    There is still something remaining here and it is that if you have aversion to women and keep away from them you are saying it is the women are the problem but as we know it is not the women but the grasping is the problem. @Alpinist we already established this. What your saying is that connecting with a women in this way reverses the desire for what we called the 3rd dimension and it develops non grasping to the very thing we grasp the most which is the opposite sex. It does makes sense.
    Kenji likes this.
  14. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    @RyanRVA this is very exciting I have a feeling your wife will start to connect with this after a while making spiritual union. It makes sense that this will be powerful for you. I wish that you can keep your streak alive with ease. :)
    RyanRVA likes this.
  15. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I am very interested in how this effects women or if it is the same. I do not ever feel energy loss after orgasm. I feel in my most feminine in fact which brings me great energy.

    @Alpinist I really enjoy reading your stories! I have not studied much related to spirituality so these stories are quite new to me. My understanding of Karma is that thoughts govern everything in life. There are parallel universes in which we can propel ourselves simply through thought. Holding a thought for more than 17 seconds in a high vibrational state can manifest a thought.

    When we reincarnate to the 3rd dimension we have a preexisting contract with the soul to learn specific lessons while we are here. This is why we are born to specific parents that will help us create our internal dialogue or thoughts about ourselves and the world around us. If you look at a child you can see how pure we are born. No negative thoughts and pure self love. Being around children teaches us many things. Parents with their own 'baggage' destroys that innocence. Then by creating contrast between where we are and where we want to be we create desire. The key to manifesting a desire is joy and happiness. Until we learn that everything we want in life comes from joy and happiness we will struggle and suffer. Joy can be as simple as accepting the NOW that DannyCool wrote about above. The point is to create a heaven upon earth where every moment is joyful. Only some people discover this. So while some suffer throughout their whole life, some discover the secret and manifest better lives for themselves. That is the very definition of unconditional love. Loving no matter what situation is that surrounds us.

    In my view everyone comes here to learn self love in whatever capacity that might be. I was raised by narcissistic parents which gave birth to thoughts inside of me that said I was not good enough as I am, I must be someone they like in order to be loved. I created a codependant mind. I completely rejected myself so therefore I manifested rejection wherever I went. Friends rejected me, my husband rejected me through addiction etc. Once I understood that this was what my soul came here to learn and I began to love myself (still working on it of course!) My outer world started to change. My husband gave up his addicitons. I started speaking up for myself by creating boundaries etc. I am much happier because of it and now desires are manifesting for me easily.

    I think that transcending the need for 'things' and desiring better is something I haven't quite reached yet. I am loving life as it is right now and I know it will get better and better :) Even the idea of tantric sex as a way to manifest spiritual awakening is a thought which will come true if you are thinking of it from a place of pure joy and high vibrational energy so therefore I feel that tantric sex will only work for those who fully believe from a high vibrational perspective that this is what they will accomplish. This is why I am slowly reading and digesting because unless my mind and spirit is on board it won't help me!

    I hope this makes sense somewhat as I am not a very eloquent writer :p

    My interpretation of The Perfect Matrimony Chapter 2 "Love" is about self love, not love between two people. Love of oneself is the perfect matrimony because it is then you have become whole and can connect fully.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2015
  16. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut

    @Limeaid : Wow you're perspective is fascinating. This concept of momentum you are applying to manifestation makes perfect sense and so does the psychology regarding children. How unfortunate that the world is such that almost every single child will not be accepted as they are and will be impacted.

    Your well developed powers of perception should make it easy to observe the subtleties of the sexual union. Your writing is more than eloguent enough to describe them.

    It's hard for me to even use the term sex for this type of practice. It more closely resembles wholesome hug than what most people consider sex. At least what I was doing, tantric sex is probably a much more advanced and more intense form where you get close to the orgasm. I wasn't even flirting with the orgasm but instead remaining completely in my normal calm state just letting the energy circulate on its own.
  17. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    Just going to shed my own viewpoints here.

    I believe in and choose to practice non-ejaculatory sex, as in karezza and Daoist sexual yoga (if I get married but I am done with casual sex even with a gf), however for my own spiritual practice I thoroughly realize complete mental and bodily celibacy is required to attain genuine and proper enlightenment, one simply cannot expect to escape life and death while still engaging in any kind of sex no matter how spiritually you dress that sex up.

    Again I said I am not trying to put down Tantric or Gnostic views on sex, I felt it important I express my own views here though rather than sit idly by and watch people discuss enlightenment through sexual union.

    Didn't mean to really jump into the conversation in this thread tbh but my attachment to the true and proper teachings caused me to drop 2 cents about Tantric sex being a false path that leads to a deviant enlightenment if anything.

    As for practices on managing the body's energies, let's see I practice orthodox Buddhism and Daoism, Chinese martial arts including kung fu, taiji quan, and qi gong (I swear by daily horsestance training for various reasons, also incinerates lust right at the source). I'm a plant based eater (vegan) and avoid garlic and onions (they incite excessive lust and anger) and I also meditate in full lotus twice daily (this position is vital for sublimating sexy qi into spiritual qi however I recite mantras when I sit, the sublimation happens quite naturally and also through qi gong practices). Also I love being active outdoors and working out in all kinds of ways.

    But the mind controls the body in the end, mind over matter after all. So I keep close to the proper path and follow my Master and the true teachings closely and draw near to wholesome companions with good lifestyle habits so as to avoid negative energies that would feed an addiction.

    All this seems to prevent any noticeable urges to sit in front of a screen and drain my life away to pixels for the most part.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2015
    Alpinist likes this.
  18. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Last night I had urges and strong thoughts of wishing to have sex for the first time in a long time.

    I thought why on earth have I woke up thinking about this and I realised that even though I am being diplomatic on this thread by agreeing with the benefits of having sex in whatever way it is bringing desire in me. As long as I am single I will have nothing to do with sex or planning to have a partner therefore this thread is irrelevant to me.

    This thread is only relevant to people with partners who are engaging with sex and this could be stated at the start of the thread.

    If I am wishing to have sex when I am single this is being discontent and will lead to relapse from hard mode. @Alpinist one of the people on the websites you posted said that you are meant to work on the ego when your single not going looking for a partner. This kind of thread corrupts my mind as it makes me want to have a partner in the future and encourages relapse from hard mode.

    So on this note it seems that although this is an interesting thread this has no relevance to me. I wish all the people with partners all the best for this thread. This thread presents an obstacle in my path and has nothing to do with being on hard mode.
    Kenji likes this.
  19. RyanRVA

    RyanRVA Fapstronaut


    Thank you for your practical and useful information, it will not be ignored.


    You make a good point and I must commend you for your conduct in this thread. Your disagreements have been accompanied by explanations rather than just disagreeing for the sake of it.

    I've been reading the book "The Perfect Matrimony" which is interesting and I will finish it but something about it does not sit right with me. Unlike the Taoist teachings which seems quite pure to me, this Gnostic teaching seems off in a way. The movie was presented in a mostly neutral way but this book leaves a strange aftertaste. Not sure how to explain it really. It could just be that it's revealing a lot of strange rituals that I never knew about from the past and I have always seen rituals of all kinds to be disturbing. However, I feel I've been pretty well brainwashed about all things sexual so I have to admit that may be a part of it.
    Alpinist likes this.
  20. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    I don't see it as sad because it is why that soul decided to come into the 3rd dimension. Not realizing this causes the most suffering for people. When people think in terms of "bad things happening to good people" they fail to see the immense expansion of human consciousness afforded from those experiences. That is the souls perspective. Anyway I am off topic now!

    I really liked your description of this type of sex being like a hug. I can completely see that and feel that. I am no doubt going to try this but want it to come from a genuine place not a place of trying to get somewhere spiritually. Your feeling after reading The Matrimony is a good way to describe how I felt after the movie. Something was 'off' about it which for me means it might not be for me.

    @Kenji as always I love reading your perspective!

    @DannyCool this is an example of thought manifesting. Spending time on a topic you do not wish to manifest is most detrimental. I wish you all the best!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2015