Relapsed after a long streak (50 days)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Enissay-g, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Enissay-g

    Enissay-g New Fapstronaut

    Hi I just registred to this forum because I wanted to share with you my NoFap experience and how I felt after this .

    I am a 20 years old male and I started masturbating since the age of 13..
    So yeah 50 days ago I started the NoFap challenge, I thought it will be a good idea since I started having errectial disfunction, I was always searching for more and more intense porn videos to reach the orgasm and I knew it was unhealthy for me. I tried several times to stop but it didn't work until I downlaoded this application called Super Power basically what it does it count for you how many days you did not masturbate and it has an emergency button in case you have urges wich is pretty cool . I dont know the fact that I could see the days add up really helped me.

    After a couple of days I could see the benefits , I started to have good and hard erections, I was way more attracted to women, I was really motivated,focus and had this big sexual energy that I invested in activities like writing,going outside,do sport,work on projects etc.My life has really improved I was proud of me and I had more than what I asked for. Yeah sometime I had theses big hurges but I learned how to control my self because I knew that it was for my good for me .

    Sadly at the 50th day I relapsed, I made a dream about watching porn and I could not stop thinking about it until I relapsed . So I masturbated but odly I coul not masturbate to porn because my brain knew It was not real. People say that they feel like shit when they relapse after a long streak but I did not feel this way contrariwise I was way more motivated to restart my streaks .Do anyone feel the same ? hh.jpg
  2. Hey, a streak of 50 days as your very first streak, that's really great! Congrats.
    Yes I know this kind of feelings you experienced. For me this is what's called a reset. There's a difference between relapse and reset.
    I think everybody feels a little different, and every time it feels a little different when it happens to you.
    Don't worry too much and carry on.
  3. Enissay-g

    Enissay-g New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply but I am not sure about understanding the diffrence betwen reset and relapse ?
  4. That's awesome that you feel that way. if you can go 50 days, I don't think you should feel bad for relapsing. It's stupid to expect to quit something that you've been programming your brain to expect for multiple years with no problem or no set backs. These guys do great, relapse, beat themselves up and then get all depressed instead of enjoying the relapse, trying to learn something from it, making note of their progress and getting back abstainence with more confidence than ever. Acting like a little bitch, shaming yourself and getting all depressed isn't going to help you with your addiction at all.