Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by joe Ace, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    I don't know whats wrong with me. If I actually get this it will be my first relationship which in any case is lovely.However when I plan to talk to her I instantly get nervous, lose confidence and end up not talking to her at all. This has actually happened three time. The first one was over text. Luckily I got her number but not as a potential for dating but even still she said no and this was after months of trying to actually talk to that girl. The second girl showed more signs of liking me. Even asked if I had a date for prom. I of course want going so I said im not going but besides that I wasn't taking the opportunities to talk to her. Soon I actually did. A poor attempt of explaining myself which ended up a failure but she said she was just out of a relationship. This was before the school break. The last day to be exact so was a bad timing. For the rest of the year I didn't talk to her although I still liked her and wanted to talk.
    xXkiller42 and Ramasheka like this.
  2. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    To continue cos this is too long. But to continue she gave me the opportunity o think but didn't take it. Last week of the school year my friends pressured me more than ever and that tragic day at the end of the school I was going up the door back inside cos I was trying to find her and say it since she wasn't outside as it appeared so much to my dissapointment there she was kissing a guy right in my face in slow motion literally. I didn't say anything and left the scene immediately. So in the course of a year and a 3 quarters I couldn't do it. Now a new girl has come to my life and I am still not talking. What is wrong with me. I need help so anyone pls help thank you
  3. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    You're overanalyzing it. Start by getting comfortable with girls first casually. By talking in class with them, you will gain confidence.
  4. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    The thing is that I have a good number of girl friends and the first girl I could take to. She is basically a family friend and I still talk to her. The second and my current crush are more less talking. Once in a while acquaintances. So that's a problem. I get what you are saying but its way easier talking to other girls than my crush.
  5. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Take the leap man
  6. Zapster21

    Zapster21 Fapstronaut

    It's all about making a move. A woman will never make the first move.
    lgustavoms likes this.
  7. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    you're body is just giving you're hormon's that saying "she is the one". Notice that you've had the same thing happened with a other girl.

    The reason why i can talk to girls without problems is because i have the mindset " there are enough woman who are the one's" and when you thinx about it is.. When you lose her there will come a other girl around you may found the one. There are plenty of woman to go around.

    You need to convince you'rself that you're body is just giving you hormon changes and saying she is the one but in reality you don't know that yet. Maybe you're body is wrong and she isn't interested or you aren't a good match. use you're emotional intelligence and re remove you'rself from emotions like "the one" and thinx if she rejects me its not the end of the world there will be others.
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  8. You have "oneitis" - You think that she's special or sth, but in reality - She's not.

    My advice: Stop thinking about her, do some fun stuff, make your life fun and after that, if you'll still want to date her - Then just go for it. Straight up ask her out for a date. That's it.
  9. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    Thank you all. What I am gathering from all the new replies are to basically lose the fear of talking to a girl that might not even be good for me. I do still want to pursue it. So we'll see how that goes. Unless that's not what you are saying, then any more advice is appreciated
    xXkiller42 likes this.
  10. Noland

    Noland Fapstronaut

    You walked in on the girl you liked kissing the evil villain? Sorry to say dude, but you just had an anime moment. The fact that you didn't go Super Saiyan right then and there means that your rating is going to go down and you'll lose fans.

    But there's hope

    If you don't want your show to get canceled, you're going to have to grow some dragon balls and start making moves. The fans love it when the main character just goes head first without thinking. That might just be what you have to do. Otherwise, you're getting canceled bro.
    joe Ace likes this.
  11. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    Lol. Why haven't I seen this. This is gold. No worries I have actually a whole week where I will be seeing her. Which is why I came back to this forum. Although I still need advice and some courage boosters. This brought me up to 70%. Thank you. Hopefully I do this. Any other advice is appreciated as always
  12. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Well first off you don't want to jump the gun. Take your time to get to know her. The process matters. That's what I'm doing. And I really love the process of getting to know this girl I've been talking to more than ever. So since you will be seeing her for a whole week it's best to take advantage of that. Talk about your dreams, ambitions, and goals. Music, television, sports, jobs. Don't focus on a relationship. Focus on building a good friendship and getting close to her. I've seen people (and even myself) going straight for a relationship and things just end up falling a part when that is their starting goal. Enjoy the process.
    Supermarron likes this.
  13. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    Yeah, exactly. what I have planned is to tell her that I like her but that I want to get to know her more before actually starting out on a relationship. Ofcourse this may or may not happen if she doesn't feel the same way. And going about it as if I don't like her all of a sudden would be weird since I've known her for more than 4 years. So thats what im going to do
    The Consigliere likes this.
  14. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Yeah just keep building a solid relationship and work for there. Good luck with her!
  15. faplordxd

    faplordxd Fapstronaut

    just ask her out pussy
  16. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    Bruv, its hard. Needed something like this anyways so thanks hopefully will get me to my senses
    faplordxd likes this.
  17. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    However I failed in doing it again, but this time my perfect plan of her being alone and for me to go on didnt come so I didnt, ofcourse little had to do with that but that not happening threw everything of. Good news is we did share some smiles since we both help in our kids church which is where it is supposed t happen anyways. But it just lifted me up a little. Also the next days are possible days of it happening since im helping at a little kids camp thing so that will and should be my last chance or it will be the same thing as my previous "relationships?" . Anyways it will hurt me even more if she says no if this chance passes . So pumped up I guess.

    After this day tho, I know i really like her if I didn't well I know now even more that I like her so that's also raised my confidence I guess
  18. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    Don't dwell on the fact if she ends up rejecting you. But don't give up trying to build a good relationship with her. It's better to be rejected than not take the chance at all. This is cliché, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
    faplordxd and joe Ace like this.
  19. joe Ace

    joe Ace Fapstronaut

    Yep, thank you for that.