Here I Am

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Animation Fan, Mar 30, 2018.

  1. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Hello, my name is…well it’s my username. Anyway, I guess a story is in order.

    I think my addiction to PMO started when I was about 13 a decade ago. I didn’t even know what MO was until I accidentally discovered it myself one night. Felt incredible, but scared me half to death when I thought I was releasing a bunch of white blood cells. Dur her dur.

    Anyway, I figured it out, and continued doing it. It started to get harder to do it until I made the discovery of the century: images that stimulate sexual urges increase the likelihood of successful ejaculation. Brilliant!

    So porn came into the picture, first as things simple as bikinis (screw you DOA Beach Volleyball), and censored images of nudity. I would skip through all 70 channels on TV (very, very basic cable) to find anything of stimulation. And sooner or later of course, I graduated to using the computer to more erogenous zones. I don’t really prefer hardcore because it gets kind of gross in my opinion (Is that area safe, or is it going to eat me). In fact I usually stick to illustrations and animation to get my kicks because, tell me if you haven’t this before: if they’re not real people, then it’s not as bad. Again, dur her dur.

    I’ve tried everything from visiting my bishop (Born, raised, and still am Mormon), visiting a therapist, and going over 12 step programs provided. Good intentions, but it’s just not enough to kick it 100%. Perhaps it’s because I don’t have any friends to hang out with, perhaps it’s my health, I don’t know. I don’t even have a Facebook or Twitter, that’s how dead my social life is.

    I heard of this site and kind of chuckled when I heard the name (and even more when I saw the moto), but when I read what it’s about, I was touched. It is so inspiring to see a site where people leave their prejudices and differences at the door to all come together to lift each other up to overcome this mental (as well as spiritual for people like me) poison.

    I’m getting older, and I want a wife someday. Plus, I’ve always found my brain to be in absolute fog. It’s like it’s suffocating from the sludge. My college grades aren’t too good, and I have no confidence at all. I hope this will all change after a while.

    So yeah, this will be my first social site. Let see what happens.
    the20somethingvoyager likes this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back.
  3. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, it's good to be here.
  4. the20somethingvoyager

    the20somethingvoyager Fapstronaut

    It's really a hard journey. An accountability partner(ap) can help you with this journey to change. I already have an ap but I'm still willing to help you as your ap.
  5. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    That would be good. How does that work?
    the20somethingvoyager likes this.
  6. the20somethingvoyager

    the20somethingvoyager Fapstronaut

    Aps can help you track your progress. Help you fight urges. Basically, an ap is a friend.
  7. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Alright, that sounds good. Is there something I'm suppose to do here now? Follow you or something?
    the20somethingvoyager likes this.
  8. the20somethingvoyager

    the20somethingvoyager Fapstronaut

    If you need an ap just send me your gmail acc and we'll talk there. Me and my other aps have strategies to stop our pmo
  9. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Oh...I don't know if I can do that. It's not you, it's just that I'm very scared of giving anyone my email. I do thank you though for caring enough to offer, and I do wish you the best in beating this as well.
    the20somethingvoyager likes this.
  10. the20somethingvoyager

    the20somethingvoyager Fapstronaut

    That's fine. You can message me here on nofap if you need a friend or whenever you feel urges
  11. Animation Fan

    Animation Fan Fapstronaut

    Thanks man.
    the20somethingvoyager likes this.