First Day

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by resonance---, Sep 9, 2019.

  1. resonance---

    resonance--- New Fapstronaut

    Hello all. I recently decided to quit masturbation, for the sole reason that it was worsening my carpal tunnel syndrome. Although I've thought of it for a long time, I could never get through a week without fapping. Any tips?
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  2. BeFree33

    BeFree33 Fapstronaut

    Don't fap.

    Lol. Just prepare for the struggle and find a way to keep busy so P won't be on your mind 24/7. I recommend limiting internet usage.. avoid any possible triggers... So maybe no social media. At least for a bit to you feel like you can trust yourself. Push through for first 2 weeks and after that it usually gets easier BUT still never let your gaurd down. And also if you relapse don't beat yourself up.. get right back up and learn from your mistakes. You will likely fail, many times, but most of us do.. it's part of the journey. If you ever do fail... Its really important to not BINGE... It'll screw up your progress. Anyways good luck and stay vigilant.
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