Day 66. Having felt the ups and downs, I wish to keep going strong.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by tunwang520, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. tunwang520

    tunwang520 Fapstronaut

    Hey yall.
    This is my No.66 day of nofap. I can feel the body energy circulating evenly within. Although I feel lonely when I am alone, I sensed that I have a reservoir of energy to tap into in case I might encounter with friends and girls that I like in the future.
    It was indeed a struggle for me to achieve 66 days of nofap. I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder and taking meds right now. I am an extremely sensitive male in terms of sensing social situations. That leads to my somehow extreme personality. I would have the motive to sleep with a cute girl I like right after I met her or I would respect and worship a girl too much to start a friendly convo with her. And FYI, I am from China so this type of personality is strongly discouraged in a relatively conservative society.
    I feel down right now, but still, I wish I could keep going strong. Anyone can relate?
  2. Can't relate brother but keep on your social issues. Women want a stable man just as much you want a stable woman. It sucks your suffering from issues though if you can't control it then it's going to be hard to hold down a relationship.
  3. MrNewday

    MrNewday Fapstronaut

    I can relate in many ways, Tun. I’m unsure what others think, but I often perceive my personality to be strong. I’m under medication for symptoms of depression, and often times I have felt lonely.

    When I was younger, I might meet a girl I like and place her on a pedestal- a perfectly attractive, unattainable object. Just like depictions in P. Yet when I found a girl attractive, I would feel undeniable lust and a deep seated urge to try to chase her. Not having the skills or the confidence, I would tend to feel rejected even when I hadn’t tried.

    It hurts to feel lonely, and I’m sorry you do! What is your life like outside of recovery from PMO?
    tunwang520 likes this.
  4. tunwang520

    tunwang520 Fapstronaut

    hey, Mr.Newday. Thank you for sharing your experience with me and others who are battling this "addiction".
    I have to admit, sometimes improvement is accumulated almost unnoticeable! I have a more stable personality since I have posted this thread.
    Meaning that I feel more freedom to joke with workmates without worrying that they might think its inappropriate. Meaning that I can even have dinner with a girl who is much older than me (30) and still have tons of common things to talk. And I start to feel the momentum of willpower. I tend to not hate myself like a week before.

    About my life outside? Sure. I picked up high-intensity workout about a month ago and I have grown much tolerance on lifting heavy weights.
    And its true that you will be in the clear after high-intensity workout. So I recommend you to do this.
    I was practicing singing at weeknights. I work at day and get off work pretty early (5:30 pm) so I have to fill my free time with activities that are meaningful.
    I am also practicing mindfulness cuz I believe you have to be open to different solutions to your urges.
    In addition, I chase multiple girls on wechat and try to ask them out. So far I have gained some experience and gained a deeper understanding of myself. Since each date is like a mirror which reflects who you are as a man.
    So I am trying multiple solutions in this period of time. Hope this will give you some inspirations. Keep in touch, MrNewday.
    MrNewday likes this.
  5. MrNewday

    MrNewday Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you’re working a really great solution man!

    I approach it in a similar way, regular weight training, social time and lots of meditation.

    I liked what you said about accumulated improvement being unnoticeable too. I’m going through a real period of low energy at the moment, and I think it might be the sudden lack of spending any time on my sexuality (I’ve opted to go monk-mode until I feel ready to spread my wings again). However, I have faith that in a few weeks or months I’ll be better than I’ve ever been.

    Thanks for you reply, brother. Would be good to hear how you’re getting on, do you have the Telegram app?
  6. tunwang520

    tunwang520 Fapstronaut

    I don't have one, but I can download it.
  7. MrNewday

    MrNewday Fapstronaut

    Great man! My name is @MrNewday1 it's anonymous and encrypted so no one is able to see your phone number
    tunwang520 likes this.
  8. tunwang520

    tunwang520 Fapstronaut

    hey bro. Sorry for the belated reply. How are your progress man? (I found you on telegram, but I couldn’t ger the message across. Plus I have to use a vpn everytime Im on telegram. Its a bit inconvenient for me. How about we stick to the forum? )