Cold showers are the BOMB!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by malemedusa, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. malemedusa

    malemedusa Fapstronaut

    Since joining nofap, I have had mixed success. I've had some streaks that would start off pretty nice than would ultimately end in relapse. However, I finally decided to man up and try something that is talked about frequently in this forum, Cold Showers!!! I never tried cold showers because I didn't see what in the world cold water had to do with fapping and porn addiction. After my most recent relapse I decided to give it a try and see what the big deal was. I'm not going to lie, the first time I turned on that cold water I grumbled and wined like a little pussy outside that shower stall at the prospect of stepping in. When I finally did step in I nearly cried like a little bitch and was out of there after only 15 seconds. Despite the brief exposure, it was a personal victory for me. The next time I forced myself to stay in that ice cold shower for one minute, clutching my hands tightly to my chest as if that was actually going to help. One minute turned into two, two turned into three and so on and so on. After two weeks I'm now no longer watching the clock and I haven't taken and hot shower since. Every time I take on that water and win I feel like a beast. It is absolutely amazing how incredibly tolerant I have become to the temperature. I personally know guys who claim to be tough as nails, and I've also seen those same guys cringe at the prospect of doing something as simple as taking an ice cold shower. It gives me a tremendous sense of confidence in knowing that I can easily do something on a regular basis that most people would never dream of doing. From a fear and discomfort standpoint, stepping into a cold shower is almost like volunteering yourself for a kick in the nuts. Believe me though, they are nuts worth having. If you have the sack to comfortably and confidently step into an ice cold shower, and actually enjoy it, what else are you going to have the sack for? Perhaps finally asking that one special girl out, or going after that job promotion, or finally starting that business. The cold shower is a metaphor for breaking your comfort zones, because it teaches you how to be very comfortable with discomfort. When we as men finally nut up and decide to do something about porn addiction (or any addiction for that matter), we're going to be very uncomfortable for a long time! My experience with cold showers has enabled me to successfully battle many urges, I haven't relapsed since. If you're the kind of guy I used to be, and have avoided taking cold showers? It's time to man up and get in there. After about a week you'll see what I'm talking about!
  2. JensDK42

    JensDK42 Guest

    I definitely think it's a metaphor for breaking your comfort zone as well.
    I haven't taken any the last few days, worried I might worsen my illness, but I have most days, and it is FUN!
    I laugh while I hurry to get done, it's amazing, and afterwards I feel alive.

    Even though this post isn't exactly a successtory per se, you're onto something right.
    MrIbrahim and Nathaniel Turner like this.
  3. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's the shit! Also cold baths are sweet with some ice. Usually take cold showers for 5 minutes and baths for 13 minutes. Thinking of upping the shower to 15 minutes today to really prove myself. It's snow outside also so it has to be cold today :D
  4. Techiyew

    Techiyew Guest

    dude they are the shietsu!
    James2016journal likes this.
  5. fapstronaut1337

    fapstronaut1337 Fapstronaut

    11 minute cold shower today! Still shivering 1 hour after, feels insane.

    Set the clock for 15 minutes and do your shit in the extreme cold like a man, and don't stress it. I did what I usually do. Soaped, shampoo, conditioner and it accually took 11 minutes because I tried doing it as calm and harmonic as possible. It's really just the first 10 seconds that are horrendous, after that you just feel like a beast and after like 5 minutes it just feel like a regular shower for me.
  6. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    Hello Gentlemen! I was cringing the entire time I was reading! LoL. Not really but kinda. Just wanted to say congrats on sticking to whatever it takes to keep you porn free. Maybe I'll consider doing at least one day this week just to experience for myself. The best of luck to you all!
    leetspeak and rave756 like this.
  7. jameson5

    jameson5 New Fapstronaut

    Apart from replacing your ordinary morning shower with a cold one, could they also be used as an emergency libido killer in times of temptation?
  8. Toughspider

    Toughspider Fapstronaut

    Cold showers are a great libido killer for me when I feel like relapsing. Can't say the same for everyone but for me at least they work wonders!
  9. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    Wow, this seems like a tough game of mind control. I know for me, when tempted to PMO, it would be hard to force myself to put myself through torture (cold shower), instead of enjoying something pleasurable, (PMO). How does one get the will power to do such a thing during that time of weakness?

    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  10. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    It just shows how much we really want the best for us that we would take a cold shower in those situations. It shows how strong we are. The other way just leads to repeated hangover never getting what we want. PMO is a bit like trying to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow or drinking salt water it will never bring satisfaction. This is also why almost everyone on this site is involved in some kind of meditation. Worldly happiness as a goal is a trap cause it is temporary and only leaves you looking for another fix whereas if you help others and yourself and don't worry about a little suffering you open up to the world and find the beast within! Having said that I have not taken a long cold shower since I lived in India over 20 years ago. Please inspire me to open up to the beast within. I'm good to know the theory but any chance I get I protect my body. Please inspire me to open up to the beast within and start connecting whole heartedly with others.
  11. Happiness

    Happiness Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this post! Now I see the purpose of cold showers. May begin to employ that method myself.
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  12. BlooeyGlooey

    BlooeyGlooey Fapstronaut

    The end of December last year to the beggining of Febuary this year I took cold showers every day. They never helped me stop masturbating at all! Yes, they helped rush out the door after waking up early in the morning, but I still don't see how it helps people stop PMOing! I even took a cold shower earlier today and I just PMOed today!
  13. rex84

    rex84 Fapstronaut

    For me it helped for a while but than it had the opposite effect on me lol.
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  14. lifeistooshort

    lifeistooshort Fapstronaut

    it helped me at first, but that was back in September. This month it hasn't helped as much, but its no magic cure, it just grabs your attention and helps make you think twice before pmo-ing.[/QUOTE]
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  15. M123

    M123 Fapstronaut

    those is good start ok man
  16. Samwise_Gamgee

    Samwise_Gamgee Fapstronaut

    I've been taking cold showers of and on for years now. I really stepped up my game back in August, when I did 5 minute total cold showers for a month. The first 10 days it was brutal, but when you body starts to know the signals and what to do with those signals, it is becoming easier and easier. Since then I end my showers cold, but my plan was to start all out cold again when summer kicks in. Due to the inspiring community here, I will start taking total cold showers from the very first shower I take from now! It truly is something to step into, remain into and step out of a cold shower, you just feel like you can fucking beat every man and beast on planet earth! The health benefits are a great motivator too, just Google that shit, it's insane how good it is for your health! I have total control of my breathing and heart rate under the cold showers, it's just great! Check out video's on Wim Hoff, the Iceman. He lives in Holland and holds several world records like climbing mount Everest in shorts, siting in ice for hours and running marathons on the Northern Pole with sort on bare feet! Current studies conducted on him reveal that he has conscious control over his immune system and can beat illnesses that other people go inside out about! Cold showers are just amazing, just like Wim says: ''The cold is our warm friend''.
  17. Xander_

    Xander_ Moderator Assistant Staff Member Moderator Assistant

    I'll give it a shot, i've tried it once or twice and i did not wanted to take it any further. But i'll give it a shot ... i used to reach 14 days without any problem, now i have troubles after reaching one week, this could be one of things which could keep me on the track. Also, i've read on yourbrainrebalanced that it apparently makes you loose some weight, decreases heart attack percentage and so on ...
    I cannot loose anything with it, so today might be the day of the start :cool:
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  18. Samwise_Gamgee

    Samwise_Gamgee Fapstronaut

    It strengthens your cardiovascular system. By letting the tiny muscles around your veins shrink automatically when the cold water hits your body, your body will have a better capability of regulating blood pressure, thus giving you a lesser chance of heart disease. It is something that needs to be trained though, just one or two cold showers won't to allot in that particular health benefit.

    The weight loss is due to the cooling down of your body by the water. Your body will start to burn fuel to get you warm again. This is something that will happen every single shower. But the great news is that the more cold showers you take, the stronger this effect becomes! This is because this process turns white fat into brown fat. White fat is the kind of fat that you store to support you when you didn't eat for longer periods of time. Brown fat, on the other hand, is highly packed with mitochondria (little powerhouses inside a cell) and is the kind of fat that you burn to get your body heated up. You can imagine (and it is been proven in scientific studies) that a body that goes trough regular cold showers will start to store more brown fat in stead of white fat. Brown fat is easy to get rid of, white fat is not so easy to get rid of.

    Further benefits that are reported are better hair, better skin, a stronger immune system and a stronger self control. I probably will miss a few benefits, but a simple Google hunt will get you the information you want! I find it truly fascinating!
  19. G-Engineer

    G-Engineer New Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the cold shower successes. I'll try it next time.
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.
  20. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah no doubt that cold showers are the bomb! I've been taking cold showers for the last 6 months and I feel great every time. There are occasions when I have a crappy day, I tend to take a warm shower once in a while. But other than that, it's all cold showers :D And you know what's even more challenging? Try taking cold showers in the winter time! That's what I did for 4 whole months. People say that you're more likely to get sick if you do take cold showers, but that's not necessarily true. With my experience, as long as you completely dry yourself, wear warm protective clothing, and not go outside right away, you'll be fine. Just allow your body to warm up a little. And you will not get colds, trust me. As of now, I'm entering the late spring from where I live and I love cold showers even more. Especially after a good workout
    Nathaniel Turner likes this.